To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Congratulations Snozh. Blizz listened to you.

I think what people dont understand is the “any difficulty” was the mistake.

I agree that it sucks but pugging normal is 100% viable.

False. I am stating why its my opinion. Its why I have lead with my opinion in most of the comments.

If its raiding why was the slimecat mount removed???

its not but keep on reaching.

If I was the one out of touch you would have stopped replying by now. However you are so desperate to be right you keep coming back.

Yeah, because you’re using your opinion to argue with people.

That’s reaching. Try again.

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Actually instating my opinion and people who don’t agree are the ones picking fights.

Not at all. Keep coming back. I anticipate you’re next response trying to convince me I am wrong.

Doesn’t erase the fact that you’re still having arguments with them.

I already debunked your argument. No further work from me is needed. Until Blizzard comes out with a statement that confirms your points, you’re wrong. Sorry that you can’t seem to accept that.


Not really. Just repeating my opinions.

LOL keep thinking that.

Are you black bro? Is that what you’re saying?

You are bitter and petty. You literally spent all your time arguing on this thread while being a “time metrically casual” player in the game. Gimme any valid reason(s) on why you’re not?

I mean, its embarrassing that you can’t comprehend what casual gameplay is. Keep thinking that Bliz is giving out BIS gear in LFR. And claim that the game is going to be ruined because of a cosmetic item that may have been rewarded in that difficulty. Also think that LFR raiding is not raiding. Tsk, tsk.

Nope. It means you’re a hypocrite.

Killing time at work posting on the forum isn’t me being bitter and petty. I’m not the one throwing a tantrum because trainingwheels content isnt rewarding a mount.

Are you special? I never said Blizz is giving out bis gear in LFR.

I literally said I don’t like when solo players ask for bis gear from world quests. No where in that statement implies I think Blizz is giving it to them let alone in LFR.

As usual you continue to take one statement out of context and lack the ability to comprehend basic sentences.

I’m pretty sure she picked everything apart. All your stuff is opinions pretty much. Frankly, its nitpicking at this point and you have no valid arguments at all. Simply assumptions everywhere.

They didn’t.

I know which is why I lead with “in my opinion”

Sorry but just because you can’t understand basic arguments doesn’t mean they aren’t valid.

So you’re black. But what does that have to do with this topic?

Nah, pretty sure you’re bitter and petty. You know it, why deny it? You spend hours “killing time at work”, so you say. While posting about how others shouldn’t get a pixel mount that has no impact on you whatsoever. Reeks of bitterness and pettiness.

I think you’re special dude. Just try reading please, okay. You said that solo players aren’t casual players, did you not?

You claimed all of that. But you turn around and say that you didn’t. You’re also an outright liar. I mean, its written by you and quoted on several instances. I think that you’re a hypocrite.

Pretty sure she did.

And they are just that. Opinions, assumptions, what’s new?

You seen any Orc peons around lately?

Its a well known phrase. Sorry it went over your head.

I mean you are 100% wrong. Why would I be petty and bitter when I wont have an issue getting the mount rofl.

Solo players and casual players are different. Solo players can play casually but solo players and casual players are different because casual players play the entire game.

I never claimed that. I was answering a question not making a claim and as you continue to take it out of context because only someone so clueless would actually think LFR is giving BiS gear.

You are entitled to an opinion but its a very un educated one.

I never said they werent.

Nah bro. I think that I am going to take things literally like you. You’re black.

So you think. I am 120% right. Exactly, you’re bitter and petty because you don’t want others getting it on an easier difficulty while you get it on Normal or higher.

Casual players play the “entire game”. Another opinion. I am 100% sure that several non-solo casual players would disagree with this statement. Your entire reasoning on why solo players aren’t casual players is also based on an opinion. Which like I said before is another set of opinions and assumptions.

Pretty sure that you did. You were whining about how LFR is going to ruin the game. People are going to get BIS gear from it. Wow is going to be destroyed because someone’s going to get a pixel mount in your game. Yadda yadda. I mean, if you have a hard time remembering, just scroll up.

And that’s your opinion, that its not a very educated one. Your opinions were basically ripped apart by her. She wrecked you and beat you into a ball man.

And that’s why its all flawed. You’re all opinions, assumptions and then try to state them as facts.

Btw, what about any Orc peons, seen any lately?

You clearly have nothing better to troll because of how bitter and petty you are being lol.

Luckily your opinion means 0%.

Anyone is free to disagree all they want too. They would be wrong just as if they tried to say 5+5=500.

Not what I said at all. I suggest trying to learn how to read as you do nothing but take things out of context.

LOL best laugh of the day. She got shredded and even had someone else agree with my points and say she was wrong as well.

Actually I am all about educated guesses.

You are clearly all about salt and bitterness due to not being able to get a mount from LFR.

I don’t see why people are freaking out so much, the mount is ugly as hell.

But if you want it so badly, then I’m sure people will be selling boosts soon enough.

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