To all those who DONT want dual spec

You would go to your trainer.

How can adding dual spec be seen as anything but a convenience change. This is such an obvious troll.

Dual spec or not dual spec, tell me you can’t see why this sort of justification makes any sense.

Don’t like flying? Don’t use it. Don’t like cross realm? Don’t use it (to some degree). Don’t like LFD? Don’t use it. Don’t like transmog? Don’t use it. Don’t like barbershop? Don’t use it. Don’t like server transfers? Don’t use it. Don’t like how easy dungeons are? Run them naked. etc. Seriously?!

This applies to ANYTHING - even things that you may not like. You don’t get to have your cake and eat it too.

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Because you are not required to use it. Its just there. If you don’t use it then it’s neither. If you do use it then it’s a 2nd spec which you much gear to use.

Implementing would be a change for convenience, you’re a bad troll.

What don’t you understand about not having to use a 2nd spec if you don’t want to.

Do you want to pvp as well as tank? Well you got the option now. You just want to tank? Then don’t use it.

Whats there not to understand here?

Think about your justification. “If you don’t want it, you don’t have to use it.” That’s what’s idiotic.

How is needing to farm and grind for gear for a 2nd spec now suddenly convenience? A;; dual spec adds is more content.

What do you not understand about this not being necessary. Implementing would be a convenience change. Not picking it up doesn’t change the reason for why it would be added.

Do you want to just do 1 thing? Then do it. Do you want to do more then 1 thing? Now you can do that too.

It’s not “almost universal.” IMO, Wrath is when WoW took a dramatic turn in design philosophy toward what eventually became whatever retail is today. The decline of WoW began with all the changes made in Wrath, IMO.

There are many who want to play TBC because they consider it to be the best version the game. Please let them do so.

Your favorite version of the game will be here soon enough, a year give or take. Please have the courtesy to wait for it and leave this game alone for those who want to enjoy it as it was.


All these posts but nothing saying why its negative for the game. Strange.

Post after post after post on why it’s a great thing to have and will revive the slowly dead game. Not a single one on why it’s a bad thing.

Again, let me spell it out for you. This has nothing to do with whether or not I want or do not want dual spec. It’s how people like you justify it.

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When theres a peak there is a fall from it. Of course you would view wrath as the decline because it literally was the best. Everything else is worse from this point on.

Because you don’t need to change specs to do that. Changing specs makes things more convenient. Are you really this dense?

But I would not have done it in the first place without a dual spec. It’s neither convenient or inconvenient.

Dual spec would objectively increase the number of group interactions in the game. Your central thesis for why dual spec would be bad is literally as wrong as it’s possible to be.

Joke is on you since I never actually played Wrath. I quit at the end of TBC due to general burnout.

As for your comment about it not being “almost universal,” you can have your opinion and it is still just one opinion in a giant sea of people who prefer Wrath. For the last 2 years, I have heard more people talk about wanting to get to Wrath than I have heard talk about TBC and it hasn’t really been all that close. Adding dual spec is hardly “impeding” players from playing TBC. It is for purist jackholes, but fortunately for the rest of us those types (like you) appear to be in the vast minority.

Personally, my favorite game is actually Vanilla. I prefer the 40 player raids. I preferred old Vanilla’s BG structure that wasn’t cross realm. I preferred Vanilla’s approach to dungeon and raid design in general.

You know what wouldn’t get me to stop enjoying Vanilla? Dual spec. You know what else wouldn’t? Improved talents. Changes in racials. Removal of world buffs. There are all sorts of surface level aspects to the game that wouldn’t impact my enjoyment of it whatsoever.

Shoot…I bet you were one of the people who railed against the Boon when they introduced that as well and that was easily the best quality of life improvement they could have made for people who raid with world buffs.

I played Wrath, and I quit during late Wrath, because it wasn’t as good as vanilla and TBC, and I didn’t like the direction the game was headed.

When you’re talking about “best,” you can’t just look at sub numbers. I liken it to music. Often the 2nd or 3rd album has the most sales, because it’s capitalizing upon the band’s popularity generated by the superior first albums. But that 2nd or 3rd album is often when the band sold out and started to decline.

This is the same tired old logic that people keep trying to use time and time again but it does not work for a MMO. If it’s in the game, then you have to use it or you are at a disadvantage vs everyone else. This is why we wanted the debuff on drums else damn near every raid guild would want you to go LW to spam drums. You’d be at a disadvantage and punished if you didn’t.

Now I’m not totally against dual spec; just your horrible argument for it. I’d be fine with dual spec coming in if it had a large unlock fee to justify it (10,000g). But if you expect it to be free or cheap, then NO. Naturally you didn’t mention a price, and most people asking for it don’t. You people just want a handout which is not the purpose of dual spec.

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