To All who want RDF

Trolling for bites…

Bro there’s plenty of people that feel the same way as me. And i have a logical argument against retail dungeon finder. So how am I baiting. Im sick of all these threads begging for rdf. I DONT WANT RDF@!@@!

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OK, so go post those on the retail forums then, how is it relevant to the Wrath RDF?


Absolute BS.

Everything that’s 232 is several thousand gold.

Northern Barrier? 6K.

Most of the cheap BoE are 225 from H++, and even then the really cheap ones are all caster for some reason. Anything physical is several thousand.


Triumph Emblems either buy you, 232 Set or 245 Non-set.

The unfortunate situation is, everyone only cares about GS.

Now, it’s debatable whether the 232 set is better or worse than generic 245, but the 245 will increase GS more.

That said, I think rogues will want the generic 245, their set bonuses suck

My last post had nothing to do with you. And your opinion in just that, an opinion. You have people that agree with it and you have plenty of people that don’t agree with that opinion.

The people that want RDF are willing to wait that long because it allows them to avoid talking to others.

It’s not about avoiding talking to others, it’s about being able to actually run the content.

When’s the last time you saw people run normal dungeons at 80, even Normal ToC which awards 200 epics.

Normal Heroics are in the same boar, I could sign up for a tank right now and it still wouldn’t fill because the healer slow will take forever to fill.


Yes it is.

You can run the content but that would involve talking to another human being.

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I can’t run with nobody there in LFG.

Unless you’re suggesting going 1 tank 4 dps.


LFG is only one option. You can also:

  1. Join a guild
  2. Make friends
  3. Ask in chat channels

And so on…but again, that all involves talking to another player which pro-RDF wants to avoid.

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You assume a guild will have people playing at all times, ready and willing to join you at your beck and call. News flash, it doesn’t.

Making friends works, but do you only ever play when your friends are on? Do you wake up before them and decide to sit around (or alternatively just not play at all) until they wake up and logon to do content with them? Because if you play without them, you will be locked to the dungeons, which means they can no longer help you

Chat channels other than Trade are dead, and imagine having to spam in Trade chat to get a dungeon doing. You’re a joke.


That’s why we plan things. “Hey, we should do some dungeon runs on X day at X time? Who wants to come?”

But again, this involves talking to another person. Are you noticing a pattern here? The fact that the solution is as simple as “communicate” and yet it doesn’t cross your mind is proving my point.

“Hey, we should do some dungeon runs on X day at X time? Who wants to come?”

See? Communication. Talking to another person. It solves all your dilemmas but it’s something pro-RDF seeks to avoid. Moreover, I do have friends playing at all times of the day that I’m playing… because I talk to people.

The idea of talking in a chat channel in an MMORPG shouldn’t seem that crazy to you. But again, this is all boiling down to you not wanting to talk to others.

Translation: No actual rebuttal outside of ad homs. I can see why they have ignored RDF requests.

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So you plan dungeons? Normal as- heroics that is meant to be pug content? Pug content you just pick up and go and do because they’re easy?

You’re treating doing pug dungeons like raids.

Same exact point.

Except this time, you need to organize 4 other friends to all meet up and play at X time just to run a NORMAL DUNGEONS, not raids. You’re literally planning for raids, except it’s pug dungeons.

You remind me of people to advocate for whsipering random people in who list “Hey wanna run X?” chances are, no, they don’t wanna run X. If it’s levelling, maybe they’re off in the other side of the world with no quests for that dungeon and after the dungeon they’d have to fly back and spend an hour getting back to what they were doing. Or, alternatively, if they wanted to run the dungeon they’d be signed up for it.


If you ignore him he legit just goes away, its wonderful. He is 100% the best troll on these forums hands down.

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at least you’re not trying to gaslight about “muh community”. Everyone already knew the real motivation of antirdf. ME ME ME. so thx for being honest.


Sometimes, yes, I make plans with my friends so we can play together. I’m not sure how this is strange to you.

See above. I’m not sure why the idea of friends making plans together to hangout is so foreign to you.

What are you basing those chances off of? Just because you don’t like others talking to you and inviting you to dungeons doesn’t mean no one else does either.

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I know people are chasing GS, and I seen that fail first hand in Wrath.

The non-set shoulders would be worse for me than the tier shoulders I just got today. Hands down. Sure I get some more primary stats, but the secondaries are worse which means I cant swap out my weapon for something like Peacekeepers Blade or Gleaming Quel’Serrar which dont have defense on them, and drop my ilvl 88 trinket which would put me at 540 defense. Anymore than that and I just lose out on raw dodge parry or block stats which would benefit me much more than a slightly higher chance to not be hit.

Like a group I did earlier for the daily. There was one that was like 4100, and another 2900ish maybe a little lower. Who do you think did more dps? The 2900 person.

And ignore Bloomsday. Hes just a troll.


No then you kick the feral, just like you would if someone showed up to heal as feral in a dungeon now, and requeue except your group is still at the top of the list for the next healer which means you’ll be waiting very little time.

So you just don’t know how RDF actually works.


Bahahahahahaha I think you legitimately have the brain capacity of a brick, you ignore that the maj of players are RAID LOGGED do you understand this? No? Are you incapable grasping this? Do you literally wish for classic to DIE?

The game WILL DIE WITHOUT RDF ONCE WE MOVE INTO CLASSIC CATACLYSM. You, Your mother and your pets will quit because you are forced to do vash’jir to do a raid and a dungeon.