To All who want RDF

Nearly every zone in WoW is optional. So what you’re saying would mean that WoW has always been designed around RDF despite it not being a thing until late Wrath?

But this isn’t Cataclysm being designed around RDF. Do you think the developers purposefully designed a zone that would be hated by everyone simply because they had RDF to teleport them to the ONE dungeon there? That doesn’t make any sense at all.

Can you tell me what my argument is?

Citation needed.

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Rdf is needed for alts leveling that want to do dungeons. My best friend in wrath was a lot like me. She was an altoholic and loved doing dungeons. We played together almost every day. I’d get on and I’d whisper her or she’d whisper me and we decide what alt to play. She might say she’d really like to play her level 20 tank or I’d say I’d like to play my 65 resto druid. Then we’d ask our guild and our friend list to see who had an alt at that level. We might just get one or two, then we’d join the rdf to fill out the group. That’s what rdf is good for. What didn’t often happen is that we found a full group no matter what level alt we were playing. You’re lying when you claim you can always find a full group from your guild no matter what level your alt is.


Bruh the dungeons are either annoying to physically get to or an impossibility because players avoided specific zones that required effort to do.

The dungeons and the zones are designed with RDF in mind knowing most people won’t want to travel to the hard to get to dungeons.
History repeats itself and cata will kill classic if RDF is not present.


But you just said you had people to play with and that you suspect most people do. If that’s the case, they can just play together when leveling alts.

BRD was annoying to get to but it still wasn’t designed with RDF in mind.

But why did they design Classic dungeons to be way more annoying to get to then? When it did NOT have RDF?

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This means “I dont have a rebuttal” even though they made a perfect argument using the under water zone. How are you going to do the dungeon if you didnt do that zone? You have no way of getting to it.

Yes, yes it is.

Yes. These are the same people that had the bright idea to remove flying while selling flying mounts on the store.

Can you? Because I dont think you understand your own argument since you are all over the place. You cant stay on point at all.

So where is this server community and server identity that they were saying no RDF would foster? Thats all the citation I need, the thing that they wanted doesnt actually exist.


You realize that initially you had to discover the entrance to queue up for dungeons in Cataclysm right? This was by design.

Moreover, you can absolutely get to the dungeons without doing the zones. Did you not play Cataclysm? Everything you’ve said about this has been incorrect.

You think game developers are purposefully designing badly? What sense does that make?

You’re the one saying I need to make better arguments. So I’m asking you what you think my argument is. The reason you did not answer is because you don’t know what my argument is.

A question is not a citation.

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I get that this is all about your intense case of last-word-itis. I really do appreciate it. It’s your only personality flaw that actually helps us on these threads. The rest of your pathology makes talking to you really annoying. But I’m willing to sacrifice for the cause. Having people to play with doesn’t mean that they always have an alt at the correct level with the right class configuration to always make a full group. This is something you understand and you know is true. Everyone knows it and everyone knows you’re lying. Here’s the reality you’re desperately struggling to ignore.

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He’s a troll that just wants to disrupt. I doubt he even believes most of what he posts. I don’t get why people do that but I think there’s a inability to form real relationships that drives the trolls.

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The past two years disagree.

They’re low level dungeons. The correct class configuration is 5 people with brains. Moreover, if you don’t have friends with alts around the level of your alts, it means you need to deepen your friend pool. It’s an MMO, not a 5 person online.

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You could have 25 friends, your full raid group and none of them have a tank or a healer around 55 to do scholomace. Or none of them have a tank or healer at about 70 to do arcatraz. You could even have a tank and healer at 70 but find the guild only has 2 dps at that level. This is obvious and why everyone knows you’re lying when you claim that you can always find a full group with the correct class balance from your guild alts to do any level dungeon.


I SOOOO much agree with this.

This is what happens when Blizz thinks they can introduce dungeon+ to classic. Blizz screwed the pooch, jumped the shark, f-ed up, et cetera. The ego driven morons can’t even admit they messed up and bring it back to how it was and should be.


Retail forces the spec you signed up as in lfd. Except for the holiday dungeons. and being honest…most don’t need real healer or tank on this one.

HH and love rocket runs all 5 would have to be drunk/high to the point of brain failure to mess up.

Copy that…life goes on. Only dps gets “iffy”. As a hunter I have to change out from say BM spec to MM manually. the LFD will take current dps spec. I prefer MM in dungeon. If only to avoid blame hunter pet accusations.

Lonewolf MM…no pet. That puts all eyes on the lock whose imp got stupid right away…again.

on Windseeker, takes me over an hour to start a group if I am lucky

Which is not really that many. You’re allowed to have hundreds of friends through bnet.

And if you ever find yourself with absolutely no friends at your level, there is nothing stopping you from making more. You are allowed to venture outside your main friend group I promise it’s ok.

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I have lots of friends at the level of my main. Like most people I rush my main, my holy priest, to level cap so I’m ready to heal raids. People are depending on me to heal them. Not just for the raid. They depend on me to heal them in dungeons as we’re leveling up for the raid. What I don’t have is a guarantee that out of those many friends they will always have an alt at the level of all my alts so that I can always get a full group with just my friend’s alts. Just like pugging, not enough of my friends have alts at every level that tank or heal. Again, you know this. Everyone knows this. That’s why we all know you’re lying when you claim that you can always find a full group for any level alt you have with just your guilds alts.

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Funny bit is they could have asked retail so…do your people mythic dungeon log too?

Retail would say yes they do.

The retail meme of “did you get your 8 done” is not jsut a meme. it is a way of life. Once the vault loads up its done. All that is left is the pvp tabs. Only the truly motivated pursue those final vault slots.

You can’t guarantee it. But With enough friends. it’s very very likely. Moreover, that’s why I said you can make new friends. You conveniently ignored that though because it reveals that your argument just boils down to you not wanting to talk to people.

Never said I do this with just my guild’s alts. Please do try to keep up with my actual argument and not whatever you’ve made up in your head.

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Good to see you back down. You’ve been wrong so often and never backed down before. Finally you’re working on one of you pathologies.

Actually I have so many friends already I barely have time for any more. There’s a limit but you wouldn’t understand that since you likely have so few friends.

Of course that’s not true. I talk to strangers I just notice wandering around the world.

Since I posted that in this thread I assume you concede the prior points by your non response

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You obviously dont remember when 3 trolls would join rdf and not be kickable and would just waste everyones time.

Or the cool down on the vote kick…

Your reading comprehension fails you again I’m afraid. I’ve never said you can guarantee with absolute certainty that everyone in your guild will have an alt at your level. You can get 99% sure if you have even a middling amount of friends.

I know you’re against nuance in these discussions because it never works out in your favor but the world isn’t so black and white.

This is a time-management issue on your part.

If that were true then why am I able to get groups together made with all my friends at any level? Oh right, you won’t believe that because it proves how wrong your narrative is.

Yes it is, otherwise you’d be perfectly capable of making more friends with alts around your level. Instead you resort to excuses about not having enough time.

I’m not sure why you think I would respond to a post you made that wasn’t directed at me in a thread I did not post in. You follow me, not the other way around haha. :wink:

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