To All who want RDF

People just want the lazy no effort route…and yeah wait until they get rets and enh shams/ferals que as healers to avoid the long wait times lol. Memory unlocked :unlock: retail is that way all u lazy bones

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Yea and get a feral as a healer then have to reque after dungeon deserter lol

Are you so bad at tanking that a ret couldnt heal a heroic?


You are lucky the deserter is short enough for you to be able to even reque. People leaving dugeons was the only real negative that i saw that started because of rdf. Before rdf, it was rare for people to leave and many times they would find someone to replace themself if they had to leave.

Now it is common and we dont even have rdf. So yeah u get a deserter penalty. It should be a multiple day penalty. If you dont want to finish a dungeon then dont join. If you are not good enough to heal a dumgeon as feral, dont assume anyone else cant, just becaise u are a bad low skilled player.


Era is available for you, telling people to go play retail is stupid and trolling and flagged, as such.

Nothing stops you from continuing to use lfg and according to you, your side is the vast majority. Should be no worries there.

I don’t like retail wow token in my classic wotlk, but it is here and I do not use them… simple.


Im sure 4.2 is high enough, but rdf did have a minimun gear score requiremnt to be able joim the hetoic que

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As opposed to the gatekeeping we have now and no groups for a lot of players?

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I use the wow token for game time. I havent bought game time myself in years. It hasnt impacted gameplay at all other than not having to play retail to get a token.

RDF would be the same thing. People just get to play more, titan rune thing should be deactivated within RDF, keep the heroic daily quest, remove the daily normal quest and put in the weekly raid like there was before and call it a day.


it practically has disappeared in retail though, the only thing it’s used for is for leveling and at the very start of the expansion for week 1 heroics, but past that it’s all about manually forming groups for mythic and M+ runs.

so thanks for confirming you never touched retail and are jut parroting things you heard years ago


Blizzard doing it the way i suggested would just like retail where u have to request to join a group for mythic+s.

I agree that the +s arent hard and they could just implement a min ilvl requirement to que for them. I see blizzard keeping H+s separate from the rdf.

If it is not xrealm, it is not RDF then they can leave it out. It makes the breakup easier at the end of wrath or ICC.

Fool me once with leaving or gutting a popular feature shame on them.

Fool us twice, and shame on us.

Wow on game pass is their savior now…lol.


I hope it does. It would not surprise me if they did and then played it off like that was their intent the whole time. Never admit they were wrong or explain why they went from claiming it didmt fit in with classic.

That is the reason i quit playing retail. You are correct about having a minimum gs would be adequate. There has always been a small amount of anti rdf whiners and that is why they didnt put it into mythic plus. To make them happy. Amd yes i agree they will do the same thing if they add rdf now. They will not have heroic ++ available with it. And that is why i will still quit wow after wotlk is done. This time forever.

If it means I can get into a group for a leveling dungeon or a regular heroic dungeon in a reasonable time then sure.

Not gonna lie but seeing a fury warrior queuing up as a tank or a shadow priest queuing up as a healer is a very rare sight in retail WoW now and days.

Anti-RDFers try to not to resort to “Go to retail” or “Go play CoD/LoL/Dota” in their arguments against RDF (Mythic Difficulty)

There will be bad players in bad specs/gear no matter what grouping method is used.

I have had bad players in my manually formed groups and RDF.

And right now, I extremely rarely see those people again in my future runs.

How does it hurt the game exactly? I’m going to guess the “hurr durr social interaction hurr durr server community hurr durr caused the game to decline” arguments.

Bruh, RDF has been turned into a leveling tool in retail for years.

Only times you would see RDF being used at max level is when an expansion is released, timewalking, call to arms bonus (for augment runes) or super early gearing but even then it gets skipped entirely.

I dont mind making a group for a dungeon, thats not a problem for me.

But if the formation of the group takes longer then clearing the dungeon then I’m out, its mainly the case for leveling dungeons or irrelevant difficulties like regular heroic and alpha though, not current content.

I mean its pretty standard for an Anti-RDFer, they just parrot something from a decade ago and try to pass it off as fact when its incredibly out of date and RDF is just basically a tool for leveling currently in retail right now.

RDF at max level either last a short amount of time or gets skipped out entirely and you hit up regular mythics and Mythic+.


All irrelevant dungeons should be part RDF. They choose to add all these other layers of dungeons, not the og players who just want to relieve the best xpac (as it was then) for awhile. They moved the guard rails and the road should fit inside those guard rails.

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As it was in WotLK OG.

Badly geared, certainly. Which is why the newer 5 mans had ilvl limits.

These people have very clearly not experienced the original version (or, from your account, the retail version) and are simply parroting points they’ve heard somewhere.


Oh so… people complaining about how impossible it is to get dungeons while leveling? Or Dungeons at all isn’t hurting the game?

What about the fact that you need 30+ sidereal essence for anything worthwhile to fill out and pad your gear? Oh wait… you can’t get groups to run 13 beta dungeons… because everyone is raid logged or fingering their own bums, you’ll argue joining a guild and making friends but you also fail to understand that you can’t make people do anything with you if they don’t want to and most players are raid logging so hard that they stop existing 6 out of 7 days of the week.


Yep, people would spoof their spec’s GS by putting on the best gear they had…even if it wasn’t the best armor type.

But that was patched in Retail’s RFD, I think, in Cata’s release.

Right now, 4.2k is more than enough for H++. But I rarely get an invite if it’s posted (as in 1 out 10 registrations). If I don’t post the GS, I get plenty of whispers, all asking my GS. Which then ghost me afterwards.

As it stands, the going “acceptable” GS is 5k. Below that and you won’t get an invite in any reasonable amount of time.

This is why RDF is needed, was needed, and always will be needed.


The people being gatekept by no RDF deserve it.

Excited to see how this bait you just threw in the water works out.

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