To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Exactly. Blizz is telling us to stop playing.

Because it’s true. True mythic raiders have pointed out your type on these forums. Heroic players who wish they were mythic raiders but aren’t because they can’t actually clear an entire tier. And because they’re butthurt about it, they direct their toxicity toward LFR raiders and other casual players in an attempt to salvage their ego.


Sounds insulting to me.

lol I usually ignore brew fest tbh

LFR has no reason to exist.

It’s arguably harder than normally simply because people cue up with zero knowledge, undergeared expecting every boss to be a tank and spank.

It should be removed.
The game would be better.

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You could be correct minus the fact that

  1. I don’t care if I get CE.
  2. I was upset if I didn’t get CE
  3. I raid casually because I don’t have the free time to fully devote to getting to CE.
  4. Finishing with over half of the mythic raid bosses every tier means I’m not a mythic wannabe :+1:

This definitely comes across as you being salty though.

Sorry you don’t like an obvious answer.

You didn’t say terrible players. You said terrible people. That’s a big difference.

Keep telling yourself that. According to the actual mythic raid community, you’re not a mythic raider. Clear Mythic Jailer and then start telling us what we can or can’t have.


You’re right. I definitely meant players not people and that’s my mistake. I will fix that.

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Sure thing.

Glad my ego isn’t fragile enough to care what your opinion is :joy:

When has a new season ever had ZERO new things for casuals?

Also people have shown you some examples. Way to miss the mark :roll_eyes:

You mean solo players. Considering there isn’t really any new content for anyone that point isn’t really valid.

And none of those examples are seasonal mounts. Way to miss the point.

They get to try new raids to try at the very least. Open world has NOTHING NEW. M+ has a new mount. PvP has new enchant and tabard.

So yes you missed the mark :roll_eyes:

Still lfr my dude… Doesn’t matter. Continue to be clueless I guess.


They aren’t new raids. They are the same raids returning as fated raids from this expansion.

Nope. You clearly missed reading the original post.

Lol Still aren’t a seasonal mount which is in the OP.

You finally got something right!

5/10 Sanctum. Do the final few (the hardest ones) and get back to us. Why do ppl keep feeding this troll?


I’m only not 7/11 because I stepped back due to my non failing health as that took a priority over raiding.

Calling me a troll because you can’t refute points is kinda cringe my guy

Highly disagree.
As to why I disagree!

  1. LFR offers a ton of flexibility and puts raid times in the hands of each player, instead of one person telling everyone else when to do it.
  2. LFR gives people a hassle free way to join a group and try the raids as much as they like.
  3. LFR gives players a look at what raids consist of and what to expect.
  4. LFR gives those with various concerns a way to experience the content. It helps players see if they can manage it and fit it in the way they’re able to without sacrificing things that would negatively impact their well-being.
  5. LFR gives players a way to help newer raiders by offering fight info, directing fights, and explaining how it works.

I wish you good health.

Maybe get off the forums so you don’t stroke out or something.

You always seem on edge and just rude. That can’t be healthy.

I’m done, done supporting this stupid thread.



They at least have a new twist. Again, open world isn’t changing one inch.

I did. It’s just pointless. This isnt a real season. It’s an “experimental” one where nothing new is coming in the open world. Nadda.

Mounts have been available through lfr though.

You’re right. I’m out. Hopefully enough people unsub over this crap that Blizzard rethinks it. I’ll probably get the m+ mount and unsub at that point.

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