To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

what is the troll trying to say still can’t hear them :rofl:


ROFL you really have him scruffled :rofl:

But that means he’s your problem now. Hot potato!


False. We are discussing SEASONAL mounts. Sorry you dont like the fact that both of those are seasonal mounts.

No its not. Its joing a que and afking until bosses die. Even the majority of the mechanics are lessened to the point they can be ignored.

LFR is no where near harder than normal. Normal seems easier because people actually have to worry about accountability.

Because I dont beleive in rewarding cry babies a mount because they refuse to do the group content to get it?

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I don’t care the idiot is on ignore and I can’t see a damn thing he says to me best thing to take heat off others.


Posting in a snooze thread :zzz:

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Clearly you haven’t tried to clear an LFR wing when it launches.

Wipe, after wipe after wipe, because people ignore the mechanics and cause the group to fail over and over again. 10 stacks of determination still isn’t enough for some bosses. Argus the Unmaker was extremely hard for every LFR group even with the reduced mechanics.

At least with normal it’s an organized group. Even a pug on normal is more organized than an LFR group.

But I don’t expect an elitist to understand.

Come on troll are you out of breath already don’t blame you being small brained.

i think today’s version LFR is easier in many cases than back in the days…i think it’s partially because players hardstuck there just never improve…so they made it easier than initial versions

i do it every week, and it’s me + 8 other players that have to carry the load, cuz multiple players die within the first two minutes :rofl:

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I actually have. Bad players joining doesnt change the difficulty of the raid.

Try reading again. Normal only seems easier because its more organized. Abilities hit less in LFR than normal.

That doesnt make it magically harder.

I am not even an elitist. More like common sense.

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Nah, you’re absolutely an elitist, and you’re also gatekeeping.

You can try denying it all you want, but you’ve outed yourself quite plainly in this thread.

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:warning: troll alert :warning:

troll is trying to speak may hurt.

Come after me I don’t care like Bloodypaws I will put you in your place.


How so?

There is no gatekeeping in this game.

Its pretty easy to deny it. Its just funny that your points were refuted so easily that now youre trying to attack my character proving you dont have any argument.

what in the world lol :rofl:

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I have him so mad that hes replying to my thread while having me blocked lol. He is literally having a one sided conversation because of how mad he is

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Mount from the Hounds in Antorus was, and I believe still is, obtainable in LFR.

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Thats a percentage drop mount not a seasonal mount

snooze is a troll as you know now they are after me and like Bloodypaws I am willing to take the heat.


And there hasn’t been a “seasonal” mount until now. What’s your point?

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doesn’t it stand to reason that if you’re looking for a thing, you haven’t found it yet?

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Ah, so you don’t even understand what gatekeeping is? Jeez.

Gatekeeping is when you say things like: “You’re not a real gamer.” because people are playing games that you don’t consider to be games. So when you say “LFR Raiders don’t deserve loot because they’re not real raiders.”, which is your entire argument as to why LFR raiders shouldn’t get the slime cat, you’re gatekeeping.

The gatekeeping and your overall obnoxious attitude here towards the WoW community is what makes you elitist.

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