To All who want RDF

I was in Violet Hold listing for over an hour. There is a trinket in there, and I would be getting emblems for another trinket. Needless to say I ended up going to bed and now im in the listing for a normal Trial (again for a trinket) and there are 2 of us. Sure its really early, but there were 3 of us listed until one delisted.

Now just think if each server had that many people that were in the RDF queue for the dungeon. I would be in a N ToC right now as would probably ever other person in the listing.


And this is working on the assumption that not a singular person would queue up for it simply cause the run was guaranteed too, not shifting the numbers even one bit.

Yeah, you would 100% be running the content :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, I wasnt even counting on the people that would be coming back either. Its really early, 4:45am server time, but I would still be in there right now probably on my 3rd attempt by now if there was RDF.

But right now, nothing.


I’ve after 2 hours had to stop signing up for lfd. LFD has and still shows some when bored go wth
lets hammer out an alt some more. the way the runs go
these aren’t new players. We know the routes. We know ths skips if there too.

I was dungeoned out lol. Closed out quests

One night I even had the carry on runs. 5 rando’s meshed so well
we party signed on for more. got 4 runs out of that before people had to leave. LFD allows for team buildng. Got 5 solids
party sign up.

this is sub 60. the low levels. Where wrath has issues on a few servers. Why i want this here.

And it wasn’t even a zerg rush of new lock races or easier allied unlock. I have seen like 2 KT I’d be guessing were easy unlock players. And I have been the only warlock and those races expanded too. Usually I alone bring the demons. And the waggle.

Whoa man your story just completely negates the experience of all these other people in this thread

You know I’ve also had instances where I’ve gotten in a group and we knock out a few, but most of the time it can be a struggle to get a group. It depends on so many factors, your class, your role, the time of day, whether you’re talking level 80 vs lower levels. It’s also a nightmare if you want to farm a specific dungeon, or even just run the heroic once a day (if it’s not the daily). RDF does a lot to reduce these issues. We all know RDF is not going to eliminate queues but it opens up the pool and you know you’re probably going to get a group eventually.


25 mins is better than 5 hours or not at all.
think man think


But the box is so comfy
one must stay in the comfy box. think outside the box? Never.

I’ve had CTA AV weekends in the past I saw a few people spamming lfg for 60 to 80 range runs. their ads in lfg
no bites. The way was followed. Own group made, in lfg and they are using /4
and no love.

I wanted to sign up for lfg to get channel access and jsut tell them dude
jsut come to av. I’ve hammered out 3 of them seeing your channel 4 spam the whole time. Just come to the AV dark side

the only reason i’d want RDF, is because finding groups for lower lvl dungeons is nearly impossible, due to every one either running something over my lvl, or under it.

i will never again step foot in a BG. i don’t care if its CTA week, i don’t care if Horde side on Westfall is practically dead. i don’t care if every single Horde player in a BG are gold selling bots just standing in place, or littering the ground with their corpses, to form some pshing site.

my past experience with PvP have made me despise it with a burning passion, hotter than Molten Core and the Firelands combined forever. more power to those who enjoy it, but i can think of a million things better than putting myself through another anxiety induced hell-scape. ._.

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It’s not about not wanting to wait in a queue. It’s about being able to go do other things while you wait instead of having to sit there watching the group finder window for a tank to pop up and sitting there spamming lfg that you’re looking for more for dungeon x. You can go quest, you can do dailies, you can farm, you can fish, you can take a nap with headphones on super loud so you hear the queue pop. IDC what you wanna do while you wait, but you can do it.


Not really a copout. Classic Wrath and Retail Wrath are not the same thing. What was said about Retail Wrath 15 years ago has no bearing on today’s design. That’s what we call grasping at straws – a desperation tactic.

You get water breathing in the INTRODUCTION of the zone. The seahorse comes after about 10 minutes of questing. If you can’t be bothered to do either of those there’s still other options for you like water breathing elixirs and potions. It would helpful if you logged into your retail DK and actually played through a bit of Vash’jir. You seem unfamiliar with the zone.

And your evidence for this?

If something doesn’t make sense and you have no proof of it, how do you know it’s true? That’s not how we determine if something is true or not. Not in this world at least.

Ironically – this is all stuff I’ve already accused you of. Is this your way of doing yet another “No u” rebuttal? Where do you think I’ve played semantics, strawmanned, or shown I do not have a consistent position?

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Why? Why bother even going there? There is absolutely nothing there of any value, not even the entrance to the dungeon.

Removing flying while selling flying mounts on the store
 keeping RDF out for some thing that hasnt existed in “classic” whatever you want “classic” to mean, nerfing D4 classes so heavily just making the game feel worse than the already pile of garbage that it was, lying to HotS pro players
 its almost like they have been sabotaging themselves for YEARS.

What? That makes absolutely no sense, and yet here is proof of you saying it.

Cool, you also project what you do onto others.

All of your posts have one of them in it.

And what is absolutely hilarious is Blizzard doesnt tell me that you actually reply. Its almost like they are trying to save other forum posters from your trolling.


And you missed the point completely. The point is that Blizzard made it very easy to get access to the dungeon for those willing to put in 5 minutes of effort – which is less effort than it took to get to other dungeons in past iterations of the game. So I ask again – how is Cataclysm designed with RDF in mind? You’re still not answering this.

So no evidence, got it. This is just you spouting out things you disliked which does not prove that Blizzard PURPOSEFULLY designed the game poorly.

It makes perfect sense. When we decide if something is true, we ask ourselves if there is evidence of it or if it makes sense. If neither of those things can be satisfied, than the logical thing to do is to say it’s not true. Which is what I’m doing now – your claim is not true.

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Do you all realize that your engaging into a circular argument that will just go no where?

Unless you like arguing for the sake arguing, go on ahead but eventually it gets to the point its just a waste of time.

Almost responded to “Just make friends LOL, its part of an MMO” or “Just leave the guild that your unhappy with that you can’t get low level dungeons dungeons or regular heroics done” but didn’t bother as I was skimming through this thread that got new replies.

I mean that is what it is mostly, a circular argument that is going nowhere. Even if RDF is added I think this will so go on but instead it will shift to “RDF is ruining the game. Take it out or else.”

replying to bloomsday is a guaranteed bump to the thread because he’s just a bot that repeats the same sentences over and over to try and get the last word in


He usually leaves without getting the last word in and then comes back and says “I won”.

He has nothing of value and the system doesnt even bother telling you he responded.


Right, so what you’re hoping for is WoW 2.0, what the rest of us are paying for is WoW classic.

That you want WoW 2.0 with this current dev team gets nothing but pity from me, but you do you.


Turning it into DF lite and its been losing players. So if they were listening to Bloom, its clear they shouldnt have because people have been dropping since at the very least phase 2 launch.


You’ll find no disagreement here, it was obvious to a blind badger that splitting up the community into several tiers of heroics would have absolutely none of the effects they were hoping it’d have, but I guess blind badgers are just a better tier of people.


The same thing is happening in DF. Whats absolutely hilarious is im almost at the ilvl that I would get from beta dungeons and I havent set foot in one so what exactly was the point in these extra difficulties? Its pretty clear why they had to put in the extra current tier badges from the daily if you do these Titan Rune dungeons, otherwise they would be worthless.