To All who want RDF

This is not a reading comprehension issue. You’ve simply expressed that the idea of someone having friends and playing with said friends is a lie. This is a testament to your experiences only and does not reflect reality whatsoever.

Classic WoW is all about friendship and social bonds. People do have friends. People do play with their friends.

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I never said that. That’s another lie. You’re a lot like red, a pathological liar. I’d guess that everyone has friends they often play with. Your first lie is your claim that you can always find a full group with your guild on any of your alts for a lower level dungeon. The reason you can’t do that is because:

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Baha! You would give Bill Burr a run for his money with jokes like that.


Yes you did – if that’s something you’d like to backtrack we can do that to keep the conversation productive. Otherwise this is just a back and forth of me rebutting your claims and poking holes in your conspiracies while you’ve only rebutted that everything threatening to your “everyone is a friendless soloplayer” narrative is a made up lie.

Not a joke – just a fact. I’ve maintained this from the start. I’m only addressing weak and bad arguments in attempts to elevate the conversation so that it does have some productivity. Whether people choose to elevate their points so that Blizzard listens or they choose to keep the same weak points that have been debunked for two years is up to them.

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I’ve very clearly said many times that I and almost every one has friends they often play with. You’re lying when you claim I didn’t.

Even back in original wrath I had a lot of friends I often played with.

Why don’t you stop lying. Here’s the reality with guilds and friends.

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My guild is raid logged, they wait until raid night and play other games. The game should be designed to cater and help active players including LATER JOINERS and ALT LEVELERS. If you love the game any more than you do now you’ll realize how dead classic will be with cataclysm classic.

No RDF = Dead Classic


If that we’re true, then you’d have people to play with. These are mutually exclusive they cannot both be true at the same time. So take your pick – which one did you make up?

Your guild is not everyone else’s guild. If you’re unhappy with your guild, find a new one.

People said the same thing about Classic Vanilla. Classic TBC. Classic Wrath. And they’ve been wrong every time – fear mongering usually is.

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Yes it is, you have been anti-RDF since I have seen you post on here and it just continues.

Then you are failing because what you are doing is lying and annoying everyone.

Blizzard is looking into RDF.

And what arguments that have been debunked would those be?

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Where did he say he was unhappy with his guild? There is your strawman again. And you were talking about elevating the conversation yet here you are making stuff up and just annoying people yet again.

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Nope – I’m anti bad argument. There’s a difference.

Emphasis on “looking into”. There’s a reason they said flat out “No” for years now. There’s a reason they’ve still not enthusiastically said yes.

There is still time to change their mind but that’s p to those partaking in these conversations to move away from their semantics debates and to move away from points that have been continuously debunked for two years now.

Except I said “If”… which is a supposition.

Ironically you’ve just strawmanned me. “If” is a supposition. Please refresh yourself with what a strawman is.

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Every guild running ToTC is raid logged my guy, that’s a large portion of guilds

I think you fail to understand that cataclysm was designed around RDF.


Do you have proof for this claim or did you make this up?

Can you elaborate?

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History, people hated vash’jir but didn’t have to go do the zone to go run the dungeon and raid.


This is not an elaboration. How is Cataclysm designed around RDF?

I do have people to play with. Because I really like to do dungeons, more than the 40 man raids even more than the 25’s, I play with them all the time. What I don’t have is a guild that always has low level alts at every level of the correct class to always find a full guild group with their alts. You don’t either you’re lying about that. Here’s the truth.

Both can be true. I’ve always had lots of friends in wow. But that doesn’t mean that among those friends they have an alt at level 55 to do scholomace. Some of those friends might have an alt at 75 or an alt at 30. Too high for scholo or too low for it. Just because they don’t have an alt at the same level as one of my alts and can’t join that alt for a dungeon doesn’t mean they aren’t my friend.


Zone selection my guy and nearly every dungeon involves having to go through the zones to have physical access to them including the ones in vash’jir, you know deep underwater and you’ll end up dead before you get to them.

"To be completely honest, [the Looking For Group tool] is a feature I wanted in the game when we launched the game. I was really unhappy when we didn’t have it when we first shipped, so it’s been 5 years coming. Maybe it wasn’t the number one thing I wanted in, but it’s definitely one of the top 5 things that I wanted in the game. It’s actually our third try at a proper LFG tool, and this one gets it right. With the Meeting Stones, we didn’t put enough attention into it, we just tried to jam it in, and people didn’t use it. The second tool, it ended up being compromised feature – we tried to cater to too many different audiences.

As for the community question, I used to … I think that 5 years ago, I would have answered this question differently than I would today. I was all about preserving the small realm communities, but already… Well, look at Battlegrounds, it’s a good case in point, because it doesn’t diminish social relationships that matter on a realm. Sure, everyone can bring up “that one guy” that they know, the ninja looter who stole his stuff. But I think your real community isn’t the whole realm, but it’s your guild and the friends you group with, and the cross-server LFG won’t undermine that at all. The Dungeon Finder – by the way, I think we just renamed it the Dungeon Finder last night – We designed it in such a way that it serves the need for guilds and groups and friends. You don’t have to always [join a Pick-Up Group]. If there are four guildies in a group who just need a fifth, they can do that. You can also use it if even you have a full five-person party.

Or, you can do it if you’re on your own and just want to run something, so I don’t think it diminishes it at all" - Rob Pardo

An auto match making system was wanted by the developers. Enough conjecture please.


Great – so RDF isn’t needed then.

But this isn’t explaining anything. You realize that you can walk to each dungeon right? You get underwater breathing, underwater FPs, and even an underwater mount in Vash’jir. This is not explaining how Cataclysm was designed around RDF.

This was 10+ years ago for a different game. It’s not really relevant for today’s design of Classic WoW.

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You fail to understand that the zones are optional you only need 2 and a quarter zones to hit 85, most players avoided vash’jir because it was underwater, history can and will repeat itself.

Any underwater breathing not including the zone given buff has a timer and those FPs and the mount requires you to do the zone.

If the zones are optionally ran why force people to do all of them?

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Then you should make better ones.

Yes and that reason was a bad reason, its been shown to be bad just like their decision to take out flying, to nerf things so heavily in D4 and many other things.

Ill ask again since you failed to answer, what points that have been debunked?

So you dont know what that sentence means that you just wrote and you dont know how to communicate properly. I think we all knew that.

Why did you even write that question? There was absolutely nothing in his post that would lead you to telling him that.

No, I actually didnt.

Here I will refresh your memory. You quoted this

And then responded with

That means your response to him is to find a new guild and you are assuming he doesnt like his guild. Otherwise you have 0… ZERO! reason to say that.