To All who want RDF

some people believe that the pinnacle of human socialising and interaction is typing “x class lf x content” and then alt upping that in chat 5000 times over a period of many hours.

These people likely will ignore certain classes that arent at the top of warcraft logs at the same time when doing their beloved manual group forming, while declaring that a random group finder will be 100% trolls no one will ever clear a run because all the tanks will be arms warriors and the healers will be cats.

Basically its how to be a hypocrite 101 with these guys. They are the anti social slobs, not the perceived “RFD” people, but telling them that pushes them into anti social overload. Telling a brick its a brick is meaningless. Same applies here


Um, no, sorry its not classic. At least not OG classic, which was what everyone was hoping for.


I love the queue. You can do w/e for x time, rather than sit there trying to find a group. stepping away from the game is a GOOD THING


Yeah, 100% this, better than refreshing the dungeon tool every 5 minutes


I’m an idiot and don’t know how to quote on mobile/forums in general but why are you wasting your hard earned money arguing against something that you obviously don’t care about it being in the game or not (Time = Money)?

  1. I make money while posting on the forums.
  2. Where have I argued against RDF?
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I believe these devs listened to their elitist guilds and really don’t care about the overall health of wotlk or it’s customer base.

Stroking egos is what this iteration of wotlk is about and the minuscule minority egos that they decided to cater too. That is why different levels of heroics and still no RDF to get into the old content much less the added content.


Keep in mind the sub we pay is for retail and we " get access to classic".

Acti-buzzard are kings of misdirection and hiding failure to their shareholders. It is why they quit reporting sub numbers and just lump all products into one generic report. No real details on any products on how they stand on their individual merits.

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How do you make money posting on the forums? Did I misinterpreted your response to Koish about being able to run content in the 68th post and subsequent posts that there is a dungeon finder in place already and we don’t need rdf?

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I’m on call.

Sure did. Calling out a bad argument =/= making an argument yourself.


Isn’t on-call making money from the company you work for and not posting on forums? What would be a good argument for rdf?

You should really read things before replying my friend:

I said I make money WHILE posting on the forums, not FROM posting on the forums.

You tell me.

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But if time = money, aren’t you losing money by posting on the forums about something you don’t care about?

If you are neutral on a subject, shouldn’t you understand both sides of the argument?


Dont bother with him. Hes a troll, he has been anti-RDF since Wrath Classic started. He has tried to make many arguments against it.

You also dont make money while on call. Being on call means you are not on duty but are able to be contacted to provide services. You make money from the service, not being on call.

We have given reason on top of reason all the while him saying its not coming and isnt needed which are both anti-RDF. If he was pro-RDF or RDF neutral he would have given a reason but hes just a troll that eventually leaves and just likes to insult other peoples literacy while not providing anything productive or constructive to the conversation.


No because I’m on call. Is this a foreign concept for you? I have to be ready at a moment’s notice to stop what I’m doing.

Yes. I have arguments that work for RDF. But since I don’t about whether or not its added in, why would I present them?

So your refusal to give me one of yours suggests you don’t have one. Would I be correct in assuming that?

So if you are on-call, you make money during that entire time on-call including any time you spend on the forums, watching TV, etc.?

If I did not have a good argument for having rdf in, would you be able to give me a good argument so I could make a decision on whether or not rdf would be good?

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This does not mean what you think it means. You do not get paid while on call.

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Correct. I make money for being available during this time – not necessarily for doing anything with the time. This is the last question I’ll be answering about my personal life.

I’m not here to sway you either way. That’s up for you to decide. The most fulfilling decisions are the ones where you’ve actually thought for yourself.

Correction, you don’t. I certainly do. Will not be responding to further comments about my personal life. The obsession is creepy, nonproductive, and off-topic.


If I do not have an argument for rdf or against rdf, how can I make a proper decision on what I think would be good for the game?

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No, you dont. You do not get paid for being off duty, and you shouldnt have brought up your personal life if you dont want people to call you out on your BS.