To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Nope. I honestly don’t care. And the fact that he was nitpicking something so small shows that he doesn’t have any actual argument.

I mean I don’t know how to make it any simpler for you to understand. A seasonal mount takes place over a tier like the KsM mounts or glad mounts.

An anniversary mount is literally a week long. It’s a holiday event mount.

You’re entitled to your opinion. However the fact you also are nitpicking something so small and pointless it also shows you don’t have an argument.

You’re confusing me not caring to doing it intentionally.

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No they can’t. Anniversary mounts are practically given away. Seasonal mounts take actual effort.

They aren’t the same and you’re really reaching trying to say they are.

I beleive I said when it’s current content. When ce is removed it’s still current content it’s just not the current ce content. CN is still current content it’s just not as strong as say Sanctum or Sepulcher

“I’m not speaking for blizzard”

Sure thing.

You’re reading comprehension is clearly terrible.

First I said I don’t recall which means I don’t remember commenting on saying that. That’s not me saying I didn’t say it.

Second I was asking a question.

Yawn. Everything in a current expansion is current content.

You should try using it.

Lol the fact you think I’m worked up or triggered is hilarious. Keep thinking that. You think I care what some no name on the internet says? If anything you’re the one getting mad needing to nitpick minor things.

“LFR”. It was a dumbed down version that only had specific moments of each fight, I wouldn’t call that LFR.

And as someone who raids heroic or better I have to agree with the LFR crowd, the cat mount should be in LFR, why not? It STILL says any difficulty on the achievement, it’s a patch that has nothing new, it’s a test patch that lets Blizzard see what people think of re-hashing content from earlier in the patch, why not let the LFR crowd have something to work towards?

Other than this mount possibly being an LFR reward, what else does the LFR crowd get? Someone who runs LFR isn’t exactly doing it for the progression like a raider who runs with a guild. They do their full run to see the raid, they go into specific wings for specific rewards and that’s it, LFR players don’t have the commitment to raiding and some may very well not go again in season 4 since there is literally nothing new but an iLVL increase and that’s not appealing to many.

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Why not? It was a menu function that put you in queue with people from multiple different servers. How is that not LFR?

Like i said, how is that not LFR?

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Heroic dungeons also put you into a queue with people from multiple different servers and that’s not LFR.

Just because it was a queue does not make it LFR, it was an anniversary thing that allowed players to see specific parts of specific fights just so they could see those parts of the fights and get a free birthday reward for doing so.

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The difference is in the amount of people. There were way more than 5 people in each instance. Which would classify it as a raid and not a dungeon group…

It’s like people can’t do math


you know I wish people would stop pushing the narrative about no effort needed in LFR - LFR has always been harder to complete than normal at this stage of the expansion.

The question being presented is not “Why aren’t we sticking with precedent?” but rather "Why doesn’t the only casual version of the new content have anything new for the large number of players who participate in it?"

What you’re doing is using a logical fallacy known as “appeal to tradition.” The general logic boiling down to the idea that because we’ve down something a certain way before then we should continue to do so because it’s right, good, fair, or otherwise “correct.”

The way things have been before are not relevant when people are asking about changing the plan going forward.

It’s not though. That’s flat out false. Determination attacks literally prove that.

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Because casuals raid at all levels.

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how long does it take your group to run the entire last raid 10 or 11 bosses- 1 hour - 2hours on normal? It takes 5 times that long to do all the same bosses in LFR and you might end up wiping repeatedly.

That doesnt affect the difficulty. It just means LFR is filled with terrible players/afkers. Determination stacks prove you cant fail it.

Also any LFR I have been in has one shot everything minus maybe the last boss.

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No your op says nothing about seasonal mounts, you ask when did lfr ever give a mount. The mc 40 core hound raid was only lfr and gave a mount.

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My first post literally says season mount. I quoted you the actual comment.

Please go re read it

the MC40 core hound is the best example to use, since from what i heard, it wasn’t an easy run…

i heard it was tuning issues, but it could have also been LFR andies not knowing how to deal with baron geddon bombs too

still not the same as an AOTC equivalent imo since you could have gotten the MC mount in a few hours compared to this achievement. but i think the core hound is a good example nonetheless

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I would agree to disagree as the MC40 mount was an event mount not a seasonal mount.

Sure, but the majority (of players, not strictly casuals) have historically not raided above LFR,

Defining “casual” is difficult, but in this situation I’m going with “doesn’t raid above LFR” regardless of all else. You can find players who only play maybe an hour a day average but do Mythic raids infrequently, and you can find players who don’t raid or M+ at all but play 3+ hours a day.

So I think, for this exchange, it’s easier to define “casual” in terms of raiding as “does raids as difficult content” being not-casual, and “doesn’t do raids as difficult content” as being casual. It’s an easy line to draw, and it helps to illustrate that the point I was ultimately making.

yeah i’m with that completely! I just think it’s a better example than the deathwing event, which wasn’t even complete fights of those encounters

Source please.

If you dont want to do group content you dont get the mount.

Casual is a metric of time not content so your definition is wrong.