To All who want RDF

Great that means I’ll be getting a group formed AND ported to the instance in a few mins? Hell yeah!

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Gunna be fun spamming ques as a prot pally i cant wait!

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The thing the anti RFD crowd never talk about is population in relation to the tool.

RFD is required as the population for classic is only a few 100k no 10 million.

LFD Tool is empty, I can’t do dungeons while leveling because no one is looking or online.

The population isn’t there for people to waste time in /4.

Give me randoms to do dungeons which aren’t hard content. I’ll /4 for raids all day, but not for random dungeons so I can get to max level, get some gear to be useful in raids etc.


Lack of familiar faces? I queue up for dungeons all the time and never seen the same faces. Unless I’m queuing up with a guildy. As a tank, I will look for a couple dps to join up with me before I queue. I know several tanks that will do the same. Not hard to yell in trade for a tank to queue with. 20 minute queue’s are better than sometimes where you will sit in queue for an hour or more which happens often.

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I find it incredibly fascinating that there are still folks on these forums still rallying against RDF after its arrival has been announced.

Less fascinated or surprised that one of those people is Bloomy.


Be prepared.

For the day 1 posts about nightmare RDF runs…

see you all wanted this! kind of posts.

Its a run. some are so hard up at this point wipes will be okay. I mean retailers from legion will be fine. Who hasn’t done a helya run where 3 people hit the water holes to die instantly 2 seconds into that “phase”. Classic doesn’t even have instant death water holes lol…


Meh, the anti RDF crowd has been lying about RDF groups since day one.

I don’t expect any serious differences from any other pug group, and the trolls will be dealt with easily.


Just put them on ignore and it goes away…lol

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More quality of life for tanks and heals, Blizz hard at work beotchas.

It was never about rdf to the trolls. It was about pushing peoples’ buttons, and that’ll never change.


It was reciprocating, but in the end, the best man won…

30 minutes is nothing.

Now I can bang out several dailies with zero interruptions until the dungeon starts - and not have to worry about things like chat channels and listings. Saves a ton of time and a couple of headaches, I can’t wait.

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Indeed, the freedom to not be constricted to refreshing a tool or staring at a chat while you’re doing this is absolutely a key factor in driving up participation for dungeons.


Sounds like JJ is sticking around too so that plus RDF + looms is going to make alts just such a blast up.


25 whole minutes…? wow… almost like i’d wait an hour in queue for a dungeon just to be able to break up the monotony of questing without having to leave the questing zone.


Brother I see you saying you can get a group made in like 5 mins as a mage dps. I wanna know what server/faction? because honestly I came back to classic wow 2 days ago and on my ret pally I literally waited alllllll day in group finder to get into 1 dungeon for the day. I literally will gladly wait 20 mins to get a pre made group done for me than have to experience that crap again.


And I will add time. I see mega white mane at its 0400 local time.

It can be slow. Not all can play at the prime time of server.

And level zone. Wrath jumping is great! If in wrath levels.

There have been plenty of times where (while leveling) i que up for some dungeons and actively post in /4 while playing for about 2 hours and never get a group. So if I can press a button and get one in 30 mins. Sounds like a win to me.


And people have been doing this since end of tbcc and all of wrath with bg anywhere.

the game didn’t break. And pvp picked up. Since yeah…the many who keep cta weekends lively and during the week too would not be goin oh yeah, lets sit by AB or WSG the entire time to 55. Then they Sit by av. then its pick one in tbc(c).

if you are /dancing by eots…you can’t be at AB.

Then we look at wrath. SOTA is not a fan fave. Imagine how popular it be if people had to /dance by it all night long. It be the BG that never ran outside of its cta weekend really.


Good call. I didnt think they would do it.