To All who want RDF

RDF is a Classic feature. It is why WotLK was the best expansion and soared too ALL TIME HIGH subs after adding it.

It’s not WotLK without RDF and I’ve skipped most of WotLK because of no RDF. Sorry but this game is just miserable without RDF. It allows you to do content, meet players and enjoy the game.

RDF is the best feature ever added to an MMO in history. Now myself and friends can come back and enjoy being able to do content. To make Alts, farm on mains without Toxic groups with reserves on gear.

If WotLK Classic launched with RDF the population would of maintained and surged. At least now we have a reason to start playing Wrath Classic with the addition of RDF.

I main Tank and haven’t done a Dungeon in almost a year and look forward too RDF. I also question if you are a Wrath fan if you dislike RDF.


This is EXACTLY what me and my friends think words for words, I also skipped most of WOTLK since there was no RDF and if it had RDF since launch, I would have played WOTLK without quitting my sub would have been active the whole thing, but i’m gonna let it run out again since I’m done with classic era servers for now (Wasn’t playing WOTLK) and reactivate it once RDF is out.

The only thing that is for sure unless Blizzard do something REALLY stupid that completely change how the game feels and play I will be playing WOTLK with RDF and eventually possibly Cataclysm Classic with RDF none stop and I’m gonna enjoy every seconds of it.


OP is literally braindead and doesnt realize you can make your own groups then queue for RDF to get instantly teleported to the dungeon, get the bonus completion, and keep going, and going, and going.

This is how most people will use RDF, myself included.

OP… you are legitimately stupid bruh, maybe read up on how RDF works before you start being dumb.


Most anti-rdf posters never played original Wrath and have no idea how the system worked.

It’s nothing new.


you most definitely will see players cry on the forums that RDF isn’t working because they have to wait 20 minutes as a dps to get a group and then they’ll go back to using the premade group finder.

this is just hogwash you’re spewing with no actual evidence or data to back up this comical post you just made.

Ok, except the plethora of anti-rdf posters I’ve interacted with in the last year who generally have no clue how things worked in actual Wrath. I don’t judge that aspect of it. But then they confidently make proclamations based on nonsense. I call them out on it. And it’s a pattern I’ve noticed.


Unless RDF comes out as a buggy, barely usable mess (which, to be fair, I wholly expect will happen) I highly doubt this…because the group finder tool also came out as, and still is, a buggy, barely usable mess


If RDF includes titan runed dungeons at all, it might not. Queues for regular heroics will be immense

yeah they’ll get over it. it’s better than waiting 5 hours, they’re free to shout lf tank for 4-6 hours if they want lol i ain’t about that life no more lol


to the idiots who always say "RDF will makes you wait bla bla bla 20x min 50x min 5x hours)

you know RDF will not reduce the amount of tanks / healers that currently existed in game or are you insanely dumb to even realize about that?

So after RDF arrives! nothing will be changed except that some type of fair chances will be applied and then instead of some people stealing tanks/healers from the manual queue asap while others can’t get groups at all, All players will have fair chance to get into groups by using the RDF, Also you don’t need to use it if you’re already running with friend from your guild/friend list.


This type of hyperbole is the entire reason I argue with pro-RDF players in these threads. You don’t like Wrath if you can’t play it without RDF teleporting you to dungeons lmao. Most of us playing the game have done dozens or hundreds of dungeons with no need for RDF.

Where in this graph are subs “soaring?” The numbers leveled out until reaching a new peak at the very end of Wrath. I get that you like the feature… it’s still a very small part of the overall package of this expansion.


I doubt it will, honestly. But we’ll see!

I mean when people post objectively false information about RDF they either never played back in wrath or are intentionally lying about it.

Either way Virtually every claim about RDF from the anti RDF crowd has been simply false.


Ultimately, the situation can only improve, or at absolute worst, remain the same. Finding a group now for regular heroics and especially leveling dungeons is next to impossible. At worst, they’ll still be next to impossible but at least the would-be dungeoneer can turn their focus to other things instead of having to babysit LFG, and at best it will entice more people to level healer and tank alts, since easier dungeon access makes them way less tedious to level, and by extension start creating more alts at endgame to then join the grind to the current tier



The funny bit about that story is that happens in retail lfd quite a bit.

I’ve FDK ghetto tanked in SL a few times. Tank bailed for whatever reason. By mid expac the gear is there. And I was pvp spec. That frost dk was loaded up versatility wise.

Hey dk, think you can tank at least trash till we get a tank pick up?

Sure. Off spec tank, shorthanded, trash and 2 bosses dropped even. Tank showed up for last boss. Lucky them, the rng/calling quest clear off 1 boss only. Quick and easy clear for them.

lol get rekt son

I welcome the 25 minute queues :slightly_smiling_face: I just dont want to have to worry about making the group myself, I dont care if it takes an hour :slightly_smiling_face:


What changes is that you can do other things while waiting for your queue to pop instead of whispering group after group that you’re a 5.5k gs ret paladin or whatever and waiting for them to grace you with an invite or a full sry. Or if you start your own group, you get to do all the busywork whispering healers or tanks or filtering applicants.
Very immersive and social waste of my time.


Only 20 minutes? Better than the several hours it sometimes takes now, especially if the dungeon isnt one of the dailies.


I’ve seen several anti-rdf posters say things like, ‘Enjoy your 20 minute dps queues!’

Are they kidding? 20 minutes for a guaranteed dungeon group sounds amazing. And while you’re in that queue you’re free to…do whatever you want. Do dailies. Work on professions. Grind reps. Work on achievements. Lots to do while you wait.

Then you get in a group and do a Wrath Heroic. Back in original Wrath as we got near the end of a dungeon I would ask if anyone wants to do more. Usually people did. Often the entire group did. So you requeue and bam, right in another dungeon. And then another, then another. Eventually someone leaves and you replace and the rest keep going. That happened all the time. Just getting into the group is the biggest step. Being able to zip from one dungeon to another after that makes it so much easier to keep doing one after another.

I know some people don’t enjoy that. They just want to do their one Daily, get their two Frost and move on. But for alts, fresh 80s, casuals this was a legitimate playstyle.