To all you “git gud” players out there

It should also take out actual item level into account, just how the OG MT did.
Let some get it now, and let them flex. I will get it in 9.2

It’s cause they twitched in the razor ice. Just gotta take the fingers off the “WASD” when you know it’s about to start.

His filler spell is the razor ice? Are you actually reading what I’m posting or just what you want to hear?

Still waiting on that “people are reporting that fury is broken” evidence.

Ice bolt needs to be kicked or reflected. Most people are dying to the ice razors and ice storm.

Again you are ignoring that it can sometimes bug out and hit you for massive damage. Even when you are interrupting and reflecting.

Still waiting on that "people are reporting that fury is broken” evidence.

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Still waiting on that “trolls who refuse to do challenges say they’re not overtuned” evidence.

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I mean, there was some salt on the Discord as well. Though for the most part they were given the details to change their minds.

I got Havoc/Veng DH, Frost Mage, WW/BrM Monk, Sub/Sin Rogue and BM hunter pre-nerf

I did not have the courage to even attempt the healing challenges, but this comment (which is my favorite on WoWhead has always reaffirmed why I’d never do it… though I will ONCE for the book mount):

"The tank can’t pick up ranged enemies, isn’t geared for the content, and uses no active mitigation.

The rogue stands in everything imaginable.

The hunter is always attacking the worst target possible.

Nobody interrupts critical spells.

And somehow in the end the healer is the one who failed.

I have to commend Blizzard for the most realistic healing simulation I have ever experienced in an MMO."


I dont like “git gud” players !

Raise your hand if you’re super filthy casual, aren’t gonna do MT, have no skills to speak of, barely know what day it is, and couldn’t git gud even with an earpiece and Morgan Freeman direct feeding you instructions on how to git gud…

/Raises Hand…

No one else?
Just me…?
Bueller…? Bueller…?

/Rides away on my battle pig, hand still raised high…

(battle pig not actually in possession yet, but sooooon...)

:pig: :revolving_hearts:

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Truly, truly tragic.

If only if was a fact not an opinion :slight_smile:

Nobody really does.

Honestly I play the game to have fun, people say ‘oh but a face roll would be bad’ honestly, i think it’d be hilarious after my 60+ attempts left me unable to even click on some abilities on Abars let alone consistently hit buttons in time (yaaay for havin’ a body that doesn’t properly process adrenaline amirite?) just for the catharsis of it after that frustration and feeling of betrayal when this was the poster child of 9.1.5

Mhm i understand a challange i really do but something thats not doable by the majority or atleast by 30% peoples isnt a challange its just bad .

Yup, and this type of challenge also doesn’t take into account people with physical impediments to frame perfecting which is just…not okay for a ‘main event’ type thing, especially in an MMO which is supposedly about ‘group’ play but punishes group play, and now, punishes solo play too!

And there is also the fact that MT this time isnt how it was supposed to be meaning tuned around legion legendries and able to be outgeared + it doesnt have very good rewards neither the ones that were in legion MT but people will still want others to not have the rewards that are there atm .

You never actually asked for it though. However I’m sure Robokappa can provide that evidence for you. If I had to ask like 4-5 times so can you.

I’m sorry, I didn’t realize “I never said that” was ambiguous. How about you provide that evidence now. Or is Robokappa going to be your scapegoat for not providing what you’re so willing to demand other people provide?

For asking a new question that resets the asking count. Also you can’t really prove a negative though. What you can do however is prove that you did ask for it prior to that post. And you would’ve done that since you have a fetish for proving people “wrong”.

Lmfao what? Please tell me you literally gave a tally board for this.

I don’t have to. I’m asking for it now. And indeed you’re searching for scapegoats. This is actuality sad to watch.