To All who want RDF

Have you tried reading the thread you’re posting in? That could help.

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Is gathering more information from different sources including neutral sources bad?

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Did anyone say that was bad? Again, please read things before replying.

Then why dont you just answer their question instead of trying to go around it?

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I can rephrase. What is a bad argument against rdf? What is a bad argument for rdf?

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You are NEVER going to get a straight answer.


Anything based around semantics or dictionary definitions of words. Which you’ll find plentiful here if you read the thread.

Which is why I’ve suggested you read the thread you’re posting in multiple times now. Will not be responding until you showcase that you’ve actually read the thread.

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If I’ve read the thread but don’t have enough information because of the off topic discussions about definition of words and phrases that have derailed the thread, would you be able to provide that information?


lol they are not going to. Why are you still asking? They are just going to keep saying it’s up to you to figure it out.


I mean, in fairness, over here in EU if you’re on call you get paid, otherwise what’s the point? Then you’re just “on call” 24/7/365.

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You get paid, pretty well, when you get the call. Otherwise it sounds like some money laundering thing. You are off duty. Like a plumber that responds to emergencies. They could be in bed asleep, but they dont get paid for that, but you better believe they are going to get paid very well if they get the call at 1:37am and have to crawl under a house through mud because a pipe burst due to cold weather. On call also is usually done on your off days. My cousin is a RN and when she is on call she doesnt get paid for being at the house. You arent doing anything so why should you get paid for it, but if she gets a call I think you get paid for time and a half. Here is basically reserved for emergency stuff. Nurses, doctors, plumbers, fire and rescure, EMT’s, law enforcement or sometimes even waiters.

If you are on call 24/7/365, that means you are unemployed. Just find another job at that point.


on call… that’s worth almost nothing and you can do basically anything you want

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If being “on call” means “drop everything once the call comes in” you best believe I would never do that unpaid :stuck_out_tongue:

You get paid time and a half I think, so you get rewarded if it happens. But you definitely dont get paid for doing nothing.

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Highlight text like you were going t to copy paste. there should be a small bubble that says “quote”

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It varies a lot more in the US. I’m on salary and we have on call rotations but that was part of the job description(fairly standard in IT) and I don’t get paid extra but my boss gives me comp time if i get called.

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I have the same deal. Its only caveat is yeah you can’t really drink. I had a few drinks…is not getting out of work.

Which is fine…I dont drink nearly as much as I used to. and that is schedule for off duty call weekends if the case.

Now some have called not on the duty rotation. those are fun ones.

Dude…just hop in your laptop please.

Dude…I am camping. Not glamping. I don’t bring a laptop. there isn’t even a power outlet in a mile of me at least really lol.

The only extra modern device I bring is my camera. And the Nikon “OS” if it can be called that…ain’t remoting a damn thing lol.

Better than Never


Huh, interesting.

It’s so amusing how the anti RDF crowd thinks a 25 minute queue(or more realistically ~15 minutes since they are notorious liars) with a guaranteed group at the end during which time you can be doing something else is somehow a draw back.