To All who want RDF

but but you can quest while spamming lfg/channel 4.

umm, no. Not always. Lets have a night elf be all RP. their lfg up for the dungeon in ashenvale. as they are cleaning up their homeland.

No one is coming for that. cold reality there. I was this night elf leveling a proper RP night elf run. hell even when this game allowed boosting…paid boosters rarely came here. In say 5 days there I saw 1 mage booster that whole time.

Many draenei and night elves leave to go human story. Dead mines to stockades. 10 to 30 right there.

now there is a few stockades up.

Night elf gets 2 choices. Hope 4 more people go to night elf land. not likely.

leave night elf land and now /dance by stockades all night. or level in human lands which they really did not want to do. They wanted to be a night elf saving their night elf land. But human lands is a much faster hop to the human dungeons.

Was trying to get the daily heroic yesterday and it was a group with a healer and a tank which took a while to find dps. This is the reality when the pool of players drops. I should technically be in beta runs, but im not doing them. They werent in the original so they dont exist to me.


Unfortunately, we have to do just that here in the states. EU does their work force much better than here…lol

listed two 232 BOEs with prices in my post above. I don’t play on your brazilian server or whatever so maybe prices are different there

As i said you’re a tank, you can use pvp gear in pve to better effect than any other role in the game. resil gives def cap, you’ll be missing overall avoidance but your ilvl threat and stam will be huge and it can easily hold you to clear normal raids. You can get a weakaura to show your uncrittable stats that factors in your resil gear.

This has been true in every phase of tbc and wotlk classic except for certain fights like illidan, morogrim, patchwerk offtank, and Alg. There are actually very few fights that demand big avoidance gear and punish using pvp gear as a stopgap

All you really need to tank a TOC 10 norm is ~4.2k gs, a couple lockouts of that and you are 5k

all of this is in reference to honor gear btw. i don’t expect you to get the 1800 shield or something if you can’t even figure out how to search the auction house

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Bro, several people have come out and corrected you, the only cheap BoE are caster pieces, and if you’re seriously suggesting death knights, ret paladins, warriors, rogues, etc wear caster pieces to inflate ilvl you’re a clown.

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Where in my first post did i specify melee dps? of course the most common role in the game has the highest demand

it was more a commentary on rat players in general, refusing to do the bare minimum to build up their character

Doesn’t matter, you didn’t specify caster either you just randomly shouted “just buy hella cheap GS on the AH”.

Which isn’t possible for a lot of folks.


These are 225 pieces on grobb-a

Signet of Winter 96g (tank)

Combustion Bracers 37g (caster)

Bracers of the Smothering Inferno 38g (enh/hunt/probably sims higher for warr and rogue than a lot of 213 stuff)

Nimble Climber’s belt 50g (agi mdps)

took 3 min on google to find these items. anyone complaining about “being gatekept out of 5mans” with gear worse than the above just doesn’t care at all, and is probably a liability in any form of content

Also the 245 plate crafted gear is literally 45-90 min of mining and a few crusader orbs. 0 gold required except for tipping the crafter

Do crusader orbs magically drop from the sky on Grobbulus?

So you can get 2 H++ items to get into H++ is what your investigation amounts to.


if you’re literally complaining that you can’t get crusader orbs i got nothin more to say lol (They are free from emblems)
check out TOC10n and prepare to have your mind blown with how easy it is

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That’s … not free.

OK, so you’re suggesting that people soft reserver crusader orbs for their once a week chance at 232 gear or … what?

Also, the mining example you used really isn’t true either since titansteel still has a CD.


it looks like that some anti RDF are desperately fighting it for no real reason.
I’m aware that gate keeping is linked with RMT so maybe they’re fighting for their real life income


For the 2 245 items from crafted, you would have to either spend your emblems and not get tier, or buy them which they were around 700g a piece. Thats 12 orbs for both items which is 8400 gold. Titansteel would take you half a month for these 2 items as well with the CD being 20 hours or you buy them as well.

OR its 15 emblems per orb so that would be 180 emblems which would translate into 4pc T9 at 232 ilvl with 20 emblems left over which you could then use on a sigil, libram, thrown weapon or whatever else that costs 25 emblems.

I dont get why people dont think others wont investigate. Signet of Winter is garbage when you are just starting out as well.


Technically, you could get the crusader orbs through sidereals as well but… we’re talking a situation where you’re not getting into H++ so it’s all rather moot.

The “just buy gear from the AH” is stupid and people using it should feel bad.


And to get emblems quick enough to get orbs you would have to be in Titan Rune Beta runs and/or Trial of the Crusader. So as a new player you would have to buy them, 8400 gold just for the orbs for both of those items (on my server) and then buy Titansteel as well and thats not even the entire recipe.


so your solution to get gear to run H++ is to hop into TOGC to get emblems to buy orbs to use for crafted gear?


Even emblems from the daily is 14 a week if you arent getting into Titan Rune Beta, and you should be using those on something else.


Lol im 2200 and i play on grob u fail troll. Those prices dont exsist

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Nobody would be forcing you to do anything, you’d still be able to make groups manually


Blizz could have pleased both sides and enabled RDF, then also updated the LFG tool for those who want to use that instead, aka, the OP. But nah, they siloed out anyone who enjoyed RDF .