To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Oh boy. Snozh is replying to someone. inb4 he cries once again that I “nitpicked” this post. Since he hates it when people point out his flaws.

Most likely me since I joined Bloodypaws in taking down this loser. :rofl:

Now you are blaming auto correct. tsk tsk tsk. Can never accept responsibility.

It’s okay Snozh. You can live in denial but the truth is here for all to see.

So anyone who quotes Blizzard is speaking for them regardless?

Yep because someone who’s not mad clearly wouldn’t post that lol.

Imagine continuing to respond over and over to this thread because you’re that mad.

I suggest taking a break and going outside.

Actually i just forgot to address it. LFR is story mode not a raid difficulty

Deaf guilds have completed heroic. Theres literally no excuse. If your time is limited find a community or guild that runs during your limited time. If yall made as many posts looking for a consistent group as you did complaining about the content youd have absolutely no problem getting the content done. Once again, everyone has the skill level needed to get it done.

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You keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

I’m laughing at you. Continue to act like you are never wrong. Everyone else can clearly see that you have been. Thank you quote feature and how you can go back to the post that it came from.

Yes because auto correct typos never ever happen.

Man I have you really upset.

That you still haven’t refuted the main point of this thread and resorting to nitpicking things I did on purpose?


Depends on the context.

Unless as usual he is snoozing which happens a lot with that fluffy bunny.

Still mad and nitpicking things because you can’t refute seasonal mounts.

I really have you shook.

Should’ve been more observant then. Since you pride yourself on never making a mistake / being wrong one would think that typo’s, even auto corrected ones are beneath you.

I have. Just you keep changing your personal definition of what a “seasonal mount” is. Clearly someone doesn’t want to argue in good faith. No wonder you keep moving the goalposts.

I never claimed I don’t make mistakes. Never making mistakes and saying I didn’t care about making mistakes are two different things.

Either way anyone that can read sees how man you and the hunter are lol

You haven’t but anger tends to cloud peoples judgement.

Ah! That’s why Blizzard calls it Looking for Story Mode! Of course.

And yet you have repeatedly said that you are never wrong. One could infer that you never make mistakes either. As that would mean you were wrong. From a certain point of view.

Are you talking about yourself again?

No wonder you get so butthurt when people “nitpick” your arguments apart. You are the only one who keeps changing their arguments whenever someone comes along and “nitpicks” them (aka tears them apart with facts).

They shouldve. Actually this might be the best idea to come out of all these complaints.

This is getting stupidly personal. You want to attack something, attack the argument, otherwise it dissolves into “no you” level of debate.


It’s amazing that you all play retail since you think things should only be the way they’ve always been. How’d you even stomach playing TBC with the changes they put in?

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That’s making assumptions and really reaching as well as taking that statement way too literally.

I made a mistake and used the world people instead of players earlier in the thread, admitted it and fixed it.

I mean I’m not angry at all. Laughing because as soon as you have to start using words like “butt hurt” you lose any credibility and are clearly posting from an emotional state.

It happens a lot when I tend to refute peoples points.

It happens because they can’t actually refute points.

It’s why I’m not stopping to their level.

Therefore you were wrong. And look, another “typo”. Should I “nitpick” it and throw you into another mindless frenzy?

When you repeat all the time, it seems that you yourself believe your own delusions.

Coming from someone who refers to anyone who disagrees with you a “troll”. You lost any sense of credibility right at the start.

And yet you call anyone who disagrees with you a troll.

You already have and have gone beyond it.

Which makes your point of “not stopping to their level” accurate. You have gone beyond our level. Therefore you did not stop at it. The first correct thing you have said all thread.

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I’ve seen both sides lose it, I’m not speaking to anyone directly, just keep it civil peeps. I hate seeing anger.

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