To all the people who play Void Elves

I like the way they look and just generally love playing one. I just started to level one up.

Same as everyone else, don’t feel you are alone in this even a few MVPs from the previous forum versions had to build up to level 3 trust (as I understand)

I’m still holding out for the Void Elves becoming a darker or more sinister themed race. Hopefully turn out to be evil in general. Not of madness or influence, rather of their own volition.

The Void is evil. Its entities actively try to corrupt or consume everyone nearby, or both. All its uses are harmful, both to the targets and the users.

They just need Void Knights with the class skin idea from Taliesin.

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I’ve earned Trust Level 3 which allows you to link images. Earning TL3 is a pretty daunting task, atm. You have to read xx posts (like 20,000), give and receive xx likes, keep your nose clean on the forums (not get time outs for shenanigans).

Trust Level 2 can post links to 'Tube videos, though.

They are the most Emo.

Eye candy.

Simon LeBon? Great, now I want to roll a male belf. :wink:

False. The void is not inherently evil. Nor is the Light inherently good. Both have the ability to corrupt, consume, and destroy. Both have the ability to be harmful to their targets and their users.

A gun is not evil. It is a tool. The person who wields the gun chooses whether they do something good or something evil with it. And you yourself just stated that the void’s -ENTITIES- are actively trying to harm. The void itself is not.

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nose bleed
Dangit Fallynn ya gotta warn a human if yer gonna drop a bombshell like that!

just cleaned this tabard too

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I don’t play one but I love the void effect on their hairstyle.

I like the Aesthetic. I also prefer elves in general
 I never really liked the uglier races, (Trolls, orcs, undead, goblins), nor do i really like the furry races, (Worgen and Tauren), Draenei
 the males are too 
 bulky for my tastes, and I dont play female characters at all. Gnomes are creepy, and humans are boring.
That’s why i play mainly void elf males.
Oh, i used to only play blood elf males, but I prefer Alliance, so when Void elves came out, I switched VERY fast.


I have a weakness for Goth girls.

It’s the closest thing to a playable Blood Elf on the Alliance side.

I like the void and I like the elves, they’re actually pretty cool to me
tentacles and all. They also have better hairstyles than belves :frowning:.

Cosmetically a nice race. Blood elf body, with some nice hair options
whats not to like.

Lore wise, with what we have which isn’t a lot, a nice odd ball choice to the alliance lineup.

My lead off VE was a S.Priest. Nice fit that. I like to think of them as the real void fans and the others just faking the funk here. Can’t get much closer to the void than a barren planet right on the edge of it lol.

Well, I mainly play a BE because of “being appart of the lore” reasons. I play VE on Alliance because I enjoy being a Thallasian elf in general.

honestly at first I didn’t see the appeal. After leveling a VE monk up to 110 for that heritage gear I found I actually liked him. I’m not sure I want to level him to 110 as monk class doesn’t seem like long term fun for me but I enjoyed it all the same.

I wasn’t sure I would like them until I heard the female VE voice. It was awesome! And her jokes are fantastic!

And the BE rig is one of the best in the game for animations, so that helps.

And randomly turning purple during fights is way more fun than I thought it would be.

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