To all you “git gud” players out there

Show you got 36/36 on MT pre-nerf or be considered casual;)


Well I have 0 and still think it shouldn’t be nerfed. It should just be left available rather than 2 weeks a year


i don’t recognize your authority.


Agreed /10char


I do love me a good ‘no true Scotsman’ fallacy. The salt today is fantastic.


LFM Normal Sepulcher. Link 36/36 pre-nerf MT or no invite :smirk:


Actually, I think that “I’m not going to do it, but I think that it should be too difficult for those people” isn’t a good basis for content development.


I think the correct phrase is:


… What are you talking about?

A lot of the trolls who are screaming for blizzard to not nerf the mage tower have not done a single challenge in its current iteration. Meaning they are screaming that it should be overtuned and broken for a lot of specs even though they have no actual experience as to why that is a bad idea.

Something can be hard and not overtuned. However that is lost of certain individuals.


it implies that you are the eternal arbiter deciding what it tuned, undertuned and overtuned, and I do not recognize your authority.

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Sadly for you blizzard is going ahead with nerfing some of them. So I guess you should just suck it up and stop crying about something you yourself have said that you are never gonna do.

How do you know? At best you can say they haven’t completed it for the achievement.

Again, this assumption is just filler and a weak attempt to shore up your position. I haven’t completed Agatha yet. But I have about 15 pulls on her. And it feels great to me. Am I trolling because I’m enjoying myself so far?

Correct. And just because something IS hard doesn’t mean necessarily that it’s overtuned. Particularly considering what is hard and what is overtuned is subjective.

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Given that blizzard has said they are going to nerf some of them because they are indeed overtuned. Seems that those people who said those ones are were correct. I would say that if you actually need a timewalking set to have a chance to do some of the challenges before you die to dps checks etc, they are overtuned.

Because some of them have actually said they have not even attempted one?


Thankfully its getting a nerf. If I decide to try it again I’d rather not be banging my head against the wall attempting it.

Also hopefully with the nerfs comes the lifting of that stupid restriction on covenant abilities and soulbinds while in it. Honestly that was the dumbest decision to disable those while in the tower.


I think both sides of the argument are extremely condescending, but at the end of the day blizzard admitted it didn’t work as intended because they made changes at the last second without testing it

But I’ll admit an opinion without context is a pretty weak opinion but hey you’re still entitled to it

No, it just means Blizzard is caving to pressure. Is it possible some are overtuned by Blizzard’s metric? Sure. Does that mean everyone complaining is a pro and not just whining because they didn’t get instant gratification in 10 minutes? Also no.

Some =/= all. It must be easy throwing everyone into the same lump to justify silly claims.

I’ve had 60+ pulls on my Guardian Druid and the best I’ve gotten is 13% and a couple 20% pulls. And people are screaming this is one of the more difficult challenges. I think the difficulty should stay as well

Like how you guys like to say that all of the challenges are fine even though you have no actual experience in most of them that are indeed completely broken?

Must be easy throwing all of the challenges into the same lump to justify silly claims.

Now who is assuming with baseless claims? Grow up.

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You’re doing it again. This point is hitherto disregarded. Thanks for playing :upside_down_face: