To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

snooze :rofl:

i love the forums so much :revolving_hearts:


Yes there has, seasonal just wasnt a word used.

KSM mounts are seasonal
Gladiator mounts are seasonal

any boss thats unobtainable after a tier are seasonal mounts

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I know what it is. I said it doesnt exist in this game, atleast not in the way you think it does.

Yeah thats funny because you’re not even using the term correctly. LFR has never rewarded a seasonal mount so its asinine to assume it would start now. Its funny that Blizz seems to agree with me.

You are attacking my character and throwing insults because we have different views and yet you claim I am the one that has an obnoxious attitude. Now THAT is funny.

Bloodypaws-frostmourne put you in your place many times troll in times they aren’t here now I am so in the words of D-X…suck it…

Haven’t had this much fun on forums in long time but now I have picked up Bloodypaws banner hehe.

Its really funny how mad he is right now

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Anyway, no point continuing to debate with the obnoxious elitist. Moving on.

That made sense in your head? :thinking:

Don’t debate just give them what they get a good trolling right back.

You are confused. There was never a debate. There stopped being a debate the moment you started throwing insults because you couldnt refute the facts.

Sorry you dont know what a seasonal mount is but I hope I helped you understand what it is.

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To be fair that was kind of funny lol


troll is trying to reply but small brain makes even simple things difficult.

For those new or not following snooze is the troll.

that’s true…i am kind of seeing a trend with some of the upset LFR players - i’ve seen them insult people with a difference of opinion a lot over this topic…worse than some of the m+ toxicity i’ve experienced over the years

anyway slime cat is being treated like S4’s version of AOTC - so i think that’s the main reason it’s not in LFR guys :nerd_face:

I do want to thank our troll of the year…Snooze… for giving the forums new life since your attack on solo/casuals Bloodypaws took a stand now I join them together among many unnamed we will defeat you and your elitist kind.


Yep, over this entire thread I havent insulted anyone even if they have a different opinion, yet just now one person was proven wrong and resorted to throwing insults.

Whats even funnier is the guy who has me blocked and keeps replying seeking attention.

This is the thing people cant seem to understand.

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he thinks the mount should be gate kept because this patch offers minimal loot and new shinies to keep his ego and self worth afloat. Therefore it’s a ‘seasonal’ mount and not a special event designed for everyone as an apology because blizz gave us an equivalent amount of content as they did in WoD like it should be.

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LOL not even close. That was a very entertaining read though.

I love watching the who is replying part and seeing this troll keep appearing then disappearing we know your brain is small dude replies are hard for you. :rofl:

Again, come at me I don’t care like Bloodypaws I also am putting you in your place do you remember Bloodypaws they are the Vulpera who destroyed you in the war against solo/casual threads.

it literally requires you to clear all the bosses of the expansion over specific periods of time. It literally reads off like how you could obtain the deathwing mount but only needing to do it over a larger period of time (the next few months). Kill these rehashed bosses with ‘new mechanics’ and updated stats! Get this cool mount!

With that said, if they wanted it to be akin to AOTC they should have given everyone the squishy and recolored it/gave you more variants based on what difficulty you did it on. LFR gets the basic mount and everyone else gets different colors added to it. Inclusion on the last patch that is obviously going to be a huge content drought for your more/most ‘casual’ base means that your subs are going to tank because you offer nothing for them with this patch. At least when the last raid hit they got all that open world and LFR content to slowly chew through. This time around they have uhh… bosses with new mechanics…

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The deathwing mount was an anniversary/event mount. How are you not understanding this?

When has LFR ever awarded a seasonal mount?