To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

It happened in the window before the catalyst opened, was short but still an example.

Thats an example of one form of gatekeeping, your definition comes off as very simple, not to insult, but the term covers more then that one example. “you can’t play with us because you have X IO score” is still gatekeeping. I understand why people set specific score benchmarks for runs and that’s fine, the people wanting 3x the score for content you don’t need it for is the most common gatekeeping in this game. Think “we need people mythic Nathria geared for normal Nathria”.

we’re in agreement here. Though I figure the raid being broken up into smaller segments may be a deciding factor when most normal raids i see (my subjective experience) are either half over or expecting a full run.

I really don’t disagree with much you’re saying TBH, mainly the gatekeeping view and LFR not being, to you, raiding. LFR being an opinion based debate but gatekeeping is prevalent in this game and has been since i started in TBC in one form or another.

Normal doesn’t get broken into wings because apparently Flex was too convenient in it’s MoP iteration.
So then you have to do the entire raid in one sitting or hope you can find pugs for specific bosses if you can’t do it all at once.

Has normal raiding ever given a mount just for completing the raid?
I think we should bump the cat up to heroic and higher. Don’t want the rabble to get too comfortable. Will help token sales and Q4 numbers too!

Thats still not gatekeeping as everyone had the option to raid/mplus/pvp and get it through the vault. Gatekeeping would be removing the option all together.

Thats not gatekeeping. People have expectations and a right to invite who they want too.

There isnt a “score” for raiding. The main people complaining about score gatekeeping are applying to groups they arent qualified to do.

This is all opinion based but the only people I see being gatekept are the ones gatekeeping themselves.

Reading between the lines is difficult.

? What part did you not say. Or any of it? You literally said all of that and if you are having issues remembering or just lying, go scroll up if its the former. I’m too lazy to re-post everything, you don’t get stuff at all.

“REAL” raiding. Doesn’t change the fact that they are in a raid group. Facts vs. Opinions. Come back to me when the game decides that being in a party of more than 5 isn’t a raid.

Also those stacks doesn’t mean that people just stand there, boss keels over and dies. They still have to press buttons, ok? Play the game to whatever capacity that they can.

I am doubting that about you myself. You take things literally, can’t understand concepts. Claim that casual play in a topic that is related to casual players (LFR) getting a mount is not casual. Instead they aren’t casual because casual play is related to a metric of time spent playing the game. ???

But certainly in this thread. Refer to the “chill” OP here. :grin:

Ps : Its okay to be bitter. But I think that I’d rather spend my time playing the game than arguing over the forums over someone else getting the mount on an easier difficulty. So you claim to be a casual player, right? But you must certainly be a hardcore forum guy considering by the amount of posts and arguments.

Anyway, gonna have fun playing the game for now instead of arguing over the forums. Enjoy your stay here, my friend. I hope that gate keeping here makes you happy, otherwise… why else would you be here? To argue about others from getting a cosmetic item in a game. Bitternesssssss. :smiling_face_with_tear:

You dont have to do it in one setting as everyone has their own individual lock out. Mythic is the only version where that is an issue.

I mean I dont honestly care if normal were removed. My guess is they are using the mount being awarded from normal to try and entice more people to enjoy raiding. the only other reason I see normal being an option is because its covering multiple raids that have to be fated.

Which is why I addressed that and you literally quoted the part addressing that exact thing.

You either do it in one shot or have to hunt for bosses you missed.
LFR lets you knock out a wing on your own time after a short wait.

I mean maybe you should keep track of what you say.

Because it didnt happen, You are taking things out of context.

I never claimed this wasnt an opinion.

Again its super easy to not fail.

Sorry you dont understand words definitions.

Thank you for admitting being wrong. enjoy your time playing!

Thats my fault. I misread it.

I can’t resist this reply so forgive me a joke,

“So you admit there is gatekeeping?”

In all seriousness though, we will have to let this one lie. We view gatekeeping differently in this game. I do agree self gatekeeping exists but I’ve noticed over my years playing that there is consistent gatekeeping, potentially we view it differently based on how we each play the game. Im usually upper middle in progression each expac and that’s fine by me. If i can make an assumption of you, Id assume you are usually pushing new content when its available and have a more dedicated mind when it comes to raiding and those you raid with. you may not see gatekeeping because you aren’t being gatekept. If I’m wrong in my assumption that’s fair and I mean no insult.

I could also be jaded by gearscore being an issue in older expacs and the hubub about raider IO in BfA and SL. Neither ever really effected me but it was still something most would file under gatekeeping behavior.
Regardless, good debate, have fun with the angry mount collectors I guess lmao. At least we avoided a semantics based debate.

Oh no, I forgot to add petty too. Came back to add that.

? Where did I admit that I was wrong. I am 100% right and spot on about this. You’re a bitter and petty person who has no valid arguments for the removal of the cosmetic mount reward other than it being too easy, being a mistake and shouldn’t be given away in LFR. Reeks of elitism too. Please prove me wrong. :grin:

And don’t worry, I’ll be sure to re-visit tomorrow to continue with this “debate” that is just mucking about in nonsense. Since you like talking nonsense, I’ll be doing that too later on. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Really seems like it’s more logical it was never intended to be given from LFR.

It’s like this take out lfr(since they say it isn’t a raid) ,then they’ll complain normal isn’t a raid because mythic dungeons reward more,so they take normal out ,oh the circumvention will continue til nothing is left but mythics.

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That’s like skimping out on a date, and 1 minute before the plans you just say “I never intended to go on this date”, and it’s supposed to just be ok. In any other scenario on earth this is considered bad behavior, but no not for Blizz, they can do no wrong.

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I can agree to disagree. I just view the main people complaining about gatekeeping are doing it to themselves by either

A. doing it to themselves


B. applying for things they arent qualified to apply for.

I enjoyed our conversations and hopefully we can be an example of an actual civic conversation but honestly I doubt it.

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No one is saying that its not a bad situation. Just that its pretty evident that it wasnt intended to be for LFR based on the fact they changed it.

All I’ve been doing throughout this entire thread has been pointing out why Snozh’s arguments don’t have any solid ground to stand on. I haven’t been putting forth any of my own assumptions. Just picking apart his.

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If you have a monkey and give him a banana, you have a happy monkey with one banana
If you have a monkey, give him 2 bananas, and then take one away you have an angry monkey with one banana.

The moral of the story is don’t be a monkey

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Pot calling the kettle black.

I mean you are one hundred percent wrong on me being bitter or petty.

I gave reasons why it was removed. I am sorry you cant understand that its a very safe bet that I am correct which means it IS a valid argument.

Sure if you want to keep embarrassing yourself. Its been pretty entertaining.

You’re still not able to say it. It’s not a “bad situation”. It’s Blizzard F’ing it up. Casuals who play LFR haven’t done anything to take it out of context. They just got screwed over. Put yourself in their shoes. To do that, you’d have to imagine Blizz randomly taking it out of normal tomorrow, with just no communication, and they just change the text without a peep.

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The fact you think you picked anything apart is a major assumption on your part btw.

At least out of the two of us I can admit my position is an educated guess.