To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Nope I said I used the wrong word and edited my post.

I mean its not delusions when its true.

I have disagreed with a lot of people in this thread and only called two people a troll. You and the Hunter.

Thats not everyone.

See above. I have disagreed with multiple people and not called them a troll. Imagine trying to claim not being a troll and just making stuff up.

Ahh more personal insults because you lack the ability to refute points.

No anger here. I am being civil to everyone thats civil with me.

But that means you were wrong. No amount of dancing can change that.

But you just admitted that you were wrong and made a mistake. Therefore it’s not true.

Still called people a troll simply because they disagreed with you and tore your arguments apart.

Considering you called me a troll first all because I actually refuted your points and backed them up with facts. Pot meet kettle much.

Keep staying mad Snozh. It is fun to see you panic when you are proven wrong on great many things.


10 chars

I never claimed to not be wrong.

Your anger is affecting your reading ability.

I called you a troll because you couldnt refute my points and resorted to personal attacks and are so mad you continue to respond over and over again.

You never actually refuted it though. Just changed directions and nitpicked after not refuting anything.

LOL keep thinking I am mad. Its very entertaining.

You know, it is funny seeing Snozh get so worked up when you say he was wrong on things and can prove it. The dude keeps coming up with excuses it is almost pathetic.

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Says the guy that is clearly mad about being wrong <3

Again you use that word. It’s been fun tearing you apart and watching you come up with excuses as to why that is not the case.

I’ve never changed my stance yet you have done it so many times you have lost any credibility.

You think that someone tearing your arguments apart is “nitpicking”. Isn’t that the whole point of a debate? To tear apart their arguments while establishing your own? Beautiful.

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I don’t think Snozh is the one worked up here. I mean, you’re the one that’s been bumping his thread for the past few hours continuously to slew random irrelevant personal attacks at him. :man_shrugging:

Do you really think you’re doing a good job for the people that want the cat in LFR?

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Just stating facts and it hasn’t been for the past few hours. Hasn’t even been one tbh. Also why do people act like tearing someones arguments and proving them wrong are now “irrelevant personal attacks”? When did people get so sensitive?

Considering that I’ve torn apart his arguments and he keeps backflipping and moving the goalposts, yes. I suggest reading the thread and count how many times he claims to never be wrong only to be proven wrong.

Snooze gets this worked up when he misses his fluffy bunny and they must be really lonely right now so they lash out.

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It’s a raid, but you learn nothing about raiding from actually doing it, and because the difficulty is so low people are encouraged to contribute the bare minimum to the content and still feel entitled to rewards.

So it’s the least raid-like raid you could do in the game. And your average raider operates from the perspective that it has such little relevance to raiding that they don’t take it seriously.

It’s still “raiding” though by the objective definition of the term. Something you said is true. You are still killing raid bosses inside a raid instance with a raid group.


Doesn’t stop the lack of effort as using your moms credit card to drop $20 on a carry where you can afk get the mount and brag / lie about how lfr is bad and people just need to get gud and do it.

Fact: I tried to get ahead of the curve in Hellfire citadel with a good raiding guild. It had problems and broke apart. Iskaar or what ever bird brained boss did a good number on us. So i got impatient waiting to find out if we will ever raid again, bought a token and got the blue moose. Does that give me the same right to bash on LFR and tell others that they need to put effort into the game to get rewards? Btw I also died 2 mins into the fight i paid for. So i contributed almost nothing because i didn’t know mechanics and i sucked lol.

You have 39 posts in this thread.

You’ve not done anything like that. That’s why you’re still here. Otherwise, you’d let your “tearing” speak for itself.

You’ve levied many personal insults towards the OP.

Just calling it for what it is. Trust me, people are neither upset nor offended by your personal attacks. No one is being sensitive. We’re just classifying your behavior for what it is.

Story forum :rofl:


Out of 500+. How is that “bumping”?

So you haven’t read the thread at all then. Also Snozh is someone who refuses to admit they are wrong and will move the goalposts in order to keep it that way. I have proven that numerous times.

So once again proving someone wrong is now “personal attacks on them”?

Okay… what does this have to do with anything? Are you okay? You remind me of people on twitter who resort to using someones location as a way to discredit them.

3 months to fix a wordage oversight for a content tentpole, that was properly worded for the other 2 achievements datamined at the same time? And retained said wording when patch 9.2.5 dropped and as of now (unless blizz in this mess have done a hotfix to cover up)?

3 months to fix a sentence. That would get you a scolding in any job. And just shows they don’t have a way to automate requirements into words for things in the game.

So say for example you want to make an achievement. You give it an ID that is linked to a human readable name/text; a UImapID (this is what blizz uses to reference maps in 8.0+) that it can be earned on; difficultyID for raida (let’s say 0 = LFR, 1 = normal, 2 = heroic, 3 = mythic); requirements = X instances of Y spell occurring on Z number of characters over T number of seconds (or whatever).

Why instead of having a human write out the majority of text and inferring what the achievement requirements are supposed to mean, why not have the numbers that I you use already for achievement requirements be translated into text.

  • So in this case achievementID=12345 translates to human read text as “Super Mega Awesome Hero”
  • UImapID=67890 = The land of ephemeral dragons mapset 2
  • difficultyID = 1+ = meaning not earnable in LFR
    Requirement = X = 20; y = spellID=1681548 (green dragon smokes); z= 4 players; t = 20 seconds

That would generate a rough (but not completely proofread text) phrases of immutable detailing the requirements, “20 instances, green dragon smokes, 4 players, 20 seconds, normal or higher, the land of ephemeral dragons”.

Of which after a proofreading would come out to, “In the land of ephemeral dragons, in normal or higher difficulty, 4 players need to collect 20 green dragon smokes in 20 seconds”. In order to earn “Super Mega Awesome Hero”.

It’s a rough thing but they literally have requirements for these achievements that have to be earned and to me if feels like as if the human read text (what we read to figure out what to do) is made by a dev having to look by hand at the requirements and remember to put all of them in the achievement text. When they could just have a machine to human translation layer create immutable elements that are forcibly there (so as to not be glossed over/forgotten), and then the dev can just string the elements together into a readable way.

They have this same problem with tooltips as well not reflecting spell changes done prior, as well as vice versa.

And to even reference an achievement that I remember a lot of people being confused about was for mythrax in uldir. The wording on it confused so many people because the requirement to get it was actually the opposite of what was written.

Like look at the oldest comment about that achievement:

How to get it was not reflective of how it was worded and it took blizz until Nov to fix it. When uldir normal/heroic was launched Sept 4, nearly 2.5 months to get a fix.

All I am saying is they need to find a way to have better proofreading and attaching automation to it because things are getting silly at this point.

you are assuming the knew about it off the jump though.

Lol ok back to work bumping so you can continue to talk about him. You only make his job easier though.

I’ve read the thread. You do not act like someone who has conclusively and confidently “torn” someone else’s arguments apart.

It’s because you haven’t, and deep down, I believe you know this.

No. Calling someone names, insulting them, mocking them, etc is. Which you’ve done consistently for hours now.


Okay I feel like this bottom guy is the OP posting on a classic alt. How the “mighty” have fallen.