To all the Crying AV Premaders

They don’t care, they just wanted to help themselves no matter who it hurts.

These Pre-mades are no different than anybody else, they just want to be specifically favored.


Ngl friend you are honestly I waste of time to discuss anything with as you have idea like “WE SHOULD HAVE WORKED TOGETHER AND ALL WORLD PVPERS SHOULD HAVE GOTTEN ON THE SAME SERVER”.

Sorry but that’s beyond ignorant to a point where it’s just a waste of time.

Denial about what exactly? Lol are you just spewing random jabs just because I upset you?

Okay…so horde players don’t want to participate in the “playing as Ally” aspect of the game.

Hooray, glad we’ve absolved the horde of responsibility.

Your entire thrust has boiled down to “horde players are responsible for not changing their behavior” while absolving ally players for not changing their behavior.


And that’s fine. They will just have to deal with the q times then. That’s just the thing. The players who don’t want to pvp, are completely removed from the pvp issue, because they don’t participate. Whether you choose horde or ally and you DO want to pvp, you will be effected and you will effect the outcome

Exactly. Because when discussing a pvp problem you can only include those who pvp. That’s very basic knowledge.

This is a horde created problem

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If you say so. The ERP’ERS did it. The rankers do it to control brackets. Suasan managed to do it for profit.
Naw. The truth is this playerbase has become accustomed to just crying to blizz to “fix” everything they don’t want to put effort into themselves.

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No, you’re choosing to include only those who pvp. You don’t have to. You’ve set up this standard and then refuse to apply to anything other than pvp.

And the reason you refuse to apply it to anything else is because if you did, the silliness of your position that this is a “horde created problem” would be exposed.

Apply your standard that we can’t blame people who choose not to participate in certain aspects of the game to factions, combine it with the faction imbalance part of the pvp problem, and suddenly we can’t blame people who choose not to reroll alliance.

Except, “horde not choosing to reroll alliance” is your chosen talking point for why horde is responsible; to paraphrase, “if horde just rerolled to balance the pvp factions, the problem would be solved, and them not doing that means they are perpetuating the problem and therefore they’re responsible.”

But if we, under YOUR standard, say that those who choose not to participate in an aspect of the game can’t be blamed for it, then we cannot blame horde who don’t reroll, as they are choosing not to participate in the Alliance aspect of the game and therefore horde can’t be held in blame for perpetuating the problem.

Your argument might have some validity IF you could get a level 60 character on the opposing faction instantly, AND get the rewards for pvping on that opposing faction character on the original faction character, but you can’t.


Yes you do. If I’m complaining about something in league of legends, I’m not going to blame the Dota community.

Seriously you can’t be this stupid

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Been saying it for weeks. The real winner in this scenario is Alliance pugs.


I think I’ve seen more posts by Horde accusing Alliance of crying than I’ve actually seen posts of anybody complaining about the change.

To be honest, I think more people are upset that any change was made, never mind one that addresses premades.

This isn’t the place to use logic.

Your fallacy here is that you’re trying to push this as a universal issue for everyone to resolve. But it’s not… It’s simply a Horde problem. Even if you want to illogically lump in the PvE players, Alliance are not responsible for resolving a Horde exclusive problem.

Here’s how you define that it’s a Horde problem. There is a Q issue. Where is the Q issue? On the Horde side, not Alliance. Someone is complaining about the Q issue. Is it Alliance? No, it’s the Horde (or some of them because not all horde complain about the Q times).

When one side isn’t complaining or suggesting there is a problem, there is no problem to resolve for them. The people who are making those complaints about the problem, are the people who need to resolve said problem.

I’ll give you this example. Let’s say you have a good job, and you’re financially secure. You are content. Now let’s say I have a bad job, I have financial issues, and not content.

I complain to you that I want to have a better financial situation. I want you to give me part of your income so that my problem is fixed. But wait… why? Why is my problem, your problem?

You tell me, “Nah bro, but you can apply for a better job so you can make as much money as me”. My response to you is, “Hell no! I like the way things are for me, but the only thing I want to change are my financial woes. I don’t accept your solution. What I want is for you to solve my problem for me”. At this point, feel free to tell me to F’ Off.

Could it be a societal issue that resulted in the above scenario? Perhaps, but when you drill down to it, no one is responsible for my own problems, except the ones I defined for myself.

So coming back to its relevance here, regardless of whatever the factors are that may attributed to the faction imbalance, the point is that only ONE of those factions have this specific issue… The Horde. The solution is given to you. You don’t have to like the solution, but it is absolutely your choice to go with the solution, or accept that your problem will remain. You cannot force people without a problem, to solve your problem.

Inversely, the same can be applied to Alliance QQs against the Horde. When Alliance PUGs complain that Horde wins practically ALL AV games, that’s too bad because that’s not a Horde problem… That’s an Alliance problem. Alliance Puggers can either try to form a group/premade, not play AV, or Join the Horde for relatively better games. If the Alliance chooses not to accept any of those solutions, then they will remain with their losing streaks. Or do you think it’s fair that Horde intentionally not win AVs, to address an Alliance problem?

I try not to write too much, but it’s baffling how this simple concept escapes you.


In vanilla ally had a far higher winrate than horde in AV, even outside of premades, ally should be fine.

Winning/losing is a non issue for me tbh. If I win I win if I lose I lose. I personally just play the game because I enjoy the game, not to win some random bg. The only time I care about ‘winning’ in this game is in the tbc/wrath era in arena where you actually have way more impact on whether you win or lose. Not the vanilla afk bgs meta.

I look forward to your crying next week about how the changes didn’t stop em, or the changes did stop em and now there are no games. Either way you be crying

I’m done with you. You’re throwing out double standards just so you can blame horde and horde alone. Your latest point makes no sense, throwing out two completely different games, whereas WoW is one game, and of course you end with an insult.

You’re not worth my time. This entire line of engagement has outlived its usefulness because you refuse to use an internally consistent standard.

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This is what we were telling horde every day since BG’s hit. Did you listen? No, no you did not. But hey. You did it you got blizzrd to make change. You even got them to make changes to things you didn’t even know you wanted.


Dude, I was screwed in like 95% of these AVs because of Alliance behavior. I’m stoked for these changes!

It really only makes it harder to cheat, which ya know, is cool!


I think everyone except the cheaters come out ahead. It just leveled the playing field a bit!

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59 pally checks in and is ok with changes cuz it benefits him.

Seems legit.

No it isnt.

Alliance created this by playing Alliance.

If there was no Alliance there would be No pvp and we wouldn’t be fighting here would we?

Ergo Alliance fault.

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