To All who want RDF

What was your point. I will say it again. YOU DONT HAVE TO USE IT. And yes you are correct about not being forced to because others around you are.

If you are implying that you couldnt resist the temptation then that is sad. Very sad and nonsense. You cant state how bad it is and awful it is and then turn around and say you its a better choice that you couldnt resist.

Ppl that dont want to use drugs dont go to places that use drugs. Drugs are available right now. Nobody is coming into your house at night and offering them to you. Just like nobody will be offering you to que for rdf. That would be 100% your CHOICE.


Are you talking about now? You must be talking about the current situation with all of the lower level dumgeons that NOBODY is running. I agree. Nobody is forming thier owm groups.

But with rdf they will be. They will be forming their own random groups and those low level dungeons will ALL be full.


How does it hurt the game?


Where is the problem here? Why are you whining about this? Just do quests while waiting for dungeons Q to pop problem solve.

You are not suppose to spam dungeon 24/24 7/7 its suppose to be a nice balance between questing and dungeons which would make leveling far more enjoyable. (But that is my opinion.)

The fact we have to move all the way to the other side of the world to do a dungeons pretty much ruin questing for me, I want to be able to chill and focus on questing in the zone I want and sometime get a dungeon Q to pop up to give me a break from the quest grind.

Once I’m done with the dungeon I get teleport back to where I was and I resume the questing, THAT is what a good leveling experience is, that is why I want to play WOTLK and eventually Cataclysm.

If I do not want RDF then I can go play Classic Era, which was design and made without RDF and since leveling take longer people actually bother to do dungeons while leveling unlike WOTLK.

And if I want a game where its a mindless speedrun with no logic or anything then I’ll go play Retail.


It doesn’t, they just can’t admit they’re wrong.


I just want RDF because for westfall at least, there is like 1 leveling dungeon group at best for all of 15-70 because without the xp bonus and teleport to the dungeon for most people it is literally just not worth doing. RDF also adds cross server grouping for those dungeons so people that arent playing the full pop pvp servers actually can get groups together to play the game. Almost no one plays wrath for the leveling experience so why not just give it to us to make it more bareable


 That sucks for what ever server you were on.

RDF doesn’t stop you from doing that.

You get the same damn thing as it is now. Are you new?

What is an “implementions”? Yes I know what you’re trying to say, but at least put some effort into coming across as educated on the subject.

RDF was in the final phase. Get over your simple thought. It won’t affect you unless you one of the posturing morons that are anti RDF. Even then it shouldn’t affect you by you standards.


As opposed to not running any dungeons at all right now?


The only one dimensional thinking is yours.

Era exists, let wrath be wrath instead of having this stupid “go to retail” mentality.


You should go back, get out of here.


Heroic dungeons are not so hard to warrant all these complaints people have against RDF.

I have been in the listing for N ToC for about 20-25 minutes right now as a tank. “Make your own group” with what? There are no dps listed so you cant make a group out of what isnt there. But if the pool of players increase then a group can be formed. The pool of players will be larger and thus the chances of having dps in the pool will increase. Its simple stuff really.


I’ll use this 25 minutes to socialize with other players and build a community. Isn’t that what you want?


I don’t, but it’s better than the hour plus attempts of forming a group that happens these days because I’m not prasing high enough or have a 5K+ GS.

Good for you. Your Mage is probably 5K+ and raids on the regular. You pass all the artificial checks the community requires for a basic 5 man dungeon.

So basically you just want to do things for yourself, and nothing for others so the community can grow.

Some of us do, and we get groups without the toxic behavior barriers to entry that exist in Classic. Most times a lot quicker than Classic does.

It won’t fix everything, but having the OPTION there will help more than it will hinder, which is what is happening now.

Your troll was successful because people replied, but if you want 1-dimensional thinking, look in the mirror at your very selfish take on how things “should be run”.

So everything that is happening now when people are forming groups? Grief kicking is already happening, and “bad players in bad specs/gear” comes from you not agreeing that people can do more than play the “optimal spec” and get “proper gear” instantly through GDKP runs
 As for “familiar faces”
 It’s a PUG, no one is going to be familiar.

Then please, quit again. For every one of you anti-RDF people who will leave if RDF is added there are at least 5 people waiting to return in your place.


No one’s forcing you to use RDF. The group finder would still be right there, as would LookingForGroup, Trade, your friends list and guild list. And if there are as many players that are anti-RDF as some forum trolls would have us believe, then RDF shouldn’t have any impact on your ability to find groups.


How are people still not 5k though? Tons of 232 Ulduar BOEs are literally under 100g now. Emblem gear is 245 and it’s like a month after toc launch. Join a normal 10man or something. The hit caster ring from honor is awesome and takes like 1 hour to farm.

Artificial group requirements. Hard to get a group to get to 5K when no one is willing to run groups with you, both in guild and pugs.

Cool. But unfortunately, I don’t have 10,000g spare right now
 Hell, I don’t even have 1,000g. But I’ll keep this in mind.

I returned after leaving during the beginning of the Ulduar phase. I can’t get groups due to not having even a full set of Ulduar normal gear.

If only it was that easy. Most raid runs are either GDKP or Guild based with requirements of GS and Prases in order to get in. There are no “fun runs” or MS/OS runs anymore.

Thanks for the advice. I’ll keep this in mind.


Here is what is going to happen when blizz does rdf with the icc patch.

Normal and heroics will be done by RDF

The alpha betas and charlies will be done separately with the current system that is already in the game because they just arent going to trash the system they built just for wrath.

They wont make RDF xrealm due to it being split into 2 systems.

In conclusion the people that come to these forums to complain about rdf will still come here and complain how the rdf system is dead.

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I have checked this, and double checked this and its a totally fabricated misrepresentation of reality.

Northern Barrier - 232 BoE Shield - 11,999 (on my server)
Iron Riveted War Helm - 232 BoE Helm - 2750
Wapach’s Spaulders of Solidarity - 200 BoE Shoulder - 2830
Breastplate of the White Knight - 245 Chest - 9998
Titanium Razorplate - 245 Chest - 12499
Belt of the Titans - 232 Belt - 3175
Indestructible Plate Girdle - 232 belt - 2750
Battlelord’s Plate Boots - 232 Boots - 3424
Spiked Deathdealers - 232 Boots - 3999
Bracers of Dalaran’s Parapets - 213 Bracers - 2800
Saronite Swordbreakers - 245 Bracers - 5500 (only 2 available and the next one costs 9500)
Titanium Spikeguards - 245 Bracers - 6135

I have a warrior, im only 4283, where are these 232 Ulduar BoE’s that are under 100g now?

Why would you use Emblems of Triumph on anything other than tier gear?


You could still do so however, as long as you get a tank or a healer those 5 minutes it takes to make the group would be reduced to 5 seconds.


RDF most certainly addresses the problems it was originally designed to address, which is all dungeons through regular heroics.

That H+ and H++ causes additional problems but then that is already an issue. There’s no reason RDF couldn’t work for those, they’re by now means hard enough it would be a problem assuming reasonable ilvl reqs(which RDF has anyways for regular heroics)


You should just quit the game.

Sounds like a personal issue. Alot of folks don’t mind it at all

Keep making your own groups. Of all the hills to die on, this aint it