To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

LOL imagine getting called out and thinking I care enough to swap toons. All of my toons on classic have the name Snoz in them and are on Pagle.

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I mean you all do that annoying practice where you quote specific sentences to respond to x5 instead of just responding like a normal person so who knows if you are the same people?

Plus that comment about the story forum feels random and when I asked why they brought it up they respond with a troll response.


You qued LFR for it, I remember doing it

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Enjoy the L

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How does a random link to discord prove me wrong?

Also are you really okay? You seem to be taking this rather personally.


Didnt work like I thought it would so had to upload it to something else.

I am fine. watching you take another L is always going to be enjoyable.

Doesn’t prove anything. You could always have deleted the character prior to taking that screenshot. It is a reasonable assumption.

I mean if you can move the goalposts, surely I can as well right?


So they were unaware of this mistake for 3 months until it hit live. :grin:

Trying to show you that the word any encompasses anyone, everyone and everything. It doesn’t leave anyone out. I don’t know if you did or did not - but catch the gist of the meaning in between the lines please, don’t take it literally lol

But that’s the only reason why most of these people supporting its removal from LFR are upset. Because its ‘too easy’ and that they don’t ‘deserve’ it when ‘carried’.

It shouldn’t be given out, why not? If Bliz made a mistake then it should be like it was set up to be. And its pixels, what is your reason for not giving out a mount to casual players after it was listed as such? Just list that.

And please don’t tell me its because Bliz never gave those out in their history of LFR’s. :rofl:

Mythics are also casual then. Its bot skill based. You’re essentially playing against a bot. What does this even imply?

No, I even linked the post to you. Solo players are Casual players too. Or are you trying to say that Solo players aren’t Casual players now? They’re all in that part that do the content casually. Also please link the survey statistics of it being only “SOLO” players complaining about this. Since you are so certain that only solo players are complaining. I am not solo, I play with plenty of people and do mythic +, finished my AOTC etc. I am still standing by their side on this because I think that everyone should enjoy the rewards. Esp. if it was a mistake on Bliz’s end. Just ‘no history of this happening in LFR’ doesn’t mean its okay to take it off now.

No one went to the dev HQ’s and put up that achievement on ‘any’. It was Bliz who did it and that’s an issue at their end. Unless you’re telling me that ‘entitled players’ now get to walk over into Bliz HQ and casually dictate achievements for the next tier as well, that’s just not even a valid argument.

Nope, that’s on you on the way how you treat them. People choose to restrict their gameplay because they have to for various reasons. Its GAME play. Its a GAME! For enjoyment, not an actual job. They might have other responsibilities, handicaps or issues. What you’re saying here is like. “If a guy who is afraid of heights can’t go trekking with us, then that’s him restricting his choice of coming to hang out with us. And he should just be excluded, period.” The issue with you here is that you aren’t able to empathize, I think. You just seem to think that everyone who is casual is some sort of an “entitled” prick or a little tantrum throwing baby who is banging his spoon against the bowl and asking to be fed. And that isn’t true.

I am not throwing political buzz words. I am trying to tell you that you’re discriminating against a particular sub-section of the community. Just because they’re solo-casuals. But you’re not able to understand my point and its whatever, I think that we should just end on this note that you seem to have a particular “image” set in your mind for “casual” players or “solo” players.

In your head they are just self-entitled players who want pixel rewards for stuff that they don’t deserve (in a game). And that’s our fundamental difference. I’ve been a solo player at one point when I had faced a lot of issues with guild dramas and whatnot and just wanted to play alone in peace. I can understand that they might need a break or don’t want to socialize much. Maybe they’re having a tough time irl. And you don’t seem to see or relate to this whatsoever so you don’t care and discriminate.

Which is fine, power to you cause’ you can but that isn’t how a community develops and builds. And I guess, I shouldn’t care or bother about it either after all its not my game and I’m not a dev. but its definitely not going to turn out positive with this. Like some dude quoted me and said, casuals probably won’t quit. But the community isn’t going to become more welcoming by a long shot. I mean, you’re arguing about casuals getting a pixel mount and upset over it. Its so petty, there’s no way that they’re going to give anything back to you even if they do end up becoming a part of the “raiding” community. :dracthyr_shrug:


Hmmm sounds a lot like you and your elitist friends wanting the game catered to you and ignoring casual/solo players whom you said yourself…

would only cater to your elitist needs.


The fact you think I care enough to delete toons to prove you wrong lol. Bigglesworth is a west coast server and I play on the east coast

I dont move the goalposts. You got torn apart, decided to try and make a hail mary by claiming I was the one who swapped to an alt account and then were proven wrong again.

What was that snooze can’t hear you oh that’s right you are on ignore so keep typing when your single brain cell even knows I have you beat like Bloodypaws.

Remember them they destroyed you many times in other threads or has your one brain cell already forgot.

tbf you have not proven this to be the case. Considering you went into the effort to try and post a SS to the forums using different methods before finally getting it to work. Acting all smug about it too.

Our post history proves otherwise.

Not really. Considering that “bottom” guy went on to try and discredit me by bringing up the story forums and acted like it is the key to everything when asked why. Which undermines his “take down”.


It hasnt hit live yet.

I was trying to be funny. Like I said it was probably a text error.

I am not upset at all. I just honestly dont think it should be awarded from solo content as a raid mount reward.

Like Mythic plus? Its PVE content.

I say that by meaning the majority

No. Solo players are solo players. They may play the game casually but they are solo players.

You act like Blizzard isnt allowed to make mistakes.

No, I think the majority of solo players from GD are entitled. I dont have an issue with casuals or solos untill they start being entitled.

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Yes, snooze you have been torn apart so many times by Bloodypaws and now the rest of this thread including me are you missing that fluffy bunny so much it hurts that you are losing even the last brain cell.

Yeah, I tried to just copy the image from discord and it didnt work. It happens.

Everything Bottoms said is true. You got proven wrong and r esorted to doing nothing but slinging insults.

I dont even know what the “story” forums are. I just know he just agreed what I have been saying this entire time.

You big mad

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Except this is one of the mounts we were asked to vote for earlier and I voted for it so, I want it, dammit!

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I can understand that. Normal is an option.

Bro, live in the ptr right? Of-course its not live… lol but 3 months later.

Ah okay. Text error then is their fault. Yes? :stuck_out_tongue:

Okay, here’s the thing. I get your opinion on the matter. But its different story if they already had it set like it was going to be and changed it afterwards. Casuals were happy about not having to do normals or higher so they weren’t happy after they decided to change it around.

So what do you think solo players do? Just stand in a spot somewhere and pretend to be a lamppost or something? Solo lamppost? :rofl: :joy:

Seriously though, solo players aren’t casual players? lol Do you realize what casual means? While the boundaries may vary or change depending on their availability or whatever, it generally means that Casual players play the game casually and usually do the easy LFG stuff, solo questing, solo mount farming, solo pvp bg Q’s. And most of that is Q’d as solo, generally speaking in the LFG content. Solo Q LFG content = Casual. So in reality, most solo players are casual and vice-versa. When these same solo players do the same easy stuff with other solo/casual players (guild members, friends etc.), then they aren’t solo players anymore. But they are STILL casual players.

What are you, bliz’s lawyer? :sweat_smile: Okay, make mistakes? Then make up for it? Its okay to make mistakes, that isn’t the problem here. But its a whole different ball game to make a mistake and then say that you will do it your way anyway. And won’t be making up for it anyhow. Like you said, "Yeah they made a mistake but its never been in the LFR before anyway. So its okay to be like this even after it was listed as an achievement that was applicable to “any” raids. “Any” encompasses “anything and everything”, meaning LFR too. Lets not go back over this again, I think that you got this.

Then my dude, you have an issue with the pricks in that subset of solo casuals. And that was my point, you have an image of them all being jerks or something. And that isn’t true lol There’s bad apples in every group of whatever ‘label’, have you.

Yes but its not true LFR, it was just a que into being able to do bosses. The bosses had a fraction of their mechanics compared to the real raid, was easy mode cakewalk.