To all those who DONT want dual spec

funny thing is… this wont help. Just make things worse. instead of needing on main spec… it will be needing on off spec. doubling the dung/raids you have to do.
besides if they do add it… it will go back to original saying “just roll a tank” because its DS is more for pvp players than not.

You don’t HAVE to do anything

yes you will… so what you wont up your 2nd spec gear? you just gonna use same gear for both specs? you have to run more to get gear for both specs. or buy from overpriced AH.

This goes to problem #2
you will swap specs and tank and heal in dps or pvp gear. causing more player to abandon the dung/raid group. Causing more wait time, what also people say “DS will help with no wait times for ques”

One pve spec one pvp spec.

No problem.

but your whole argument is to swap to help No tank, No heals issue.

Id tank in pve. Currently I don’t. I’m solving the issue.

then tank to help solve the issue? currently you don’t. so how is that helping anything.
you can do that now. swap to pvp and pve.
So actually your only issue is spending gold to swap when you don’t feel like pvping.

Yes. Which is the reason why dual spec was even added into the game.

So Tbcc don’t NEED DS added. Its just something your asking for to be added to save yourself gold.

Yes it does.

Glad we settled this thread.

greed over need.

next thread please

“The ability to log in and play the game as either a priest or a rogue, without having to level for 120 hours first? No, that aint right. And that you’re defending it just makes you look like a clown.”


(or $40 i guess)

This is not an argument. In fact, ad hominems are usually a sign that you’ve run out of anything substantive say.

Often in the dungeons I run no one needs on some boss drops. They’re just sold to the vendor or maybe de. I already have a few level 70 healing armor and spell damage armor. As the healer I needed on the spell damage armor after no one else needed it. People keep doing dungeons farming for the one last piece to drop or for rep. dual spec might slightly increase the number of dungeons a player has to do but no where near will it double it.

Most dps I know would be happy to struggle through a dungeon with a undergeared tank or healer. That’s an improvement over not getting a group at all.

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