To All who want RDF

Yep, you get a good group…just keep running them. Ahh, the good ole days…


I for a morbid entertainment on CTA weekends play a fun game.

the game is…see how lfg hits linger as I take CTA’s.

I’ve seen some crews take over an hour…as I clear my 4th say AB. And in the BG’s I see their occassional /4 notices the whole time.

Its not like I could help them. I was dps too. They were 2/3 dps (3rd could fill in fast). It was tank and healz slot not filling up.

Ive healed, and i personally dont find it fun. I like tanking but healing can be extremely boring, or it can be nightmarish. I had more fun healing on a chloromancer in Rift than anything in WoW at any point.

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M8 we constantly have 30+ minute wait times as dps on the biggest alliance server Bene so I don’t see the RDF wait time being a problem. try again little guy!


I got on last night, didnt get a daily dungeon at all. Might try this morning. I dont accept blind invites anymore and what is strange is i was whispered AFTER the group was full. What good does that do me?

I welcome a 20 minute queue.


Now that’s already better than being listed for WAY OVER that time before getting a PM for an invite.


To each his own, some like waiting in the rdf que then starting their own group.


People like the OP remind me of a few sergeants I had when I served.

I ticked them off. They gave me “motivational” tasks to teach me my lesson. and the tasks were better and easier than my actual duties/tasks I was assigned to.


I was the most junior troop for two years. I was practically never given things to do for motivation, but due to the good ol’ hierarchal rank structure, I knew my role and shut my mouth like a decent jabroni.

It’s nice when you have a guild or “glorified crew” of Bnet boyz on-call to do world tours. That really is nice. But RDF(why is it called that instead of LFD?) would give CTA bonus satchels to those who tanked or healed. So that would incentivize those who are not DPS to queue up. I did that back when it was Retail as a prot Pally and made mucho dinero in 2010. Huzzah.


And with RDF in the game, players have the option to do whichever they prefer.


I joined a H++ tonight and after 4 pulls had blocked over half the group because the chat was the most toxic thing I’d ever experienced. I’ve done well over 1,000 M+ dungeons in retail since legion (and probably over that number on multiple toons, really), 98% of which were purely pug’d groups, and I’ve never encountered a toxic cesspit like I have doing groups in WotLK Classic.

RDF should have been in from the beginning. It wasn’t, and I think its probably too late at this point. I can say this, though, the toxic BS of yelling at people and saying “its a 20 year old game, you should just uninstall” etc. isn’t going to attract more players, which definitely won’t help the time it takes to put your groups together.


Imagine if this had timers. When timers are missed, its like gasoline added to a fire.


I look forward to no more stone games.

So…who is going to the stone?

Not it, across the board. tank and healz tend to say “yeah…we don’t do stones” sometimes too. That’s for dps peasants.

okay, this won’t do. Who is actually on the continent for the dungeon to save time?

Not one of the dps is. Wth, sigh…

Why I leaned to BG leveling. Its not always pretty, or fun. But I can be knee deep in 1000 needles and get rushed off to arathi basin on the other side of the map. It has that going for it.

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I’ve never encountered this level of toxicity from M+, which does have timers. Heck, we didn’t even kill but one boss: the last one. They skipped every boss. It was the dumbest thing I’ve ever experienced. It was enough to make me just go back to retail. At least M+ is fun. WOTLKC has not touched any semblance of fun that I’ve remember having in WotLK when it was current, and lord knows the current community of GS obsessed try-hards who think they’re pro playing 15 year old content doesn’t make it any more appealing. If my group of friends decides to do ICC when it hits, I’ll log on to get that nostalgic fix for ICC, but otherwise the people aren’t worth it.


That’s gotta be one of my biggest gripes with the current group finder. I’m running these dungeons to get gear and badges if you wanted to skip bosses put it in the damn notes


Well in H+ the people who don’t want to skip are the exception, most are there for the daily or at most the sidereals. And if you’re trying to farm sidereals not skipping can be a huge time sink.

Not from my experience

Just got confirmed that it will include titan rune:


Thats what happens when you put an emblem bag at on the end boss of the heroic daily for beta, and sidereal essence off the last boss. Anything of any value is at the end of the run so if you can skip people will.

Blizzard fostered this type of playstyle and its what H+ brings in more. I dont know why you would even want the gear from the dungeons even from beta, it would probably be better to just go for sidereal and emblems of conquest because GS is king… right?


Well that’s definitely good news too, better late than never to finally start getting things right.

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