To all those who DONT want dual spec

This is a good glimpse into a retail player’s psyche.

They are incapable of considering how changes made to the game affect others. They only think about their own crap. Instead of looking at how it will change the game, it’s all about how it will change their nightly 2 hour play session.

It doesn’t matter if dual spec trivializes a large portion of the game. Because this guy wants to do arenas as a warrior and switch between PvE and pvp specs over and over. There’s absolutely no consideration for what happens outside of his play session and what he cares about.

This is how retail players think. They cannot fathom how something so perfect for them would hurt the game or others enjoyment of it. They cannot understand there are other features in game at jeopardy. They don’t care. Me me me. Retail.


If you don’t like it, just don’t read it.

Yeah I just don’t need to spend 500g+ per day to play them.

This is how pee brained #nochanges players think.

If someone wanta a change that will have a huge positive affect for everyone, they inly think about how it may slightly negatively affect them. Except it doesnt. They can chose not to use it.

Or they cry that someone might nit “talk” to them in game. Another lame argument. Cant have lfd because ppl dont have to cimmunicate. I run instances all day long. The amount of talking i do is " hey, ill tank it if you still need" wow, that is so much better.

Go back to classic. Go set in your museum and enjoy youself.

I haven’t played for a WoW subscription since retail and now for classic TBC. Not sure why you keep saying this.

In the meantime I was playing private servers exclusively TBC ones.

Chill with the ramble old man.

Then what is the negative effects?


No matter what happens the classic community will min max. So why are we punishing people who simply want to play the game? The community being trash is not a good excuse.

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versatility should come at a cost, and 500g per day? wat.

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Go back to retail where they already have all the garbage you’re requesting?

Oh please find it in your heart to forgive me for believing the classic version of the game would foster a classic experience that’s foreign to you trashbag retail players.

Oh please. Please forgive me for daring to enjoy a game without all the garbage you guys need to be handheld without becoming catatonic.

Let’s also not forget you admit there’s a small amount of negativity involved in the changes you want. We’re to endure those? That burden is on us? When retail is right there you can play it right now with all the garbage bags and whistles.

Go back to retail.


If I need to tank a raid then I gotta spec, if I wanna farm honor then respec again, farm gold, respec again, back to farming honor, respect again, then some arenas, respec again, tank a heroi, respect again, back to arenas, respec again.

it adds up fast

The biggest difference between Retail and Classic is the lack of cross realm play on Classic. It is the easiest aspect of Retail one can point to and say “that’s what is different.” Why? Because that aspect is what flushes server community right down the toilet.

Everything else: dual spec, mythics, dailies, pathfinder, lfg, etc. is just window dressing that would have limited impact on the one aspect of Classic people enjoy most: the smaller communities.

Guess which patch introduced cross realm play? Cataclysm. Guess which patch is very high on the list of patches most people hate? Cataclysm. Contrast this with Wrath which had…wait for it…dual spec. Wrath is almost universally regarded as one of the best (if not the best) expansion the game has ever had to offer.

To be clear, I am not advocating bringing in everything from Wrath. But this whole notion that the sky is falling if something like Dual Spec is added when it is literally going to be in the next classic expansion (assuming we get that far) is all sorts of silly.

maybe in an RPG, you shouldn’t be able to do all of those things without some disincentive

this mentality is why retail is just some lobotomized, lukewarm, farmville number crunch rather than something memorable like classic was

trust me dude, we’re saving you from yourself


How many retail players came to the classic forum to trash talk vanilla and call it a tbc waiting room? Which version of the game was more successful? Blizzards classic vanilla or blizzards classic tbc? Wait for it… Vanilla.

These expansions are trash. Vanilla is the only one that will make a splash.

If you thought tbc was a flop and died fast compared to vanilla, wait until wotlk. Tbc is inferior to vanilla. Wotlk is inferior to tbc. They all piggyback off vanilla’s success.

The more retail features in the game, the less substance or sticky features the game has to keep players invested. Instead you’re left with gimmicks, instant gratification, things you would do to entice new players, not to keep players subscribed.

Vanilla kept everyone subscribed for years without any retail features. Once retail features become the meat of the game, the game begins failing.

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Then don’t use dual spec if you don’t want to. It has 0 impact on your gameplay.

That’s incorrect. Actually it has a large impact.

You leaving classic and playing retail that has all the garbage you need, has zero impact.


Eh, swapping specs in raids seems like a pretty giant convenience

This is a feature you can look forward to in WotLK or retail

To say it has 0 impact on someone’s gameplay is to say that the dungeon finder automation, wow token, etc has zero impact on people’s gameplay


It was the bigger game initially yeah. Unless you were on a large server at the end of Classic, the world was very dead while waiting for TBCC. The burnout was real. The attrition was also real.

I would also point out that your entire argument is a complete failure if we are talking historically. Historically, TBC was more popular than Vanilla. Wrath was more popular than TBC.

You make it sound like if Blizzard were to drop TBCC altogether and reintroduce Classic with fresh servers that the new version of Classic would be anywhere near as successful as the first iteration. Let me clue you in on something. It wouldn’t be. It wouldn’t even be as successful as the current iteration of TBCC.

Ok now explain how dual spec effects you in a way similar to how the token effects you if you don’t use it. This is a pretty unrealistic comparison.

That’s not going to be enough. There have already been mentions of wanting multi spec. Like in retail. They don’t want to go to the trainer, it takes effort.
You guys aren’t getting this feature in TBCC, deal with it.

I would bet you cold hard cash a fresh vanilla server boasts more concurrent players than any of the tbc servers currently.


Not a prayer. Keep living in your fantasy world.