To All who want RDF

Ah yes, the ol “NO U!” argument, using their own logic against them and all of a sudden the only response is gas lighting.

7/10 quality troll.

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Yep. As has been mentioned more than once…lfd supports party sign ups.

Got a few friends…bring em. I think a deeper source of the issue is they actually don’t like the RNG dungeon pick.

They want to spam dungeon x and only X eternally. And get rewards for it. RDF/LFD…rewards not knowing what that next dungeon will be lol.

This based on the but but…you will wait 30 minutes still warnings. In retail lfd you only see those waits when you don’t pick true random. I saw it in SL when I ran callings.

2 dungeons a zone…I selected these and waited. As yeah, no one rushed to ardenweald dungeons. TOS or DOS…lots to not like there.

TOS had a maze with triggers. DoS was just…convoluted to pick a word.

When I went true random, wait times dropped dramatically.

Which was fine. Farming crap for gold, rep…I had things to do. Often times not in SL I wasn’t even in the expac area. I was hammering more of the say…legion order hall stuff to get full mogs from it.

Wowhead said the mog I wanted was a crap drop rate on an outland open world mob. OKay…I got a 1 in 1000 chance. lets go kill 1000 if need be.

See… this is your mistake right here, a signet of winter might be 96g on your server but be 400g on a different server… Why do you assume that every server is like your server?


Which is still less than 1 hours worth of dailies(and that doesn’t change by realm)

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Yes… but expecting people to buy 6-7k gold worth of gear that won’t get them into H++ with the current “I DEMAND 5K GS BECAUSE I AM BAD AND MUST GET CARRIED HURRRR” mentality doesn’t help any.


ngl, i’ve seen nicer folk up to m5 in the other game. m0 to m5 its assumd players will be fresher caps. Kind of why they are there. They’d be in m15+ otherwise. Most reasonable retailers have grasped…m15+ needs m15 gear/upgrades. And m0…does not need m15+ gear.

If we get gamma and maybe delta (they seem to like the greek alphabet) in ICC I don’t think there is enough popcorn in the world for those potential venting threads.

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Oh. Just another Blood Elf thread. I know exactly what to do.

Doesn’t really matter in the case of Signet of Winter, it’s a tank ring with no defense, it’s virtually impossible to fit into your set when you’re starting out tanking.

There’s a reason it’s practically free.


The other huge difference with M+ is because it actually scales properly people with gear for M15+ are incentivized to be in M+15. In the bad watered down version of M+ we have in classic people who over gear the content are forced into it and naturally look for other over geared people to do it with.

The same would happen in retail in M+ if M+ capped out at M+6 or whenever the second affix comes in but there was a daily reward for doing it that was relevant for over geared players.

Cant wait for RDF to be added so all these RDF complaints will stop.


Ok let me get this straight:

Dungeons are the pre raid gear for most part with some good quest here and there and some peofession items if the item is well scaled to the current phase that is.

So making dungeons more accesible will help get more raiders for different realms in Different schedules.

Why is rdf a bad thing again?

What is this “abuse” some people complain?

Dont tell me the abuse is for the daillys or is it the fact that many guilds will now compete for X or Y first of server?

Because completing daillys faster is a bad thing?

Getting alts raid ready or being able to re-roll is a bad thing?

Because competition in a competitive pve setup is a bad thing?

Because gatekeeping casuals its good?

Because everyone needs to so the meaningful journey to each flight point and die to high level mobs in the process?

Are dungeon gearing going to make people one shot raids because the content is outdated and all the strats are out there for public usage?

I dont know man i might be wrong but adding chores to the chores to be able to actually play the game seems counter intuitive.


Sorry but I don’t care what you want


Hate to burst your bubble but the complaints will continue.

“I had to wait 40+ minutes blizzard plz fix”
“Tank ninjad all the gear in rdf, blizzard plz fix”
“Got kicked by a premade group at last boss in rdf blizzard plz fix”

Signet of Winter is cheap, its about the same on my server, but its so bad no one is actually buying it while starting out. Once you get to the point where you are trying to remove defense it starts to get better.

Who in their right mind would be ninjaing gear from these dungeons which drop junk gear at this point? The items dont scale, they have less stats on them period, you would be better off of just completing your tank set and just running more dungeons to get emblems to buy the 232 gear from buffed ulduar and at least the 4pc T9.

I dont understand these hyperbolic arguments. You do know you can post that you are looking for more for a quick queue right? Like people did before. 40 minutes is better than the several hours I am seeing now or even days at max level looking for specific dungeons. And “make your own group” doesnt work when you are the only one listed for that dungeon that you want. This is just like phase 2. It boils down to heroic dailies and then you are either left sitting in Dal babysitting the LFG tool and posting in LFG chat, or you go about your business and never see a dungeon just increasing your play time for no other reason than Blizzard is just stubborn.

You can still do that with RDF.

Says the person making 1 dimensional statements…

Because your groups are super leet and anyone group would be lucky to have you.


Very few items vary to that degree. And we have TSM to back that up, we don’t need to assume


Lets cross that bridge when we get there, shall we?

OK, so you’re ignorant of the improved need over greed system in RDF.

Why aren’t people doing this now? Cause the situation now is no different.

Hell, at least in RDF you can still get your danged daily done, if it happens now you’re just screwed for the day.


“there’s no tank/healer on my server so i wasn’t able to get into a group or make my own”

“tank took all the gear as a ‘tank tax’ so he could DE it and sell the shards”

“a guild group kicked me before the last boss cause another guildie came on and wanted a free kill”

all of that happens now yet we haven’t had floods of forum posts about it


“A meteor hit my house after I joined the queue and I got kicked out of the group. Thanks RDF…”

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Rdf is why my dad left when I was a baby


RDF was the inspiration for new Coke…