To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Yes it def did have tuning issues lol. It was harder than doing mc pretty early after they re-released classic. Mainly due to lack of communication and the fact things in there just slapped harder than they did in classic relatively.

You’re merely repeating the current situation, which does nothing to address the conversation about whether or not LFR should have a reward to it. Stating “it is what it is” is not good enough an answer.

Ehhh… murky territory. I consider casual to be a metric of effort. There’ve been times where I’ve played 2 hours a day every day, but only did “casual things,” and would have called myself a casual. There were times where I only played two days a week but for four hours, and considered myself less casual because I was progressing difficult content.

Casual is not a clearly defined term, much as you seem to disagree, because what any one person sees as casual is pretty unique to themselves. Time, itself, is not a fantastic metric because it’s still a very personal decision as to where you’re at on that gradient.

Bro, this won’t be an issue if you simply admitted that you made a mistake. Its not as relevant to the topic because of the drop % but calling it nitpicking and then calling him a troll for pointing it out after you ‘intentionally’ (didn’t care and) left it out is just overdone. If you didn’t care and made a mistake then that’s on you, not them? Right?

This part was just too funny.

The weirdest part about this entire thing was that you called him a Troll after he pointed out your mistake. Then claimed that you intentionally left it out cause’ you didn’t care. So then you were baiting him to point out your mistake. Upon which once he had done so, you decided that he was a troll. (???)

Yes and they are all given out upon meeting a certain criteria.

Be it achievements or rating requirements for KSM / glad. Or being subbed during a particular period of time with Blizzard for the Anniversary. Its seasonal, spaced between fixed intervals of time.

Your point was that Bliz hasn’t ever given out mount rewards for LFR, correct? Well, this mount was listed as a reward in LFR achievements on live. Just because they haven’t ever given it out before doesn’t mean that its alright to backtrack on something that was for 3 months and even on live, is it now? Besides, there’s always a first. I think that its just petty to remove it, what does this even indicate? They don’t want casual players paying their subs to play their game to have pretty pixels… because they or a certain part of the community feel like the casuals didn’t try hard enough? Or are getting carried.

Also, instead of supporting the casuals. Lot of you seem to feel like they shouldn’t be allowed to have nice things because they are ‘carried’ or ‘its too easy’. Man, its a game. Point is for everyone to be happy, enjoy it together and come along to congratulate and cheer each other on. To gloat at the misery of a particular part of the community since they won’t be able to and vehemently supporting Bliz’s decision like this is the reason why the quality of this community has degraded over the years.

And I’m certain that decisions like these will only fuel the toxicity even more. This is a game, not a job. Perhaps the majority of you have forgotten that the game is to be enjoyed and the more people that enjoy it, the better it is for everyone. But sure, you can support Bliz and try to kick them down. Not like the game could get any worse if a part of the casual players drop off due to this, right? :roll_eyes:

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50% complete heroic. That’s not counting the numbers rof guilds that raid heroic and don’t kill the last boss.

So that actually counters your point of the majority.

Data is too old and not applicable.

You do realize that post is over 8 years old right? Things change.

LFR should not reward the mount as LFR has never awarded a seasonal mount which is what the mount is.

Not really. It’s in the actual description of casual.

Someone playing 18 hours a week only doing solo content isn’t casual.

Casual isn’t a metric of skill and limiting it by content is terrible.

Not really. As I said it’s in the actual definition of the word casual.

Again if someone is trolling the discussion because they can’t refute the topic they are a troll period.

Yes as I had already refuted his points and it was a test he failed.

So is the slime cat mount.

Incorrect. My point was that Blizz has never awarded seasonal mounts for LFR.

No. It was listed as any and does not specify LFR. Which means it was probably an over site and a mistake meaning it was never intended.

Again you’re using casual incorrectly because casual doesn’t mean bad or limited to LFR.

I have an issue with entitled players limiting themselves by their choice and then complaining they don’t get the stuff they want like mounts or bis with no effort into the game.

I honestly don’t care if solo players leave.

No one will “drop off due to this”. It’s just the latest outrage in the constant GD outrage cycle.

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It would be nice if devs only catered to the 0.1%…so the game could die quickly ^^

That is what you want right?

Yes, it does. People provided examples in this thread. I could run the first wing of Sanctum on LFR right now and have a chance at the Sanctum Gloomcharger mount.

Maybe they should just gate all the Season 4 rewards behind Mythic, so heroic players like you will have to buy carries or get nothing.

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Seasonal mounts.

Lol I’m not a heroic player. I’m just not a CE player.

I don’t buy boosts and still don’t care about the mount.

SEASONAL MOUNTS. that’s what he’s been saying this entire thread. and slimecat is a seasonal mount because it goes away after the SEASON.

fated raids are SEASONAL CONTENT. seasons seasons seasons!

So what you’re saying is nothing should ever change, and Blizzard should just do the same-old same-old and expect different results? Isn’t that the definition of insanity? I guess, since they’ve again changed the goalposts, they are actually doing that.

You’re a heroic player that’s a mythic wannabe. In another thread, you talked about how your guild wasn’t able to fully clear Mythic Sepulcher. If Blizz decided to lock all the Season 4 rewards behind Mythic, players like you would be up in arms about it.





“Defeated the Chromie’s Memories events during the WoW 15th Anniversary celebration.”

season 4 is NOT an anniversary celebration. if it was, yeah, they would probably send you the mount upon login.

Not at all. Keep thinking that though :joy:

You do realize that you can be a mythic raider and go 7/11 mythic not get CE and still are a mythic raider right?

Not at all. I’m not anywhere close to that level of entitlement.

I don’t complain about mounts I didn’t get.

Isn’t a seasonal mount. It’s a holiday event mount. Apples and oranges.

It’s a limited-time event, which is exactly what a season is.


False. A tier is a season limited time events for anniversary events are not a season.

You’re not a mythic raider. You’re a wannabe.

You can keep repeating that till you’re face turns blue but you would still be incorrect.

Nice job ignoring the rest of the post that proves you wrong.

if you ignore the game’s definition of season entirely for whatever suits your false narrative, then yea, sure.

so everytime a new holiday happens its a season now? looknig forward to the 2022 Brewfest season.

please stop with the dishonesty. there’s a reason it doesnt convince.

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Wait you dont spend the entire Brewfest drinking beer, chasing rabbits, and racing goats in real life?

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