To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

Does that feel good for you?, does it get your ego running. When you guys group together as a 5 man in a 10 man bgs and you’re in comms and gy camp the opposite team, does that give you satisfaction? I would think it would be boring, but that’s just me. So then why do it?


i just let them know about this post and they said theyre gonna stop now


I love your response, it’s almost like nothing you can say will get rid of my OP. Kay bye.


Do you get swiped by druids a lot?


it is pretty boring, I try and get out of those games fast


You pretend as though premades never get matched to other premades. It’s never a guarenteed win. Grouping increases the odds a lot, but there is nothing wrong with socializing in an MMO. Win or lose it tends to improve the experience a lot.


anytime u want a group op lmk



i dont gy farm its rude.


Again, the problem is not the premades. The problem is the vast knowledge and experience gap that exists between players and there is only way to fix that. Even Diablo freakin’ Immortal had matchmaking for their version of random BGs.


I didn’t say they don’t ever, but in my limited online time recently it seems to have increased, by a lot. I’ll log on at 9 am solo que into a random bg, get matched with a group on the other side that completely stomps us, knowing they are in a group (all in the same guild) accept my loss, que again, same thing. So I’ll log off, try again at night, and it ends up being the same thing again. The influx of them have risen 100000 times for some reason.

I almost want to say it’s because pvp gearing is so easy, that a monkey can do it now, but I don’t know. That coupled with the fact that pretty much all classes are as easy as playing with playdoh as a 10 year old.

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Guild preforms tend to be the weakest preforms. :wink:




Yeah lots of people don’t have friends, so you’re not alone in that.


Heheheh sounds like going outside and letting the sun hit your face is a hard ask for you. Keep going though champ, you’ll get there eventually.


Isn’t this what rated battlegrounds are for?


totally /s

ofc /s

:salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :joy: most dont even use voice but k

totally /s

because its pvp its not sit around and hold hands with the enemy team . /s

:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :skull: :skull: :skull: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt: :salt:

The people who need help in random BGs are not people who do rated BGs.

I have this thing called “empathy” and it sometimes makes me wonder what drives a new and inexperienced player to queue random BGs. Do they look forward to being fodder and getting stomped repeatedly with at best 1:5 KB to death ratios?

We need to be thinking about these players. They should be fighting each other, they shouldn’t be fighting players with much more experience and knowledge than them.

And the current form at rated BGs is not the answer for them.


Parties aside, isn’t honor level 30 and below its own bracket?


It is, but I think we’d agree that honor level doesn’t always translate well to ability. I think someone can be pretty high honor level and still not a have a solid grasp on the fundamentals of the game.

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Agreed…but I think that’s more an issue with R1 smurf accounts and such. Can’t happen too often in battlegrounds?

Not much you can do there, lol.

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