To All who want RDF

You forget the 25 minute ques as a dps. Sorry but I like making my own groups on my mage and getting to a dungeon in 5 mins. Please dont make me wait in 20+ min ques and get some shaman in enhance gear trying to heal us.

Ya’ll shoulda learned by now that not all quality of life implementions are good. You want RDF go play retail. RDF not gonna magically fix the game. This type of thinking is 1 dimensional.

EDIT: I’d like to address all the highley intellegent comments saying “nothing will stop you from making a group when RDF arrives.”
You do realize that no tanks or heals will join…they will have 30sec-4 min ques. Why would a tank Or heal EVER JOIN A PREMADE!!

Dude do you guys not think before commenting omg. Common sense!!!

What’s even more funny. You’d think with the thousands of people coming to the forums complaining about not finding groups lvling (which is bogous, i find groups all the time, even in phase 2 w/o JJ while lvling) they could all get together and group up haha.


yay another person looking to cause drama. Yay. . . .


you can still make groups manually and then queue up.

go back to Era first


Too late…


I played era! I remember when RDF came out. I remember how cool it was at first. Then quickly saw the downside. 20+ min ques!!! Greif kicking, bad players in bad specs/gear, and lack of familair faces. Rdf is when I quit the game. Dont wanna play a CoD lobby matchmaking sim.


I haven’t forgotten, just don’t want to deal with gatekeeping.

I think we’re getting rdf eventually, probably in icc, so you better accept it I’d say.


you forget i can just queue while im doing quests.


RDF does not prevent this.

NOBODY forgot this and NOBODY who is advocating for RDF is pretending like there wouldn’t be a wait time.

yes, your thinking is very one sided and one dimensional.


Bro nobody is gonna be making their own groups. You’ll never find tank heals cuz they be getting 1 min ques. Come on THINK THINK COME ON USE YOUR BRAIN.


I almost always formed a partial group with guildies and friends before I entered the queue to fill out the groups. And the rdf queue was always faster than /4 chat pugs coming together for my dps alts.


History says you are wrong.

I am, sadly you seem to be more inclined towards bad faith posting and trolling. I wish you well regardless of how out of touch you are.


Low quality troll post. 3/10 on effort.

But I’ll bite.

  1. If you can queue for PvP via UI, so can be done for dungeons.
  2. If its okay to sit in town and queue for PvP, it’s okay for dungeons too.
  3. Doing event dungeons without queue/teleport is annoying. I’d rather wait 20m in queue than 20m by stone. At least while in queue you can do things.
  4. No one says RDF will magically fix stuff. No. But RDF will increase participation.
  5. BGs are cross realm. So should be RDF.
  6. If no RDF, remove PvP queue.

Equality is a funny thing.


No, we don’t. We just recognize waiting 25 minutes for a group is vastly superior to waiting 3 hours for maybe a group

You don’t want RDF go play Era

No one claims it will. But not having it hurts the game

And the ironic statement of the day award goes to…


The best part of RDF is that you DONT HAVE TO USE IT. Nobody is forcing you to use it. Form your own group. Nothing changes for you.

Unlike for the rest of us that ARE forced to group the way you want to.


Personally I’d like to see it disappear in Retail as well.

No. Having it in the game hurts the game. That’s why people will saying “go back to Retail”.

This is absolutely the worst argument for anything.

“There is a big pile of drugs there, but you don’t have to use it!”

Sure, but I also don’t want to have to deal with everyone else around me using it either. That’s not going to end up as positively as you seem to think it will.


Please dont [sic] make me never get into groups because my 4.2k GS isn’t high enough to get an invite.


No, it doesn’t. You lose nothing by it existing, but people who want it do lose out by not having it


Bad analogy. I’m 66 years old and for most of my life most of my friends used drugs. I most of my life didn’t. And for the vast majority their use of drugs didn’t negatively affect them or me.


No you didnt. Now you are lieing. When classic launched you lied about how great the social experience was without rdf and many other lies. You even continued to expect us to believe the bs while we are currently playimg without rdf. So now you see that we are able to kmow you are making it up, so you go back to makimg up sotories about how bad rdf was and all the bad things that happened. Whatever. Every negstive thing u say about rdf is happening right now. And you are not getting quick groups either, for anything other than the daily heroic

Also, when rdf first came out, the wait time for dps was close to 2 hours. Blizz fixed that when they stopped taking feedback from the whiners. But even then, players learned to do stuff like join the que, then go out into the zones and do stuff. Not like now when ppl joim the que and set in dalaran until they finally get into a group so they can afk on the flight path. No rdf is such a waste of time.


These topics are a waste of time, RDF will most likely come with ICC patch at this point, like it did back in the day.