To everyone that’s upset about that the slime cat isnt in LFR

Alright, lets just stop talking about this part. We’re going in circles. You literally said that you don’t care, its nitpicking and trolling but I’ve been telling you or trying to tell you that if you didn’t call it all of that when he first pointed it out then it won’t turn into an issue at all.

Bro. Are you saying that ‘any’ does not include LFR? Literally are you going to argue that any does not include EVERYTHING. Are we all comprehending this differently while speaking the same language?

So if you say that anyone is invited to your house. People show up, do you suddenly get up and say. “I said any but I didn’t specify who and now I wanna let you know that you’re not invited to my house. Because if you think about it in your head, I’ve never invited you before to my house in all my house inviting history.” - ? xD

Exactly. SO we do agree that it was a mistake. And if its done, then it should be given out anyway. What’s the meaning of denying it to casuals who want it so badly? Just because you and the rest think that they don’t “deserve” it because its “too easy” or “getting carried.” If you make a mistake especially as a major company like this, its absolutely silly to fall back like this. I mean its literally pixels man, people are upset over pixels being handed out. Bliz loses nothing giving away PIXELS that they created in PS or 3D Max, Adobe Dimensions or something. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Yeha, I know. And I said that there’s always a first. It was a mistake on their part anyway for not clarifying it. Do you expect every player who is playing this game right now to keep track of these statistics and go. “OH SHOOT. STATISTICS IN MY HEAD FOR THE LFR MOUNTS GIVEN OUT BY BLIZZARD SHOW THAT THEY HAVE NEVER REWARDED A MOUNT LIKE THIS BEFORE. CLEARLY. THIS IS EITHER A FIRST TIME OR A MISTAKE.”

And that mistake can still be accepted if they “clarify” it in a few days. 3 months? Live?! lol sloppy work man.

I am using casual correctly. Casual includes all of those who only end up doing this particular set of raids due to various reasons. Or maybe we are taking it as two different things but my interpretation of casuals is long the lines of this player’s stellar post.

Also bro, “entitled” players like that may be there. But the majority aren’t “entitled”. And even so, its just pixels man. Why are you being so. Why are even having a debate over whether pixels should be given out if it makes people happy. My goodness. :sweat_smile:

Well, that’s like saying. “I don’t care if African American people leave America.” They’re part of our community just like African Americans are part of the US and saying that I don’t care about them means that you are discriminating against them. Based on them being solo players.

Why can’t we all be inclusive about everyone? EVEN IN A GAME, GEEZUS. xD Why bro, why leave someone out. Its not even irl, its nothing of your pocket not even chump change. Literally just empathizing that they’re casuals for some reason and letting them be part of the joy that everyone gets from getting a nice cool looking pixel, I don’t understand why its an issue.

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