To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

It happens

Solos were happy because the mount was able to be got with no effort. My guess it was never intended to be for LFR and someone made as mistake.

Solo content. They do world quests and level alts or whatever else they enjoy doing. They refuse to do group content.

Casual is a metric of time played. Its not limited by the content they do. I raid casually.

No I just have common sense

I have an issue with players refusing to put play the game demanding mounts and bis gear.

Awwww does snooze need his fluffy bunny seem to be starting to go nighty night there snooze are you afraid Bloodypaws will invade your dreams and destroy you like they have many times done before.

Yeah it does happen. Mistakes happen, people make up for it. You said that you have common sense, then is it not common sense to make up for one’s mistakes? Or that’s out of the court of common sense. :upside_down_face:

Its your guess and while I won’t discuss that. Yes, we can agree that they were happy and when things were changed around. They weren’t, that’s not fair to them then, right? They didn’t dictate that Bliz list it is as applicable to any raid content. Even the so-called “entitled” ones in G&D didn’t have that power, forget the others.

What? LOL! Come on bro! Casual isn’t always measured by the time you play for. You could be handicapped living and playing the game all the time. You could be pregnant, playing from home, doing solo content all the time. You could be on vacations, playing non-stop and solo all the time. Doing only LFR content. So if they’re sitting and spending all their time playing wow and doing LFR content on multiple toons; that does not mean that they’re doing hardcore game play at the highest echelon of content difficulty, does it? :smiling_face_with_tear: You won’t be calling them mythic raiders now, would you? They’d be casual players.

Casual is indicated by the content you do, not by the time played. I’ve seen mythic raiders do mythics like once or twice a week. Log in just for that and maybe some of their dailies after. PVP’ers do glad ranked rating arena games and rbg’s for maybe 4-5 hours a week. Are you gonna say that someone who got their m+, mythic / Glad mounts is a casual player now? Because they only spent 4-5 hours a week doing it? lol

Why? Because its a job? xD They must do it! Or they can’t have nice pixels, right? :grin: If it makes everyone happy or brings a smile to their face then… why does this make you unhappy or dissatisfy you? Its not like Bliz will repeat the same mistake twice if they don’t want to give it out on this difficulty again. And most of the dissatisfaction is because they thought that it was available on LFR difficulty. This shouldn’t be a problem in the future when its listed that it won’t be.

So if the mount was never intended for LFR and they fixed the achievement wouldn’t that be them fixing it?

Life isn’t fair.

Casual is a metric of time and is listed as one of the definitions of the word casual.

If someone is playing pet battles and LFR for 10 hours a day everyday they aren’t a casual. They would just be a solo player or game player.

I’ll say this again. Playing casually has zero bearing on the content that you play or the level that you play. It’s based on how often or much you play.

Yes. I know some people that push glad every season and Que once a week.

This game rewards gear based on difficulty of content. The hardest content rewards the best gear.

When you give players doing the easiest content bis gear it destroys the game.

When has Normal ever been given a mount as a season reward? I’m genuinely curious.

It hasn’t to my knowledge.

Atleast normal is actually raiding though.

Your original post is based off the premise that LFR shouldn’t get the slime cat because LFR never gets seasonal rewards. But if Normal is being included and hasn’t ever been given any seasonal rewards either, doesn’t that invalidate your entire argument? If they can include a seasonal mount for Normal for the first time, they can do so for LFR.

Is it? I’ve seen multiple people across the slime cat threads insist that Normal is just like LFR except without the queue. The difficulty difference between the two is minimal.

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No it doesn’t because it’s a seasonal reward for completing the raids. LFR isn’t raiding.

Those people would be wrong. LFR has mechanics removed or over simplified to the point they are trivial.

Normal is easy but it’s not LFR easy. It also requires some leadership and organization as you aren’t just on pushing a button that says “join Que”

The only thing that makes LFR somewhat difficult is that their isn’t any way to police the people asking which means that generally there are 5-10 people carrying the group.

In reality LFR is raiding with extreme training wheels and not really considered raiding. It’s there to give everyone a chance to follow the story.

When have we ever gotten a season such as the one releasing tomorrow?

We haven’t. What about the new style of season we are getting change anything about LFR receiving raiding seasonal rewards.

So then why are we using previous seasons and content as precedent for how this season should be structured?

And the precedent for normal receiving rewards being… where?

Heroic only gets a reward ONCE every expansion. So, not sure why you’re trying to act all elite over normal vs. LFR lmao.

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Because a the slime cat is a seasonal mount for raiding and LFR isn’t raiding.

As LFR has never awarded a seasonal mount I agree that it shouldn’t.

There doesn’t have to be a precedent.

The slimecat is a raiding reward. Then letting people complete normal for it is a good thing instead of restricting it to heroic or higher.

I’m not acting elite. Just stating facts and my opinion.

This doesn’t answer my question.

This isn’t like normal seasons so why are we acting like the previously established precedent matters? A case could have been made were LFR/casual players had something to work towards as they do in other seasons, but they don’t.

Blizzard has also gone on record to state that this was an experimental season, so why not experiment with the reward structure?

Yeah, moving the slime cat to normal is fine. It’s a beta things change. LFR rewarding gear is already overly rewarding for that content.

That’s what your entire OP is about?? Your entire thread was posted to talk about precedent. Hello?

If you can’t even follow your own logic, then damn dude. Not even worth the response lol.


Except the achievements were live in-game.

According to Blizzard, it is. Normal being included in this season’s rewards means your argument is invalid.

The people I’m referring to are players who are telling people that they should stop complaining about the mount because Normal is pretty much just as easy as LFR. It’s one of the most common arguments I’ve seen across the slime cat threads, and it’s being made by people who have raided at Normal and above. Are you saying that everyone is wrong except you?

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Yeah I’m not sure I really follow OP’s perspective here. He implicates that precedent matters, but this is already invalidated by the fact that normal is included in this, which it never is.

And also this just isn’t a normal season so any structure that may have been reasonable in prior seasons is not applicable here. I don’t know what he’s accomplished here?

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