We all know the answer to your question. If you put minorities(especially the same type of minority) together you give them power. Like the old saying…“Power in Numbers”.
Even in a video game, individuals inquiring about a group of like minded (out of the norm) will be met with LOUD voices belittling them. This causes the person asking the question to become silent and feel ashamed. A lot has changed but much is still the same.
It doesn’t affect me if a group wants to segregate themselves from the general population. I just find it amusing that this recent social push for everything to be “inclusive” accomplishes exactly the opposite.
You’re right, Liberals are obsessed with Race,Class and Sexual orientation. The rest of us dont give a fu—
Yeah … there hasn’t been growth in White Nationalism at all in the last few years … and if there has it’s the liberals fault. /eyeroll
Which ideology created the class culture?
Are you talking about socio-economic class, friendo?
I’m talking identity politics.
Who started dividing us by Race, Sex, Religion?
Who is afraid of all people just being “American” instead of identifying as a particular identity or class?
Take your time
That drives me insane and I don’t associate with those people
haha…I tried that once in filling out a form…Race part and I filled in the blank with “American”. Got admonished by the lady at the DMV .
Wish we could all do that…under Race check “other” and fill in the blank with American.
That would sure send our government into a tizzy wouldn’t it ?
Race shouldn’t even be an option. If we want a true color blind equal society.
I hereby claim Stalagg as the server for Sombra mains.
Ok. where is the server for people with freckles ?
Class ‘culture’ is an outgrowth of economic class which has existed pretty much ever since currency was invented (perhaps even before ). I could argue that identity politics are focused on in order to keep the ‘lower orders’ focused on hating one another rather than those at the top pulling strings, but I’ll forego that tangent.
And if you think dividing us by race, sex, and religion is a new thing in America or the world at large … ummm … well, all’s I can say are there hundreds of historical records that say that’s not so.
Well, technically, if you’re a citizen, you’re an American. I could argue that a big part of the problem is people that are focusing on what it means to be a ‘real American’. Fakeriotsim certainly seems to be in vogue … it’s all part of the Nationalist nonsense that’s likely propagated to keep you focused on hating the wrong people.
Wanting to be a part of and conforming to the Unique American Culture and wanting every American to succeed regardless of their victim status should be everyone’s desire. If we keep telling people they cant because of some phantom victim hood or some invisible oppressor then racial, economic and religious divides will widen.
Let me ask you, can you think of anything you could come together with someone of the opposite political views of you and work towards with that person or something you both can agree about and be proud of?
I don’t actually care about either, they both live their own lives and doesn’t actually interfere with other. They do cause issue because of property value hicks but it’s just something that’ll have to be addressed sooner or later.
Yeah it’s harder to learn new languages as you grow older, however by living in a country that predominately one language you generally learn it over time even if you are older.
The issue is they created community’s so they can speak their own language, enjoy their original culture, and to have a place they felt they belonged. This lead many to not learn English primarily because it wasn’t required.
The issue is that it was also during a period where traveling was hard so having everything you required in your own community prevented you from being influenced by outsider (ie Americans). The only ones that learned English would be the business owners -as transport company’s only speak English- and those that wanted a higher paying job.
No I never. I’m making that statement in direct response to the fact you where claiming the Chinese where ostracized by a country by indicating that even in China they are “racist.” Wouldn’t state their blatantly racist but they do show disdain to foreigners marrying a Chinese person.
The other issue I have with your statement’s so far is you bring up racism quit a lot even though you showed some inkling of a different pov by stating “banding together” but the fact you think that a community is generally a result of racism is a problem.
During the period of the creation of China town(s) there was many different community’s that where formed,. They where (same with China town) primarily for people with the same origins to speak their own language, and enjoy their original culture. Racism had nothing to do with it.
What I get from the OP is that if I cut off my legs there’s a server I can join.
Enabling actual victims to claim recompense (civil court) or some sense of justice/closure (criminal court) is a hallmark of a non-corrupt governmental system. Yes, I know individuals that can’t get over the fact that their parents or whatever did them wrong and cling on to a victim status in order to make excuses. I do not, however, buy into the idea that there’s a pervasive victim culture in this country. Or at least the problems they cause are relatively small relative to other problems we have.
I would HOPE that we could come together and agree on the merits of democracy and the one person-one vote system. I used to think the vast majority of Americans were country-first, personal-ideology second. I fear I was mistaken.
The Straight Pride parade in Boston had a gay Grand Marshall. I thought that was pretty cool.
Most of the people in these threads are saying we don’t care about your preferences, roll on the server you want to. That’s not bigoted, so just stop.
YeH, there was a big thread on the RP pvp server with a guy threatening to report anyone not RPing. I wanted to go there because it seems like a more mature community, but now I’m rethinking.
I wouldn’t worry. I’ve played on mostly RP or RP-PvP servers since 2006. I think as long as you dont have a stupid non-RP name or grief RP, you’re not going to get reported enough to affect your gameplay. That guy represents an extreme viewpoint.