To All who want RDF

Sat in party finder for about 2 hours for Hellfire Ramparts (JUST ramparts). Finally get a group together…and the whole rest of the party runs into Blood Furnace and starts clearing. Despite my multiple clarifications that Ramps was what I needed and that it was the only dungeon I signed up for

RDF can’t come soon enough


Ah yes absolutely love that people refuse to read what others are signed up for. Was queued for H++ UP on an alt.

Group leader fills the groups, “we’re doing H++ UP/UK”

Me: “Saved to UK”
Someone else:“Saved to UP”

:woman_facepalming: :person_facepalming: :man_facepalming:


The funny thing is the group leader was the only one that actually sat at the ramps entrance with me. But only for a minute before he left to join the rest of the group. I don’t think he spoke English either, he never said a single word after inviting people even when they asked what dungeon it was for…


No. You like forming a group for the daily heroic and forming a quick group. Guess what, YOU STILL CAN. Ffs how many times has this been said. You COULD NOT make a quick group for anything else. Dont waste your time lieing about it. We all play the same game. All of the empty dungeons will now be FULL. And that is the real problem you have with it. You dont want ppl to enjoy the game unless they do the same exact thing you do. Go play retail. You have to form your own group there for end game content. Jist like you want. Retail is that way. Bu bye.

Yep. U r describing the way it is now. Every lie you said about rdf is whar we are all experiencing right now. You are pretry sad. Those lies only work when the issue is not here. And when we have rdf, u will still try to claim all that suff is happening and how it never did without retail. You wil lie lie lie and we will all be using rdf and womdering wth u r talking about go play retail. U cant use rdf for the highest dungeons. Which is what you want. Go play era. They dont have either. Go anywhere. I dont care, but leave already. Nobody will want to group with you.

And how stupid is this. They will be using rdf the same reason every0ne else will. I am a tank and i will not be chosing it bexause of insant ques. I can already do that. Durrrrr. Nice attempt. The real issue is Nobody wants to spend wasted time. Get over it. Rdf just made everything better and u want to control what others do. Thats all it is about you. Yoi also claimed thar more ppl were against rdf. Now you are facing reality. Have fun with your flight path ride.

That’s a great anecdote to share at your 25th anniversary reunion of that party.

Why am I still getting notifications from this thread?

Basically. Lacking dungeons many are running around trash greens, some crafteds in sub 50 play.

I mean my s. priests gear sucks at 34/35. Its Not for lack of trying.

She is a tailor I’ve leveled to gear she can’t even use, an 80 has cashed in WG marks to send her honor packages. I don’t pve the 80’s much so its jsut loom shoulders.

Org, AB and WSG gear for 30 to 40 has been obtained that can bought. Its not a lot of slots. It helps but a many slots are still trash greens.

That really ain’t changing till…60 and I see that more full set of honor gear. then 70 brutal.

Yesterday I got a random invite… no clue what the first one was for but I declined because they werent in the LFG tool at all from what I could see, and the other was UK… which I was signed up for AN. I just logged out and went to play another game and waited to about 10pm to find a group.

Omg shut up and let it go you whiners are annoying af… you want some cheese? Rdf is coming gtf over it.


Do you know the term… “too late”?

Join a guild. Find people to play with its not hard for most might be with your attitude but i believe in you bud

Have been leveling a few characters since JJ has been out. I’ve been in que for way longer then a 25 mins with no invite. And I for one welcome our new RDF overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves."

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RDF is the better way


keep crying

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