To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

I haven’t raided since Legion but do you seriously consider normal to have any personal difficulty worth mentioning? You have more difficulty soloing some rares in my opinion in terms of personal difficulty. So the only difficulty left is how adequate the group is for the content it is doing.

I see you totally avoided my question about how long does it take to do the entire raid on normal for your guild group now - last time I did those it was less than 2 hours to do them all. That is far far far easier than LFR. A good group can often just avoid the mechanics of a fight entirely in normal so even that personal difficulty is removed.

It takes actual organization and an effort to get a group together. If anything LFR should be removed.

I ignored your question because it was honestly a stupid question. Trying to use a mythic guild clearing normal faster than some groups to do LFR isn’t even a comparable thing. Early tier we did a 20 man LFR on the first wing to get our shaman a tier piece and cleared the entire wing in 15 minutes.

LFR is the easiest difficulty in the game. The fact that people fail at it and it takes longer than an organized guild clearing normal doesn’t magically make LFR harder content.

lol - mark it on the calendar and people sign up - oh so hard.

sure it does - try going into your heroic raid next week without any gear on - instantly harder.

Yeah because it’s just that easy. It requires you to manage having two tanks a couple healers and the correct number of dps.

Nothing is easier than just pushing a button and joining.


LFR doesn’t become harder than normal or heroic because it’s filled with incompetent people that turn training wheels raiding into a failfest LFR is still the easiest content period.

it most certainly does because you end up with a lot more cycles of mechanics very often

I understand why people are upset (from what I’ve gathered anyway). I just don’t understand why they don’t attach a mount reward to LFR even if it’s a different mount in the end.

It is fun to see you backflip on arguments you have made in order to always be in “the right”. Saying that 100% mythic mounts go to 1% when CE is removed only to backflip and say that you always meant when the content is no longer current. And by that you mean when the expansion is over. Simply because I quoted Blizzard saying that those mounts stay at 100% until the next expansion.

You can believe whatever you want, but the truth is you are afraid. Afraid to admit that you were wrong on several occasions. Go outside, touch grass and let go of your fragile ego.

Also why do you get so angry whenever I presented Blizzards view on these things? Meanwhile you are doing the exact same thing. Talk about double standards. Rules for thee but not for me. Hypocrite.


Reread the achievement criteria again.

That’s the source of frustration, they showed they could properly word the two other fated raid achievement metas. This is just a clear oversight they sat on for 3 months and have only now have decided to fix. Prior performance/behavior means nothing.

People have no reason to feel bad. Just do normal. Everyone is capable of it. If youre unwilling on the other hand thats on you. LFR provides 0 challenge and needs 0 effort.

You completely missed the point, but that’s ok.

LFR doesn’t really have mechanics rofl.

Your argument boils down to trying to compare an organized guild raiding mythic to a bunch of random unorganized players.

If we were to time ourselves for every single difficulty LFR would be the fastest because of how much can be ignored due to lack of mechanics and what mechanics it does have being trivial at best.

That was the anniversary mount not a season mount. Season mounts are awarded for AOTC ( last raid boss of expansion only) and CE. Not even normal gets a season mount.

Look at my profile. I have not cleared SotFO on any difficulty beside LFR. I believe the mount shouldn’t drop from LFR.

That would be the equiv of getting rating points from unrated queued battlegrounds and getting the Gladiator title and mounts from them

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In mens you’re still nitpicking the drop percentage and ignoring the original point because you aren’t able to refute it.

I’m not afraid of anything.

I never pretended to speak for blizzard. I just it appears that they agree with me. You’re the one speaking for blizzard.

It’s ok though you’re clearly upset about being wrong and that’s why you’re resorting to nitpicking and insults.

You ever think that maybe someone made a mistake and they just now realized it and that it was never intended to be rewarded from LFR?

See right here is not true sure many are capable of doing normal I agree but what about players with disabilities that only allow them to do things at certain times maybe due to pain or some medication they’re using and LFR is perfect for them.

Or what about a player who is socially awkward and can’t take being in a group for a very long time those right there are proof not everyone is capable of doing it on normal.

When will players get it through their thick skulls that each tier fits a certain playing skill and style instead of bashing everyone else.

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In mens?

Surely someone who isn’t angry would never make a typo like this. Or is this another intentional typo? Kinda pathetic if it is. Which means that it is.

And yet you continue to backflip and move the goalposts when you are proven wrong. All you do is change what your argument is when faced with “new information” so you are always in the right. That is what a coward does. You act like you never said that mythic only 100% mounts go to 1% when CE is removed. And yet I can quote you saying that and I have.

Quoting Blizzard means I’m speaking for them? Wow you are pathetic.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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Even though you won’t see this it’s so everyone else can see it.

While I sympathize with people in that situation, you can’t balance a game or game rewards based on that criteria.

If someone is socially awkward then honestly an MMO is probably not the best game for them. I wish them well in whatever they do but that’s just a hard truth.

I bet the troll has a little fluffy bunny stuffed doll they snuggle at night and it goes squeak that helps them sleep.

Is a typo. I clearly meant it means.

Nope it was a phone auto correct. It happens.

You haven’t proven me wrong.

In the context you were using it yes.

I sleep great at night thanks.