To All who want RDF

RDF caused the red queen to go for my head.

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He said he was going for a tank then never came back


He’s probably still looking


RDF is my favorite feature of wow but I don’t play retail even though it has RDF, because to me classic is better even though it doesn’t have rdf
 go play era.


RDF wont help me find my son, SOMEONE HELP ME FIND MY SON!!!


RDF managed boy bands in the 90’s


Hopefully it wasn’t the management company out of Florida
heard some uh, UNSAVORY THINGS about the CEO of that back in the day

“RDF is affiliated with DARPA and gave me a bad case of 5G”


RDF wouldn’t stop you from doing just that. RDF is for cross-server queues and specifically helps smaller servers.
It’s also nice that you are not locked out of heroics when you use RDF (in case you forgot about THAT).
I’m not sure what the hell blizzard is going to do with betas though. That wasn’t part of OG WOTLK and probably wouldn’t be part of RDF.
If not, then you have zero grounds to complain since you wouldn’t be using it for regular H and normal dungeon queues anyway.
This is mostly about leveling and gearing up to do betas which is sorely lacking ATM.


Fair points but counterpoint:

RDF pitched Jar Jar Binks to George Lucas at a Subway in 1997

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Well now I don’t want it

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Jarjar was supposed to be the sith lord


“RDF planned a coup, killed the jedi, and created the first galactic empire”


RDF is Rey’s Dad



“RDF put nipples on the Batman suit in the 90s”

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batinip are canon and are actually usefull

oh i have to go but when i get back i will tell you why they are so great!

I want to sell my soul to that enter queue button and run endless dungeons with people. I don’t care if I have to carry. I got a healer ready to go and a tank ready to go. We will spam dungeons like no tomorrow. But not if its going to take us 3hrs to form a group because any non-mega server is basically dead in any bracket from 10-79.


Doing BFD cross server would ruin the socal dynamic of this massively social game.


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It disingenuous to continually argue as if everything that works/happens for or to you is how it plays out for everyone else. Still a god awful troll as always, Bloomsybaby.

Great, glad you live in a perfect mmorpg world where everything you wish and desire works according to how you see it should. But in the real world, the rest of us mere players have real in game issues. How dare we! Must make friends! Must use tools the game has! Then we can all pay blizz for name changes that involve the word “Bloom” so we can be happy little “everything works for me cause I’m a Bloomsybaby clone!” clones.

lol, god your trolling is bad.


Ah, is it too much to ask that this just be permanent? Mkthnxthreadhappynow.


He wasn’t that dude in wailing caverns (that one time BB NEEDED a tank), was he?

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