"Looking For Raid isn't raiding."

Often it’s tougher than higher level Raiding.

LFR gives people with multiple barriers the ability to Raid, which is so wonderful. People with massive time limitations, people who cannot join Guilds for various reasons, people who have disabilities, are older, have vision issues, or are physically unable to react quickly enough to Raid at a higher level.
People who are neurodivergent and might not be confident enough, or able to raid at a higher level.
People who have had trauma, or who are asocial, or shy.
Or for whatever reason a person does not Raid higher than LFR.

And all these people deserve to experience ALL that WoW offers, and that they pay for. If Blizz loses it’s casual player-base, there won’t be much left to carry this game into the future.

Look after the core of casuals who have always been here, recognise how valuable they are.