To all who keep designating servers for this and that

One Person one vote sounds good on the surface until you think deeper than your own personal political point of view.

The easiest way I can illustrate to people why a pure democracy is bad is with this analogy

5 people in a room, 3 men, 2 women. The men decide that the women have to please them sexually. The women protest but are overruled as they are in the minority.

The reason we have the system we do is to prohibit those in the population centers from dictating policy for those in the rural area’s. In a Pure democracy the people outside the cities lose their voice. The resources will always go to the majority no matter what. Men or Women with city values will run government and the middle and lower classes will suffer the most. While imperfect, our system is the best in the world at this time. The framers spent a long time studying and researching the best form of government to be entrusted and controlled by the people. We are the only nation on earth that has restrictions on government power enshrined in our founding documents. If people truly want to do away with the Electoral college then it needs to be done the right way, with a constitutional amendment. Any other route taken is simply taking peoples voices away for your own gain.

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Yeah, and I told him I’d pick an appropriate name and not disrupt anyone role playing and use the cat feature correctly. I mean, I do feel like I’m on their server, but I also don’t think it’s a bad thing and it populates the server. He didn’t seem to like that, but it is only one guy.

Again with the claim of segregation. This is the absurdity that people who feel threatened keep repeating.

Yes, I’m aware of the ‘tyranny of the mob’ that Monroe and other founders warned us against. That said, as often as possible, I believe we should exercise direct democracy. That’s why I find it most meaningful (and tbh, satisfying) to vote in local elections on referendums and initiatives.

“City values”. Loaded language there, my friend. Also, until relatively recently in the country, the majority of people lived not in cities. You’re doing some contortions there to justify an electoral system that was designed when it was a.) hard to collect and count votes b.) southern states demanded certain concessions to make their relative voting power higher due to fear the more populous northern states would dominate them. This led into the 3/5’s doctrine (Or w/e it was called at the time) where slaves were counted as 3/5 of a citizen for electoral weighting tallies as well as members that would be in the U.S. House of Representatives. It all leads back to the ‘we’re worried the majority will impose their will upon us’. Well, when that will is “No, you can’t keep people in slavery” I’m for that. Whether your concern about the tyranny of the majority actually comes from a sincere place or it’s just a vehicle to allow the minority to have a disproportionate say … well, I don’t know you well enough to say that.

As far as our Constitution, I agree it is a great document. That said, it’s not perfect (see … what is it now we’re up to … 30 amendments?).

And as far as doing it any other way … well, the Interstate Compact where states are signing up to say they will pledge their electors to the person that gets the majority of the popular votes (at least once 270 E.V.'s worth of states have done so as well) … well, that’s under the control of the individual states … as part of ‘state’s rights’ … .also enshrined in that same Constitution.

You infer that removing the Electoral College is taking away peoples’ voices for ‘your own gain’. I disagree with both parts of that statement. It isn’t taking away their voices. In a National Popular Vote, everyone gets a voice. Right now, you get a disproportionately ‘loud’ voice if you live in say Wyoming or Hawaii … as opposed to say California or Texas. It’s just the way the math works. And ‘my own gain’ I could argue with … the Electoral College has given the office of President of the United States to the person who didn’t win the most popular votes in two of the past five presidential elections. I could argue, and I would dare say more convincingly, that keeping the Electoral College is ‘for your own gain’. I think that when you apply Occam’s Razor to whose right in the Electoral College Vote versus National Popular Vote it doesn’t favor the Electoral College system.

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only that OP in that thread got near 200 likes with that nasty spewing of “if you don’t /nod to me I’m reporting you for OOC”




  1. the action or state of setting someone or something apart from other people or things or being set apart.

This is, by definition, segregation. And who exactly is it that feels threatened here? The majority of negative responses to this thread have nothing to do with a personal stance on the GBT issue. They object to bringing up ANY sexuality in a video game. WoW is rated “T” for teen after all.

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Multiple people and myself have decided to go to grub and stream our gameplay and camsites. The true ERP experience

Funny how its the groups that segregate themselves are the first to speak out about segregation.

It’s mostly SJW saying that crap, the rest of the people are just minding their own business and just want to jump and play the game.

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No, by definition it is not. It’s congregation. Literally there’s a word for it with a wonderful “ation” on the end for you to use and feel smart.

None of these posts are excluding other people except the Herod players telling streamers they’re not welcome. All the others are congregation not segregation. You even provided the dictionary definition and you still don’t understand that your interpretation is wrong.


It sure looks like that’s the way it IS to me. And it makes me very sad.

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Maybe you should instead look at America and look at the rest of the world. You know… Where people are murdered, hanged, stoned, etc for being openly gay.

Either way 99% of players don’t gaf as long as youre fun to be around and contribute.

My main healer in the raid was the best person on the guild hands down. Free enchants always on time to events, helped level and gear other members. Well guess what. One day he finally bought a mic and actually spoke in discord… And… Well… He was gay! And you know what else … no one gave a f at all! Lol. Although he did end up breaking up with his boyfriend and asked us for advice on discord. And once again…no one freaked out, crazy I know! We gave him the best advice we could since no one else had been in that specific situation before.

People look for things to be upset about. such is life in 2019. And as always if you look hard enough, you can always find whatever it is you’re hoping to see. However if you live life normally you will come to find out that aside from the 1-3% of people who are not tolerant. The rest of the world does not actually care how people live their lives.


No, Elorael did NOT reply to you. The post very clearly was replying to the OP named Sthelyane

Christ, this thread is still going? Why? It’s turned into a flame war with nothing of value to discuss.

I have and the only reason there is one is because of the lgb parade if it wasn’t for the lgb one, the straight pride parade would not exist …just like the sudden pop up of these straight only server troll post they wouldn’t exists if it wasn’t for the lgb ones. they are a troll response to the others…Why can we not just leave what happens in the bed room …in the bed room…

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Because snowflakes wanna snowflake, and trolls wanna troll.

On the realsies though, I agree with you. Liberal use of /ignore can turn an unpleasant server, into a very pleasant one.

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Well, good luck to that OP - Blizzard does not have a history of enforcing roleplaying behavior on RP servers (other than sweeps to collect those that can’t get past their character creation screens without having to type in some type of name/phrase they think is clever). I don’t expect them to suddenly start sanctioning non-RPers for not roleplaying on designated RP servers now.

As a part time / long time RPer myself, would I like if more people on the RP and RPPvP servers decided to RP? Yes, yes I would. Do I want to drive those who don’t RP off those servers? Fel no!

Perhaps because history started before the advent of the Internet and much of that history in North America and elsewhere was quite homophobic, up to and including mutilation and murder of alleged homosexuals? Society, including MMOs, does not take place in a vacuum. None of these groups are excluding anyone (as far as I know) and they aren’t costing you any money. I don’t feel like anyone is waving their sexuality or sexual behaviors in my face, be they straight, gay, or anything else. Do you?

how many different threads started saying either this server or that server is the official lgb community or is there and lgb community, when one would have done I do believe more then half of them were attention seeking aka waving their specialty in every ones face yes. look I have nothing against LGB people, all I am saying is why can we not leave what happens in the bed room in the bed room If I make a post about my masturba*on habitats it will get shut down fast why because no one wants to hear about it. why do people think its any different when talking about who they have sex with?

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Yes, but it creates the issue that people are joining servers because of a superficial issue, and not because people can play in peace and harmony. Even then you make it easier for trolls to react. So basically here’s how to carefully pick a server:

Don’t encourage people to join it because they have similarities on paper. They may be of a certain color, creed, or gender/sex, but will they end up with people of similar character? Players today are fortunate if they find someone they are similar to in physical traits and “beliefs” AND will not be a mean jerk, a troll, a ninja or a “gold-digger” in this age of gaming. The community has degraded so we can’t be picky about the server or whats on the outside, instead, we have to be picky about the people we find and what’s inside.

You join a server because they are looking to either PVP, PVE, or Role-play. Or they may have friends they want to meet up with on a certain server. Cool, but don’t act like people know or follow “you the random player”, who decided to designate where others should go. Do you know if it’s the best choice for others or not? Will there be more total A-holes than there are total LGBT+ members? Form your little guild, but don’t send thousands of players on a wild goose chase to a server that is Full, only to fracture everyone in that community between servers anyway. A guild’s worth amount is enough to worry about, don’t concern your self with an entire population, to try to have them all go to the server you chose. As a result, you may leave unfortunately small pocket groups of LBGT+ members on multiple servers without the ability to have enough members to be big and successful on their servers. Most servers are full now, but even if it goes down, are you expecting people to pay for transfers or go through a long leveling process to get to the “designated” server? I don’t think Herod or whatever will go down soon if much at all. This would be unfair to LGBT+ members to have to be forced onto a server just because someone says they should go there. They are perfectly free to go wherever they want if that happens to already designated for LGBT+, great, but don’t make a promise to someone on something you can’t give!