To all the Crying AV Premaders

And not like you could say this about say p2?

60 priest checks in, and hates the changes because it doesn’t benefit him.


This toon hit 60 2 weeks ago. And it’s my second one.

Doesn’t matter though… Someone seems really salty!

You are assuming they will bother with AV after Tuesday ?

P2 for me was a dream come true. I could care less what was being said on the forums. To this day i still corpse camp people on my server. My only complaint is they can escape into BG’s while im camping them.

Could care less about the changes. Im not ranking and I no longer need rep.

Thanks for playing and have a happy friday!

Aq war effort and opening you’ll love then.

Saturday. You Americans are so backward.


Ill ever understand why you oceanic folks doing have your own forums. It actually drives me rather bonkers they might actually be using input from your region on changes to ours.

Happened in retail wont change.

Alliance in Oceania, outnumbered Horde. Yet our Alliance still got against all odds.

Not as bad as N/A, but still ive seen how loot promotes flight master camping.

I know i was there :slight_smile:

What needs to change is the reason for horde to world pvp, HONOR. I am not saying remove world pvp just remove the reason for horde to farm alliance in it. This recent change has made it worse for both factions horde can now farm you 10 times for honor instead of 4 meaning they need to put in more effort to keep up with other rankers and alliance get farmed even more than previously. Blizzard is causing the issues with how they design things. You cannot blame a horde players for wanting to play horde over alliance and you cant blame alliance for wanting to play alliance so stop trying to blame people for choosing a faction. If you are salty that you get farmed in open world look at why you are and blame the cause of the reason not the player trying to keep up. A lot of horde players I speak to hate world pvp its a lot of effort and although there are definitely toxic players who dont care about others there are also those of us who think screwing someone over for an hour that is just trying to get to a dungeon is garbage and Blizzard seems to only want to make it worse.

I think we’ve reached the point where we might be arguing different things at each other.

My point this whole time has been that the queues are not a “horde created problem,” that there are a lot of factors that led to the problem, which reading the above, seems to be something we agree on.

Now, to your point that Horde have the solution (and while you don’t say this outright, there is seemingly an implication that horde ALONE have this solution), I’m interested to see how this change in BGs with AV #s changes imbalance, and it may end up being that it too serves as a solution.

I can only imagine how frustrating being in an Ally Pug would be (I like many Ally and Horde wanted changes to help them because it was just so unfair to them); in many games in AV, they’d get 0 bonus honor in a 20-30 minute game.

Combined with being placed up against premades in rankings (I heard that something like the top 75 people on Streamerlina had over a million honor each), you couldn’t possibly rank up like that. If you’re not ranking up, what’s the point?

This change might draw a lot of ally into the BG that weren’t there before. While we might talk about min-maxing and how WSG will be better for honor now, the nice thing about AV is you can kinda do whatever you want. Each game can be largely unique, more objective or PvP heavy based on where you go, and so it might end up more casual friendly environment now that premades are being addressed.

Maybe it doesn’t fix it, maybe it does. We’ll find out. I want merc mode, personally, #changes.

But I think that also speaks to your Ally Pug QQs, there are a variety of factors that led to the problems, and there seems to be another solution as well coming, so I don’t think it’s a purely Ally Pug problem. It’s partially their problem, but not fully, and I don’t think they should be held as solely responsibly for failing to fix the problem. Indeed, Blizzard doesn’t seem to be holding them as solely responsible; if they did they might not be making the changes that are coming.

Anyways, I say we all just blame Asmongold.

The issue is that when 1 horde refuses to stop world pvp then everyone is forced to do it to compete, suggesting that horde can fix it and wont, I will point you to alliance premades they can fix that and they wont. People will take advantage of what they can, this is why bots and account sharing exists also. Blizzard is the only one with the real power to stop any of it and they are mostly absent and uncaring about cheats and all sorts of issues. They do not think about the implications of honor for 10 kills in the open world pvp only that it might make WSG a little more appealing then before.

It’s not a double standard you are comparing apples to oranges friend. It’s clear you just aren’t up to speed with logic

This unironically makes more sense than half of what I’ve heard in this thread

OP- We got everything we asked for by whining.

Also OP- Guys, stop whining now that Blizz has proven they listen to whining.

You’re on these forums and you’re still saying that?

It’s adorable that alliance had to find a way they could guarantee premade vs pugs in order to win in pvp.

No Alliance No pvp = #nochanges.


I need to start my own religion with these ideas.

Alliance are crying because the system in place to allow cross server premades is now broken. Take the top brackets from each server in 1 channel on discord (current system) and it becomes easy to farm honor ranks. Next week - those very groups - will have to find groups from their own servers adding to their honor grinds or hope the push q and all have a q pop at the same time - this is risky for them because their ‘cross server premade’ wont know if they all get the same instance, and will have to either join and play it as is or afk out.

You will see smaller premades who will sit with an active q increase - looking for the 10 pugs to join and then nothing - count how many have a q and either join/leave.

You sound pissed, honey bee.

Then you must have some sort of social disorder

Can you point to some crying AV premaders? Im looking down the forum and all I see are horde posts gleefully posting things like this.

My premade is simply moving to WSG on tuesday.