To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

maybe they just aren’t good enough for people to WANT to add them?

I find that when YOU do really well in PvP EVERYONE wants to add you.

but if you are the guy that is last on everything except deaths… you wont get invites.

just saying

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Because I have friends. Am I just supposed to not play the game with them?


This is true maybe this is why he’s so anti premade it makes sense.

I really wish they had hidden MMR in BGs that ensured 50% of win rate. If you win a lot it would just queue you up against similar high win group and leave the pugs to their own.

I find a lot of WoW BGs go in waves. If you queue right after the loss, you just queue up into the same players, which means there is zero win rate moderation. You’re basically at a mercy of who is queuing. Which sucks. They should learn from Overwatch.

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OK forums warrior. Lol.

Everyone always says this about holycow, but holycow posts more in-game screenshots than anyone i’ve ever seen.

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Reminds me of Kennie. I have no idea how these people have time for anything else in their life. Hundreds of posts and dozens of hours of gameplay a week but maybe they’re insomniacs or something idk.

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you pretend like its not a problem but your a orc so zug zug is all you know keep ruining the game pushing ppl away games dead bc the communtiy is garbage

When I was in college I was going to school, working, playing wow, and had a healthy social life. Nowadays I can juggle like 2 of those.

Not trying to have a 2 hour queue

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Yes im typing this with one hand as we speak,

granted thats cause im typing on my phone.

Then make BGs crossfaction. I decided to spend an evening yesterday leveling my low alt in BGs and kept losing everything, because it was the same hunter squad and healer on the opposite team. At least put them on my side for a couple of games.

Yes 1000 times.

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And add a hidden MMR.


news flash they arent his , he said himself he posts for ppl who cant post photos and that he doesnt pvp .

Why not make it public and make it separate queue? SoloQ RBG’s and ERBG’s would be so good.

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The point is to improve matchmaking in casual bgs so teams are more balanced and there will be fewer one-sided games.

The MMR is hidden so players don’t stress about their casual bg rating that’s only used for matchmaking purposes. And they’re not mocked in the forums.


It’s all hypothetical, so I guess we’ll see.

It’s not hard to imagine some premade communities will continue syncing their (solo) queues even when rating is involved. Maybe even more people will start syncing (solo) queues to get the rated rewards. And then claim it’s fair.

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With a hidden MMR attached to epic BGs these epic BG communities will have relatively high MMR. This should result in them facing a higher quality PuG.


I agree.

That part was talking about solo queues for rated bgs (if that gets added to the game). I think some premade communities would continue sync queuing to rig the teams so they can get the rated rewards. And brag about their rating. And then claim it’s fair.

side node:

shoutout gnomelander for saving me with AMZ’s in that AB we just did
