To all the people who play Void Elves

Obviously the Voice.
As well as the Dark Ranger aesthetic.

When it comes to physical strength and unlimited power Void Elves are better than Dark Rangers by a land slide.

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I have a void elf priest named Pontiff (dark souls reference). I think if him as a dark cleric that really doesn’t use light magic but sorcery (void). If only priests could use swords, it would be perfect.

I love the aesthetic disparity between Blood Elves, and Void elves.

A battle between the light elves, and the dark elves is a pretty entertaining one thematically.

In January 2005, I wanted to play a High Elf Mage or Warlock in the Alliance, instead they had Hippy Elves and no Mages, I ended up rolling a Gnome, because I can’t play Humans in RPGs, and I like my Magic using classes.

In TBC they added Blood Elves, I ended up playing a Paladin Horde side, however I really do not enjoy the aesthetic of the Horde, I do love Silvermoon, but if I wanted to level my Paladin I had to deal with Orcs and Trolls. Also I’ve always despised the Forsaken, I hated Undercity, I hate just about anything Forsaken, it bugs me when I play my Paladin, but she’s Max leveled and I’m slowly gearing her.

In Cataclysm they opened up Night Elf Mages, but not Warlocks, my Mage Alt went from Gnome to Night Elf, it wasn’t perfect as Night Elves were still tree hugging Hippies, but it helped having a Alliance Elvin Mage, not perfect but I was fine for a while.

Then we got Allied Races, and Void Elves were unlocked. I hated the lack of good story behind them, and I am still bothered by the Skin Tones being based on Night Elves, but at last I have what I always wanted, my Gnome became a female Void Elf and that is where we are.

A> imo that stealth animation is awesome.
B> Lightforged can’t be rogue.

How are the physical manifestations of the Void not representative of the Void itself?

We’ve seen good Naaru and we’ve seen (1) bad Naaru. But with the Void, it’s always been evil all-consuming monstrosities.

Light is used to heal, to protect, to bolster, most often seen without harmful side effects. The Void is always harmful, always corruptive - to both its victims and its user.

Guess we’ll have to lift some tails to find out for sure.