not solved in retail with everyspec, wasnt solved in wrath with dual spec or any time in between
Okay, fine you’re the exception, not the rule.
The original argument is that dual spec will solve the tank shortage because it will encourage players who normally play DPS to pick up tanking as a secondary spec. We’re not talking about this anymore. Fine.
You’ve brought a completely new reason now. You want dual spec because you don’t want to pay to respec to DPS to run dungeons, and that’s because you don’t like pug DPS. That’s well and good but this reason ultimately falls under the category of convenience, which I already mentioned as not a good reason to include dual spec.
no stats
ding ding ding
no you wouldnt, youd go with a friend or guild group. there was a thread earlier where everyone pretty much agreed: pugs are the worst and almost never worth the trouble.
easy killer, charge a rate, thats fine by me.
You’re contradicting yourself. You said you would tank in dungeons more often if you didn’t have to pay gold to do it, but you also said you don’t like pug DPS in dungeons.
…so why do you want dual spec, exactly? It would simply give you the freedom to do something you admitted you don’t like doing.
Fail at reading comprehension alert. No, I PVP. I dont DPS in PVE. The only PVE I do is as a tank. Convenience absolutely IS a good reason to include dual spec, it is unethical to expect your players to devote an unhealthy amount of time to playing your game to accomplish simple tasks.
I mean yeah I always ask my friends and guild first, that just makes logical sense. But I often do end up pugging at least 1 or 2 deeps.
I mean, alright. I already do sometimes. Just encourages more dps players to buy gold I guess, but I suppose this game is ridden with an infinite rabbit hole of problems isnt it. Considering this classic is far from no changes, what is your main reason for wanting dual spec to be excluded?
Still contradicting yourself.
No. It’s not unethical to expect players to play the game. It doesn’t matter how much time or how menial the task is: if you feel like it’s not worth the time, then don’t do it. WoW is a game of time, if you want something you have to put in the time. If you think the amount of time to accomplish something in the game is unhealthy, that’s your problem. You literally want a shortcut to get something in the game without putting in the time it takes to earn it.
I can use this logic to make an argument, too: we should make everything in the game free. It is unethical to expect me to devote time farming gold for raid consumables every week. I spend an “unhealthy” amount of time doing this every week, so all consumables should be given freely by an NPC in town.
Convenience is not a good reason to add a feature to the game when it originally wasn’t there. Adapt to the game, don’t expect the the game to adapt to you.
100% was NOT the most popular version of WoW. Most subs? sure, but also when subs stopped increasing and started its downward spiral. Subs were soaring upwards all through vanilla and TBC, then WotLK happens and -poof- peak hits, decline starts. Kinda makes you think WotLK was the beginning of the downfall, if you care about data.
Sue me for thinking the concept of playing your class is something you shouldn’t have to ‘earn’ in a video game. The best gear for it? Sure. Ranks? Accolades? also things you need to earn. The ability to log in and play the game as either PVP or Tank, without having to grind mining or fishing for 3 hours first? No, that aint right. And that you’re defending it just makes you look like a clown.
I am not contradicting myself by saying I prefer friends and guildies to pugs. I also said even with inviting guildies and friends, I always pug 1-2 dps. Thats just reality. I am in a great guild full of great players, with 4 25 man teams and 10+ kara teams, and even then there is no way all my groups will only ever consist of Convergence. You pug people. Its how the game works.
dps chipping in 20g each per heroic is gonna cause players to buy gold? cmon now. 100g is the most ive seen charged and thats 33g per DPS, not exactly breaking the bank, especially for classes that can farm easily.
because a couple changes get in, we should open it up to everything?
lets do LFD then.
token? in.
why leave it at dual spec? tri spec cmon down.
…was bluntly not intended by the original developers. If you want to do that, go ahead, but be prepared to deal with the consequences of that choice.
so the slippery slope logical fallacy, gotcha.
guess its goodbye for you at the end of TBC, if you’re still playing or even postng here in Wrath Classic where LFD exists then you’re a hypocrite. It aint about the systems for you its about protecting the image of your memberberries, and those arent even the same anymore anyways.
take a look at the prevalence of bots. People are already buying gold for whatever reason, and a hell of a lot of it. If all tanks start charging for runs, that obviously will exacerbate the issue.
like I said, you look like a clown
it’s LITERALLY your argument if you’re not intelligent enough to see when it’s a fallacy and when it’s not, I can’t help you.
- i wouldnt be a hypocrite for wanting features in certain expansions to stay in certain expansions.
- i actually am done at the end of TBC, if not sooner if they do dual spec or token
bots and gold selling are obviously major problems. will a tank charging a tiny fee for a heroic exacerbate that? no. the dps can easily make 33g per heroic they want to run i promise lol.
“To those of you who don’t want a vendor that gives you full bis and 10,000 arena points at absolutely zero cost, just don’t use it!”
I’m all for dual spec, but your argument for it is VERY stupid, the “just don’t use X if you don’t like it” is the most braindead selfish argument you could possibly come up with.
The best you could come up with was " a vendor that gives you full bis and 10,000 arena points at absolutely zero cost" to compare with having a 2nd spec. big brain moment
When I visit these forums and see all of these requests for things to be added to TBC, one thing comes to mind.
Why did you decide to play TBC, if you want to change it so much? Its not like it was something new and we didn’t know what to expect. It is a heavily documented expansion. We knew exactly what features existed, and what ones didn’t.
So if it didn’t include the features that make the game enjoyable for you, then why are you paying for it?
Cuz game dead. No tanks. No healers. Need a solution. Dual spec is the best one.
But it isn’t dead by any means. People are still playing, still grouping up, still raiding, and still doing PvP. Perhaps I just ended up on a very lively server? But I see no indication that this game is dead.
Imagine going to a candy store. But they don’t sell the candy you want. So you decide to protest out front and let everyone know how much you hate this store because they don’t have what you want. Yet, you still go inside every 30 minutes to buy the candy that they do sell, only to step back outside and continue to protest the store telling people they are out of business.
What kind of sense does that make? Because it is pretty much what people on the forums are doing these days. Saying how they don’t enjoy the game without the features that it doesn’t include, yet still playing and still paying. What’s worse is, you didn’t even need to come to the game to know what it included. Could have kept walking rather than coming in to pay for the product in the first place.
False. The subs increased slowly or stabilized during wrath but at no point was there any decline.
correct. towards the end of Cataclysm, when Pandaria was announced, and changes were leaked, is when people started leaving.