To all the people who group together to stomp random bgs

IMO, if you’re undergeared (i.e. you’re still wearing multiple pieces of gear from level 60), you should probably queue as a dps.

At least get a full set of honor gear before you go in as a healer.


I will reach level 70 on a character still using ilev 35 heirlooms and I’ll queue for random battlegrounds on my healer alts and there’s literally nothing anybody can do to stop me. :eagle: :us:




I PvP a new toon at around 16, then 26, then 36, etc…

by the time I hit 70 I have 15,000 honor… I NEVER enter a BG without gear…

WTF game are you playing where you HAVE to enter UNGEARED???

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You nailed it. Clowns don’t care.

Then they come out here and CRY when they get stomped in a BG by players WHO DO care


i just Q epics until i get the honor gear.

i know its just a game and all… but dang dude… im not the type of guy to join a healer slot in a 10 man game with 100k hp… thats just not something i would do or ever brag about


oh really bcuz again this was my first game full lvl 60 greens on my mw monk that you seem to like to boast and post the cropped image of to try and further your argument .

no i wont q as dps when im a healer nice try maybe you cant heal in full greens at 60 but i can .

For what it’s worth the two games I was on Hellspawn last night and saw you I thought ya were doing better than most…though on opposing teams it was nice to see you on the battlefield…next time I’m sure you kick my butt.

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i did have fun solo qing into you ! i just dont like holy cow lying about how i got my gear , i get it im on ignore bcuz i called them out for having 15% pvp cheevs and they didnt like that . I honestly have nothing to hide and ive provided proof of that it is my mw monk . I want to know why they are trolling and lying about my toon on repeat all over pvp forums any chance he gets because hes petty over an argument . . Its an odd obession at this point .

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As a person who has leveled multiple characters through to 70 using PVP as a method to max honor and get honor gear prior to going into a max level BG, these methods don’t do much to help. Yes, it is marginally better than those who don’t, but at this point in the season people who are using the green BOEs are not any less of a detriment to the team as someone who isn’t. They’ll still get stomped. Even in honor gear you’re going to have a hard time, you just won’t die instantly, but you also won’t be able to kill a player in conquest gear either. This late into the season, when a lot of people are fully geared, the gear disparity is way too great.

They did this with gearscore back in WOTLK. Well, gearscore was always a thing, but eventually modders found a way to access it and display it. People would be using some sort of io to be elitists about random BG MMR of all things.

if it’s a group of 5 that’s not a problem honestly because they get put against other groups of 5 if there are any but if it’s more than that it’s a problem def should not allow big raids into random bg’s but that’s a whole different problem lol

I think Blizz intentionally creates these mismatches as their solution to reduce rising queue times. I have no evidence other than the recurring experience of so many BGs being a landslide victory whether in victory or defeat, but it’s such a rare occasion that a BG feels like a competitive match.

If this is the case, I hope Blizz understands that this is a short-term gain, but long-term loss. You might reduce queue times for a while, but as people get more and more fed up with the lack of actual fun and competitive matches, more people will cease to queue. As people experience more of these landslide losses, that feeling of “what’s the point?” will push them away from PVP and possibly from the game altogether.

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Just do what most do ignore him i assure you he is not worth listening to or wasting time responding to. He uses passive aggressive tactics to stir crap up it’s the cowardly way to poke at someone and yet give themselves an out to say oh that’s not what I meant your taking it wrong. Obviously he’s spent a phenomenal time doing it as he’s so comfortable with it. It’s fairly sad really. this is why it seems obsessive as that’s a part of the traits of some of the more serious mental issues


he is a typical forum troll who has 15% pvp cheevs highest rating was 1600 , anything to get his post count up . Hes one of those .

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My Mistweaver on alli side is lvling atm but when I get her at 70 hope we run into each other on the same team :slight_smile: versus other side of the field.

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maybe one day youll see my troll hunter cough maybe or my horde priest maybe cuz soon i do be leveling horde for heritage armors .

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I’m kinda wondering how they even got that screen in the first place? Do you remember posting it in a Disc or forum post?

Kinda odd (creeper like) having ss’s like that saved imo


i never posted that exact picture . they would have to have been on my team and or had a friend on my team seek me out and take that corner picture .

its nice to know holy is a ingame stalker tho . He wants to cry about jugga “doxxing” him over sharing his twitter but hell resort to stalking ppl ingame lol .

exactly hes an stalker creep who likes to hold onto ss i guess . its a shame for him cuz id post every alt i have and their gear idc i have nothing to hide . I at least have pictures to prove what i am saying is true tho . He says i boosted and afkd i dont afk and i dont need level boosts .

the greens hes crying about were only so i could que for timewalking. you have to be ilvl 175+ at lvl 60 . I leveled my mw monk from lvl 50 thru the bastion intro of SL to 60 . Then spammed wod timewalking hit 70 , then i qued epics . i got fully geared within a day . yet holy wants to share this pic around like it means something. i did too do it from timewalking bcuz i levled my mage and rogue also through wod timewalking that week. which i still need to gear them so yes i will be queing on them .

The first ss i did 34 mil healing in full greens no pvp gear on my monk . the 2nd game or how ever many left it was , i had im pretty sure was grasp where he was on my team n stalked me . Because those two green slots were the only slots left i had to grind epics for .

^ this is my monks reflex it shows every game i ques for her on to gear up , i have nothing to hide .
its been a rough week for epics this week for alliance but i even have proof that matches up with my ss.

inbetween the red lines there is the matches i was in . The 34 mil was from the ashran i was in and then that grasp game i still won btw holy forgot to mention that . but holy only mentions my gear . Which was 2 whole green slots and the rest was pvp blue honor gear .

@holy so go ahead and stalk my toons some more holy . ik your reading these you cant help it . Go ahead magically have pics of each of my toons gear . i bet you do have those already aswell.