To All who want RDF

How many people are on your server? Several thousand? Are you saying you have time to be friends with all of them? There’s absolutely a limit. That’s an objective fact. But you probably don’t have any friends. You just call all your casual acquaintances friends without even knowing there’s a difference. Some day with enough therapy maybe you’ll have a few friends and you’ll learn about the time it takes to make friends and keep them.


Oh I do, but I also remember how seldom it happens and how many more dungeons I ran perfectly fine with no problems.

And don’t pretend there are never issues in groups without RDF.


I’m on grobb-A, Stoneweaver are 100g, lifeforge is 300g. walk to stormwind and see for yourself
Grats on listing a bunch of random loot i didn’t mention, though

The victim mentality is hilarious, just play the game and quit complaining. Casual dads literally have alts at 5200 a week after dinging

Well that’s quite hyperbolic. No one is saying you need to befriend thousands of people. What I am saying is that you have time to be friends with enough people so that you can always have someone to play with.

So “not enough time” is an excuse.

Ah yes, here you go right on time to fire off some more unfounded accusations and ad homs. Your arguments ran out extra quick this time.

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It is, but I said, “Actually I have so many friends already I barely have time for any more,” and you claimed, “This is a time-management issue on your part.” It’s good that you now admit there’s a limit to how many friends a person has time for. Sometimes it takes hyperbole to get slow people to understand what at first seems complex to them. I’ve reached that limit. So sad that you haven’t. I guess you’re just not good at making friends.

My recent posts seemed long because they were mostly copy/paste. Since I only talk to you to mock you and to bump the thread I don’t want to spend too much time on it. You’re worth a little effort because you have such an extreme case of last-word-itis that I can count on you replying and bumping the thread numerous times no matter how much I insult you. Burns had Allen as his straight women but you’re my favorite stooge.

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Where is this super cheap 100g loot? Asking for my tank sets. Any trinkets? Because people look down on my lvl 200 JC trinket

Even tho its really good. Only boe ive seen on ah alliance grob is gear thats not of any use to me. I seriously need to replace my trinket ring and boots with something 225+ list that gear again please ty

you’re a tank lmao try forming a group. Also you have the luxury of honor gear being the “least worst” for your role

Crafted gear doesn’t need to be bought with credit card gold, try farming mats like people used to do in this game before they all went jc/engg to minmax trivial content

basically play the game instead of crying on the forum

And the limit of friends a person has time for vastly exceeds the amount of friends needed to have a 5 man group of any given level range. Remember what I said about you and nuance? You’re missing it again.

Wait, you think you’re mocking me by having your arguments dismantled by me? You’re not doing it right.

So that anyone reading through this can see how weak pro-RDF arguments are? I don’t think that’s how you convince others of RDF… as the last two years have shown us.

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You’re wrong again. I’m doing it absolutely right. I’m sure that not just me but a lot of people are laughing at you. And you keep bumping the thread for us. Thank you so very very much.

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I suspect the people that are really laughing are those that get to enjoy the game as they wanted it.

Yes, as I’ve done for the past two years wherein Blizzard has said no to RDF. Do you really think Blizzard doesn’t know that this debate is ongoing? Or do you think there’s something in this thread in-between the conspiracies and ad homs you’ve levied towards me that will convince them? I’m not sure why you believe that having this one thread bumped is the huge win RDF needed. It’s not going to take us back in time and put RDF in Naxx phase.

The only hope now is for the ICC patch or Cata I’m afraid.

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No don’t say that blizzard is reading these posts. And please don’t say that your arguments convinced them. When people laugh at the stupid stuff you say without my provocation I won’t get any credit for baiting you into saying them. A good stooge waits for the lines before he says something stupid for people to laugh at. Oh well I guess you have the right to get people to laugh at you all on your own. Sometimes I guess you don’t want to be a stooge. You want to be the clown


What a bloody copout response this was.

This response is you saying that classic is going to lead anywhere but retail, hoping that they’ll somehow diverge the direction of classic completely and not make the mistakes they did in future expansions into what, a WoW Retail 2?

The devs of the game we’re discussing wanted a group finder tool much earlier than it was really added. It doesn’t really matter that Brian Birmingham asked a warrior in Wailing Caverns in 2019 if he wanted to tank and that’s the singular event that lead to the exclusion of RDF in classic WotLK.


So those 100 to 300g boe items dont actually exsist and youre a liar got it


Yes, caster gear is usually a lot cheaper than melee/phys.

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Just do like the guy says, buy all the caster things for your death knight/rogue/paladin/feral.

Who cares if your dps is in the trash, at least the GS looks nice!


Why the phrase figures lie, and liars figure…has some truth to that jest.

also why I was never partial to the reliance on numbers here. In either wow.

when I was an eve recruiter for one corp…I’d not see kill mail history and go oh. pretty numbers.

I’d take a recent kill that looked interesting…and go that has to have a great story to go with it. Do share!

the goal was to have the applicant tell a story so we could pick up if they actually know how to play. MOre to see what we were working with. IF new and jsut a lucky kill…that was cool. We trained new people too. If experienced, well they’d be put into more advanced combat roles sooner.

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Yes, i played cata. I also did the vash dungeon without doing vash. They also scrapped the raid there.

How are you going to get to the dungeon in vash without doing the zone? You dont get the mount or water breathing so you die before getting to it.

And yes the devs are designing poorly purposfully. It doesnt have to make sense for them to be doing it.

Your arguments are that of someone who wants to win. Thats it. You play semantics, you strawman, you have no consistent position, you compulsively lie all the time and you cant even keep up with your own arguments.

You are asking for something you know doesnt exist, which is a bad faith argument. So answer the question. Where is this server community and identity at? You were pushing this and saying RDF should be left out because of it and now you are trying to act like you are RDF neutral which we all know is a lie.


Exactly, more people will be available in the pool across servers, and I think rdf will encourage more players to queue because of ease and convenience as well


You don’t need to “think” this, cause we have historical evidence of exactly this happening.


That loot is what a warrior tank would be getting outside of the few DPS pieces included so people couldnt say DPS gear is cheaper. But lets go to Grobb and call your nonsense out.

A few 232 boe items isnt going to get you to 5k gs in the first place but lets go look.

Oh look at that!

Northern Barrier - 4279
Iron Riveted Warhelm - 2106
Wapach’s Spaulders of Solidarity -2772 (only 200ilvl)
Breastplate of the White Knight - 4964
Titanium Razorplate - 4049
Indestructible Plate Girdle - 1990
Belt of the Titans - 1949
Battlelord’s Plate Boots - 1954
Spiked Deathdealers - 2099
Bracers of Dalaran’s Parapets - 1043
Saronite Swordbreakers - 2990
Titanium Spikeguards - 3045
Zeliek’s Gauntlets - 5804 (213 ilvl)

So where is this nonsense you are spewing? I didnt even look at the back slot and you are already looking at probably 15-20k for a tank.

And no casual dads are getting 5k in a week without being carried through content.