To All who want RDF

Hey man i’m sitting in the dungeon finder rn on a dps and have been for the past 35 mins at 4.9k gs trying to get the daily. Sitting in the group finder or LFG doesn’t matter to me bc i’m running in circles in dalaran regardless and waiting for someone to summon me to the dungeon anyway.

Probably won’t say a word to the people in the group I get into either other than “Hello” at the beginning and “ggs tyfp” at the end


No it’s not


I’ve joined a guild. I talk to them. I have an extensive friend list. I talk to them. And I’m asking for rdf on the forums which also involves talking to people.

  1. Citation needed.
  2. Should the game be designed around raid loggers? Is that what Classic sought out to do?

So group with them. There – problems solved. No need to thank me.

This is an example of how ridiculous your suggestions are. I always ask in guild when I want to do a dungeon but it rarely works to get a full group. Guild mains don’t always have alts at the correct level to do a lower level dungeon. For example if I have an alt at 55 there’s no guarantee that there’s enough alts in the guild to find a full group for scholomace. Or if I have a level 20 alt It’s unlikely that there’s enough guild alts to get a full group for deadmines

If people start spamming trade to find a group they will be reported and silenced. /4 looking for a group is the only place where you can look for a group. I always had /4 u, and looked for a group there but it rarely works.


I’ve often used him as a stooge to bump the thread. We need to keep the rdf threads on the front page and to do that you have to reply to someone. He’s a good stooge because he has last-word-itis so he really helps to bump the thread.


Planning to hangout with friends is ridiculous? What do you find ridiculous about that?

I’m going to be blunt here- but does your guild receive you well? I find it odd that none of them are ever willing to play with you.

It’s odd to me that all these things that work for me and others do not work for you. How is your server reputation? How do you typically fare in social settings?

Which is clearly helping the cause, as evidenced by the last two years – oh wait… turns out that having your argument destroyed and resorting to ad homs is not a good showing for pro-RDF.

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You can’t plan ahead of time for pug content.


If you bothered to read more than the first two sentences you’d have seen my answer to that question. But I get that now days people’s attention span has been reduced to 256 characters from over use of twitter. You need to practice reading whole paragraphs, then even several paragraphs at a time. With enough practice you might even get to the point where you can read a whole book. Just young teen fiction at first. Try Harry Potter. It’s simple enough for you and it has a good story.

  1. What is pug content?
  2. Why can’t you?

An irrelevant excuse about mains and alts doesn’t answer the question. Why do you find it ridiculous that friends would plan to hangout with each other? Is this not something you’ve ever done? Have you never planned something and met up with friends before?

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It’s literally in the name why you can’t pre plan, pick up group, IE on the spot formation.


This doesn’t answer either of my questions. Would you like to try that again?

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It actually answered both your questions, but sure I’ll try again not that you’ll comprehend any better a second time.

pick up group


It’s ridiculous to claim it works to get a full group for lower level dungeons. It doesn’t work because:

Of course I have. I’ve always played on rp server. I have a dozen horde alts on WA and a dozen alli alts on Farstriders. I started classic on Bloodsail, the only rp pve server. Rp servers always have numerous rp events that are planned and events that happen regularly. Sometimes the event is planned for a guild alone and often guilds will plan events for all who want to come. Rp server are far more social than the non rp servers. That’s one reason even people who don’t rp join rp servers. Rp servers usually have a closer better community


This is an issue with your “friends” then. Planning things with my friends absolutely works. I can rely on them and they can rely on me because we are actual friends that enjoy playing with each other.

Doesn’t seem like it. You find the idea of friends hanging out together “ridiculous”. Only someone that hasn’t done this would make such a claim.

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Then RDF has zero impact on you.

  1. Thank for the conceding the prior points.
  2. Correct – I’ve maintained I’m neutral on RDF. I don’t care if it’s in or if it isn’t in. I just think some of the arguments people use for it are pretty weak – which checks out considering Blizzard chose to go in a different direction.
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That’s a lie. There is no way that if you have 5 alts at different levels that you can always make a full group with any of them by planning with your guild friends. I rely on my friends and they rely on me. We enjoy playing together. But that’s not a guarantee they have alts at the same level as my alts. I almost never joined the rdf queue alone. I’d ask in guild, or one of my friends would ask me, if anyone wanted to join, for example, a level 20 dungeon group. I’d always get a couple but rarely did the guild or friends have an alt at the correct level to make a full group. We’d have to join the rdf queue to fill out the group. But then, you almost always lie so I expect it from you. Thanks again for being my stooge to help me to bump the thread.


Ah – so you’re back to the “everyone is lying” conspiracy. No Miregrim… it’s not a lie that people have friends and that they play with said friends. It’s disheartening that you think such a thing is impossible.

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I get how hard it is for you to read and comprehend. So I’ll explain again. I never said that people don’t have friends. In fact I said that people have friends they often play with. But is a lie to claim that if

The reason you can’t do that is: