To All who want RDF

No, I brought it up cause I think it’s wildly inconsistent to say “I want classic” while at the same time saying “design decisions made in the original don’t matter anymore” and “yes, level 85 molten core is classic in my mind”.

And I’m fine with letting that particular exchange sit right there if you don’t bring anything to the table beyond whining about this particular exchange.

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Yes, because you want to argue over the definition of words and not ideas. The only reason you seek to do this is because you can’t engage in ideas and points anymore as yours have already been debunked. No meaningful debate has ever been won on semantics.

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I think the idea that a level 85 molten core can be in the spirit of a game that’s all about nostalgia is outrageous, yes.


And your idea relies on the definition of a word – with many other definitions – that’s apart of an ever evolving lexicon. Which is why it has been ignored and will continue to be ignored.

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And the direction of classic from day 1 till WotLK.

You know, the game that was sold as a “recreation of the games of the past”.

Except y’all want 2.0 so bad that you ruined the last of them.


Nope – there have been “new” things in Classic since day 1 of Classic Vanilla. Try again.

If by ‘new things’ you mean logistical concepts such as layers, yeah, I suppose so.

But then, I’m not one to define quality of life as content so. While I might not’ve been happy with layers, I understood the decision to add them.

The information that constantly gets updated that you havent kept up with.

Why would they leave if its not an issue with Wrath Classic?

So this means changing the fundamentals of the game?

Confused by what? You keep saying people are confused yet we know what is going on and you are the one that is trying to act like its not while not keeping up with the information.

No, it doesnt. It means one thing.

Then DF is classic as well because that also has the old content. Your bad arguments continue to get worse as time goes by.

Yes you do, where is this bravado you had where you claimed they were listening to you, and now that they are looking into releasing RDF during ICC you are now acting like you never cared.

Then its not classic.

Lets dive into this. Fur Elise by Beethoven is a classic, so if someone remixes it, is it a classic still because you changed it from what it is.

The definition of classic as a noun is a work of art of recognized and established value. If you change a classic from what it was its not longer the thing that was recognized and established as having value and is a remix or a reforge of the original. The adjective is “judged over a period of time to be of the highest quality and outstanding of its kind”. This hasnt happened with Wrath Classic, so classic has to refer to the old Wrath, especially when Blizzard says “relive the classic”.

By setting a standard. Thats why there are definitions for words. So everyone is on the same page.


Translation: No source, made it up.

There’s a bunch of reasons they might leave, too busy for the game, can’t afford sub, want to play other games, etc. Have you actually thought about this at all?


The Classic vision.

That’s not how meaning works. Notice how again you are resorting to semantic arguments? Do you really have no other contributions to make besides arguing about definitions? How has this fared for you over the past two years?

Dragonflight has Molten Core at level 70?

Your inability to read is getting worse as time goes by.

Blizzard says otherwise. Since it’s their game, they make the rules.

I’m not interested in semantics arguments. I will not respond to them further because they are the lowest form of argument not worthy of consideration.

Translation: Bloomsday was caught not keeping up with the information that he claimed people should do.

Really? Werent you part of that group that was telling people that “too busy” isnt a good excuse? Hypocrisy much. I remember you say you had multiple businesses that you ran.

15 dollars? Or even nothing… they cant afford free?

which is an issue with Wrath Classic.

Clearly you didnt.

So then its not classic, its reforged.

There is no classic version of Wrath. This is reforged.

Thats exactly how meanings work, or else words mean nothing.

There are no semantics here, just calling out someone that is trying to save face because they are clearly wrong.

How are people supposed to have a conversation if there is no mutual understanding of what words mean? Why are you continuing with this argument that shows that you are deep in a hole that you cant get out of. Definitions of words are important.

Why are you having such a hard time understanding that definitions are important?

Yes it does.

Way to prove me right.

Yes, they make the rules to the game, they do not have the luxury of changing the definition of a word. This is not Classic Wrath.

Translation: Bloomsday lost.


You’re not interested in discussing it because you just make up definitions of words. And every one knows your made up definitions are wrong. Best for you to stop responding when your made up definitions just makes you look stupid.


What are you referencing? Can you please cite it?

Yes Kelliste, poverty exists.

WoW isn’t free.

Not it’s not. People can be perfectly happy with the direction of Wrath Classic and they can want to play other games at the same time. Not everyone is addicted to WoW only and that does not suggest WoW has issues if people are not addicted to it.

No it doesn’t. Molten Core is not relevant content for Dragonflight.

Yes they do. In fact, you even pay them to do it.

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Let see… the game is designed exactly how I wanted it to be designed… and the only points made against me consist of “no u” rebuttals, strawmans, conspiracies, logical fallacies, and semantics arguments. I think I’m good actually.

Except I’m not the one that came up with the title Classic Wrath. Blizzard is. Feel free to tell them all about how they used the wrong word if you like. It will garner zero response, because it’s a nothing point, but you’re welcome to express it.

Personally, I value my time more than that so I don’t care to discuss semantics. I think that’s one of the reasons Blizzard was more convinced by my position.

Really? Than why did you take the time to respond to me when you claimed you were no longer going to discuss how you make up definitions to words.

Blizzard uses words for propaganda purposes. All they care about is if it helps to sell the game. Blizzard simps follow where ever blizzard leads them.


More conspiracies?

Yes and no. They obviously would want a marketable title, but they want something accurate to what the game is as well. Else they would just sell games titled “Best Game Ever” or something equally as dumb but profitable.

You dont remember what you said?

NOOOO! WHAT! NO WAY!.. Look if free is too much for you, then you have other problems to worry about. That also doesnt explain why over half left.

Yeah, it is. I havent paid for WoW in years. Because you dont know how to get it for free isnt my problem.

Yeah, it actually is.

Yes it actually does.

You never said anything about it being relevant, you just asked if it had it at 70 and it does.

No, they dont.

And people are leaving in droves.

No they arent, its called Wrath Classic. But even then, classic has a certain definition that is not being met. Its Wrath Reforged.

We are, and so are the people that are leaving.

No you really dont, if you valued your time you wouldnt be on here not answering questions.

So you are the reason why its failing? Good, we can all blame you for it.


They called the game classic because they couldn’t sell Wrath plus or Reforged Wrath. Even though they made so many changes that calling it classic no longer fits with the accepted dictionary definition of the word. And of course the blizzard simps will spend their time here defending them for what ever they do.


No, can you quote it?

WoW isn’t free.

How are you playing WoW for free? There are no legal ways to play WoW for free. Not everyone is willing to break the law.

It was obvious the conversation that you inserted yourself in was about relevant content. Please read things before replying.

No they aren’t. You have no citation for this it’s another thing you’ve made up.

A product making millions is considered failing? By what standards? What products have you made?

How do you know?

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With the token it’s legal to buy or sell gold. I’ve played for free for over a year by selling gold for sub time with the retail token. Now that we have the token in classic it’s much more easy for anyone to sell gold to play wow for free.

It’s obvious to anyone with average or above intelligence. I get why it’s not obvious to you though.

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That’s not free. It costs WoW gold to play.

Well with things that are obvious we should have evidence or proof of it. Would you mind sharing that?

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You cant? What a shame.

Sure it is.

Yes, there quite literally is a way to play WoW for free.

But it is relevant content.

You should probably do that, but read it before posting.

Yes, they quite literally are. Its not my fault you havent kept up with the information.

You have absolutely no clue how much its making, and the fact that people are leaving is the standard of which its failing.

My labor.

Because people are leaving Wrath Reforged.

Nope, thats free.

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