To All who want RDF

Yeah, if normal heroics gave the same amount of badges I’d never touch the titan crap at all.


Side note: I utterly loathe how “normal heroic” is part of our vocabulary cause of these changes as well and I wish the person who came up with this crap stubs his toe once a week for life.


Just report them as a troll and move on.


It doesn’t actually unless RDF actively harms those who don’t benefit (which, given the current state of the game is certainly a claim to make).

Unless it directly harms anyone it’s a net gain no matter how many benefit.

No – what I was hoping for and what I got was Classic, which is different from the original if you haven’t noticed. I got exactly what I wanted.

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A different game, yes.

Which means something new.

Which is roughly what you’d expect from a 2.0 release.



Yup, and that game is Classic. If you like the direction then play it. If you do not like the direction then don’t play it. It’s really that simple.

So thats why the people playing has dropped so much in just 1 phase? If you are the reason for this, then your design sucks.


How much has it dropped by? Why do you attribute that drop to the direction of Classic only?

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And you still can’t understand why this naming scheme causes some confusion eh?

I play the parts I like and play other games for the rest while I have forums on my other monitors to attempt to improve the game to a state where I want to play it more.

As is tradition for games.

If everyone who disliked some part of the game we got shoved down our throats left you’d have no one left to play with, but apparently that’s not a thing you worry about whereas all I want is more people to play with.


I’m not sure where you got that opinion from. People get confused about the simplest of things, like basic math, definitions of words, etc.

But the whole world doesn’t change because someone doesn’t understand something that everyone else does.

That’s neat.

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OK, but even according to your definition it isn’t classic, cause a classic by definition can’t be new.

Well, unless you attach cult to it I guess, but Wrath of the Lich King Cult Classic probably would ring a little weird. Probably the only acceptable use of the word Classic in the title at the moment though.

I know, lord forbid I’d actually want to play a game I pay for more though, bad Jeynar, BAD.


Not counting the first phase, from the release of Uld to now its dropped over 50%.

Well its not retail that is causing the drop in classic players. People quitting classic has to be a classic issue. Its around 200k right now ignoring the EU servers, it was over 400k at the start of Ulduar.

Because of how Blizzard themselves describe classic. Classic was not meant to be a different game from the original, in fact they market it as “relive the classic”. If this is a different game from what Wrath was, then we arent reliving it. Its Wrath Reforged.


What definition of Classic do you think I’m using? And you’re getting into murky territory because only parts of the game are new, while other parts are old. So how do you decide between if it’s new or old?

Look, the semantics of the word Classic is perhaps the least compelling argument to make about this. They’ve already said they’re going to do #SomeChanges back in TBC – which was years ago. I’m not sure how you are still disillusioned by this after all this time.

And your citation for this?

Ok, but again, how are you attributing this to the DIRECTION of Classic? Could people have left for any other reason?

They also said Classic is going to have #SomeChanges back in TBC – which was years ago. I’m not sure how you are still confused by this. Relive the Classic means different things to different people. This argument isn’t compelling whatsoever.

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But you’re the one making the claim that “design direction from 10 years ago doesn’t matter”.

So how is it classic?


Because it has the old content. Even if they gave the old content new updates, I’d still consider it Classic.

The only thing that wouldn’t make it Classic for me is if they replaced the Wrath content with Dragonflight content. I don’t care if they put new spins on Classic content or if they have different philosophies now. What someone said 15 years ago has no bearing on Classic now, how it is played, what the players want, etc.

OK, so let’s play on this since there was recently a stupid youtube video circulating about them wanting to reuse content from classic in newer expansions.

Would you consider a level 85 Molten Core to be classic content?


So is this forum well adapted to your trolling. Your shorter posts are easy to skip and your longer posts are already reported and greyed out. Soon you’ll get a suspension for the posts, “flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.” If you come back on another account and do the same thing that account will be suspended as well. Anyone know where Beefd is? He claimed he had so many accounts that he could troll forever no matter how many suspensions he had. He had the same plan as you but now he’s gone.

I think you’re going to learn that the fact is that this forum is moderated.

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I would advise against this, because arguments based on semantics of the word Classic are pretty poor and uninteresting. I’m not sure what you think is gained from arguing over definitions.

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And we’ll never agree on this.

And yet, here you are arguing about it so this doesn’t really tell me much :person_shrugging:


You brought it up as your ace in the hole. The least I can do is redirect you – I don’t like to see people jump down rabbit holes of semantics. It’s the lowest form of argument and usually a last resort attempt made out of desperation… which makes sense actually.

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