To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

idk what world you live in but they dont all think like this nor care to do rated lmao . If they cared that much they would be doing them now while they can just get everyone in now . But that is what ranked is for to be competitive and where most premades will go that try to farm rating . most ppl just do ss or arenas . If they are serious about rbgs then they will be 2k by now .

Yeah, large discord communities would just try to queue-sync solo RBGs and then just split up into different channels depending on who gets in together.

However, they would also end up against each other a lot as well. And, that could lead to some people intentionally throwing matches as well.


He isn’t talking about epic BG communities.

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Yeah. I think some players used this method for premade AVs in Classic WoW. They’d roflstomp the other team. Not sure if Blizzard did anything about it.

Yeah. That’s another concern.

Players will figure out how to game a solo queue system for rated BGs. They’ll rig the teams and get rated rewards easily. Then they’ll claim it’s fair because everyone can do what they’re doing.

the people that premade in rated are going to do so now . Why would they wait to solo q sync rbgs ?

I don’t think it’s the premades that cause the problem. It is the lack of a matchmaking system. I’d like to do more rated BGs but I hate having to use lfg and get into discord with ppl that might be absolute degenerates. There are sometimes some no voice yolos but I just want to solo q into a game without waiting forever for fill etc.

There are plenty of times I am in a random BG and we push em back to the GY and what else is there to do but keep killing them in the GY. If we let them out and be nice they might manage some sneaky stuff. Better to just camp em in the gy.

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There’s no way you actually believe reducing honor gained would stop people from grouping up lol

I’ve been honor capped for like a week

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./me grabs some popcorn because it’s just another “Premades are cheaters and horrible people with no life” thread! Let the same old tired arguments flow… Munch Munch Munch…

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I have started entering bug reports for battlegrounds that are not even slightly fair. It has to be a bug to pitch high geared/grouped players up against… the fluff that a lower geared player really is! It’s demoralizing for the lower geared players, and probably puts off a lot of players who are just testing out pvp and seeing what its like. Well let me tell ya kids you will get run over by much higher geared groups who just love to play the game in this style. To beginner pvpers this is like sending in a player in green gear to fight a raid boss. COME on. It’s not fair, it shouldn’t be rewarded or encouraged. Just make the system better so we don’t have to keep having this conversation and feel like we are beating nothing but the proverbial dead horse. Start entering bug reports until they fix the broken system.

oh god imagine sitting a 24 hour Q just to play a game UWU XD

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I mean doesn’t like boost my ego but yeah it sure can be fun :slight_smile: .
Its a not a rated environment. Soooo how does this hurt your feelings? Just cause YOU would think its boring doesn’t mean everyone else feels the same lol.

Sync queuing is good for experienced players tired of people giving up and not trying. They’re also probably more willing to make positive social interactions to maintain their groups. Ideally these players should go rated.

SQ is bad for new players who are just trying to get into PvP for the first time. New players will get stomped so hard they’ll probably just end up quitting PVP. I think new players are so overwhelmed at pushing their buttons and figuring their class out that they don’t bother reading the BG chat which every once in a while provides useful strategy tips.

I sympathize but you realize your post is why they do it? They enjoy drinking your salty tears.

Probably making up for something they can’t achieve in real life lol

you do realize…

These players CHOOSE to que with LOW GEAR???

I don’t MAKE them… YOU don’t MAKE them…

maybe people with NO CLUE should just NOT PvP???

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you do realize…

There is no other option to get better pvp gear then to go into pvp ungeared to get HONOR in order to get BETTER pvp gear.

what game are you playing??

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i think hes talking about people entering the BG with 100ilvl greens

u can go to the AH… spend like 5k gold and get 10 or more 424 ilvl pieces if im not mistaken?

the problem is these people either donmt know about the AH gear or just dont care.

and yes. it is very annoying when u have a 100k hp healer on ur team but ur fighting a 700k hp healer on enemy team.

thats just silly . i know its an mmo… but come on mane… thats just sillllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy



Nah I’m not wasting 5k golds for throw away gear. I’ll save my gold to make precog / crafted

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any askers?